Character Creation

By Saigneur2, in Deathwatch House Rules

Hello, I made the folowing Character Creation process from what used to do my old Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Game Master. Here it is :

1. The player rolls his 9 characteristics (Combat Skill, Balistic Skill, Strength an so on) relating each roll of 2d10+30 to the characteristics in order (he doesn't choose where to put each roll).

2. Look at the player's rolls and count how many he has at 36 or below. Substract from this number the total of his rolls at 46 or above. If the result is positive, that player gets that number of re-rolls +1 (the one mentioned in the rules). If the result is negative then he gets only that re-roll. But it is not advisable he uses that or those re-rolls at this point.

3. The player gets to switch 1 characteristic with another (real example : creating an Assault Marine my player rolled a 39 for Combat Skill so he decided to switch it with his Fellowhip roll of 50. So his character now has a Fellowship of 39 and a Combat Skill of 50, wich will probably be of more use to his Assault Marine.)

4. The player rolls for his Wounds, Fate Points, Armor History and so on... Now finished rolling, he can apply his re-roll(s) to any roll he's not happy with BUT, I tell him that if he does, his last roll will be definitive ! (Other real example : my other player rolled a 37 for his Librarian's Perception score. He decided to re-roll it but then got a 36... He cannot cancel his re-roll so his character's Perception is now 36.)

I do it that way because :

1. When a player decides to create a character he usually goes like "I want a Devastator Marine !" (for example) And if he rolls a low Balistic Skill score for his Devastator Marine, he'd rightfully feel bad... (And yeah, that can even happen twice with a re-roll.)

2. When rolling characters, it is possible that some players be lucky and some others be unlucky and it's best to correct that so that everyone be satisfied with his character... And I don't like the point system because it let's anyone having maxed out characteristics... So everyone would go for high Balistic Skill and low Fellowship for example and that doesn't make characters look "normal".

3. The above system worked great so far...

Now, my players want to know how tall and heavy are their Marines with and without gear... And I was surprised not to find any suggestion about this on this forum so, I'll be working on it... Bye for now ;)

Really? I always allow the point buy system for my players, it means thay can better build a character they envision they want to play. Nothing worse than deciding you want to play a Space Wolf Assault Marine who doubles as the KT Scout and then having the worst Agility and Perception scores in the group...

Plus it makes it easier for my players to find their 'niche' within the Kill-Team. Since my group does character generation at the table together, they often discuss their role in the group. By assigning points they all can find their own thing which (for us) is important since the game consists of characters who are all quite similar already...


I make my players roll the nine stats twice, then choose the set of numbers they like best. Then, I allow them to assign the numbers to any stat they want. Since there isn't typically a huge variance between the high and low stat, I don't consider it a big deal to let the PCs assign their stats how they want.

Also, I find that this method makes the players feel they have "ownership" of their characters.

I let them roll as a group for all the characteristics. Then each may assign the stats as they see fit. This will give each character the same kind of stats.