Will FFG/Dust Studios make real terrain? Im not talking tank traps and ammo crates, I mean like buildings and walls and trees and roads?
Will FFG/Dust Studios make real terrain?
There are a lot of products like that on the market already. Don't know if FFG would move beyond the models for the game.
madmaxknick50 said:
There are a lot of products like that on the market already. Don't know if FFG would move beyond the models for the game.
Wouldnt that technically be against the rules? I mean it says Dust Only models LOL.
I would like to see something that falls under the VK themed world though.
Peacekeeper_b said:
madmaxknick50 said:
There are a lot of products like that on the market already. Don't know if FFG would move beyond the models for the game.
Wouldnt that technically be against the rules? I mean it says Dust Only models LOL.
I would like to see something that falls under the VK themed world though.
Silly, Terrain are not models! According to the rules anyway...
I would think we will some destroyed walkers as terrain. I imagine we will also see some normal terrain with some Dust flair/fluff mixed in.
Can't see them doing terrain. Loads available elsewhere anyhow!
Fenrir Kitsune said:
Can't see them doing terrain. Loads available elsewhere anyhow!
I really do understand this. I do. But at the same time, that can also be said of any miniature for the game. I am not expecting FFG to make huge amouonts of terrain, but some Axis/Asocom specific stuff, like stuff for the arctic/anarctic setting and for Sigrid's keep and so forth.
Just think it would be cool and would help the game some.
Yes, specialist stuff for dust would be good, no point in generic terrain.
But it's already plenty of buildings-ruins both in resin and card, trees and bushes, etc.
Dogged said:
But it's already plenty of buildings-ruins both in resin and card, trees and bushes, etc.
But there's already plenty of russian and german and american and japanese and zombie and gorilla miniatures, etc.
Whats your point?
Peacekeeper_b said:
Dogged said:
But it's already plenty of buildings-ruins both in resin and card, trees and bushes, etc.
But there's already plenty of russian and german and american and japanese and zombie and gorilla miniatures, etc.
Whats your point?
Not with armour and more modern weapons there isn't.
Wow you guys still dont have a grasp of this FFG doesn't make the models they have nothing to do with it only Distributers and Publishing and the Rules. Dust-Models.com aka Dust Studios makes the models and they mail them to FFG to distribute and publish. I would expect something along the lines of terrain but prob not buildings. Prob more along the lines of the landing crafts.
arkangl said:
Wow you guys still dont have a grasp of this FFG doesn't make the models they have nothing to do with it only Distributers and Publishing and the Rules. Dust-Models.com aka Dust Studios makes the models and they mail them to FFG to distribute and publish. I would expect something along the lines of terrain but prob not buildings. Prob more along the lines of the landing crafts.
I am pretty certain that when we say "why doenst FFG..." we are including Dust Studios as a understood.
Hence, why in the OP and the title thread it says FFG/Dust Studios.
But yeah, FFG doesnt make the actual figs.
Major Mishap said:
Not with armour and more modern weapons there isn't.
And the same goes for Dust specific terrain then.
Ha some how the other part ot my message never went through. I was saying that bc if there are building I would assume it would only be Dust Models that would sell them FFG seems to not sell stuff like that.
arkangl said:
Ha some how the other part ot my message never went through. I was saying that bc if there are building I would assume it would only be Dust Models that would sell them FFG seems to not sell stuff like that.
Yeah, I saw that DM sell ammo crates and bases and "landing ships" but was hoping for some other terrain someday, like parts for a VK mine, a submarine "hatch", some glacier/Scapa Flow scenary, destroyed walkers and so forth.
Course, I can just buy a walker and drop a brick on it LOL.
Here I see a building.
Peacekeeper_b said:
Major Mishap said:
Not with armour and more modern weapons there isn't.
And the same goes for Dust specific terrain then.
I don't think houses, roads, trees and bushes would be any different really.
I agree, the key point is to produce affordable modular terrain (buildings for the most), there already is a plenty of terrain makers.
Buildings to fit the DUST Tactics boards makes good sense.
Terrain to fit the alternate world theme would be nice, though I'd rather simply have pictures to build from, and more models to play with produced. Not every battlefield will have a VK generator, but they'll all need walkers and infantry.
Generic terrain I'd prefer not seeing coming out officially for DUST, as there is no need with the other suppliers available, and it eats resources I'd prefer them have making walkers and more infantry (including the SSU and Japanese).
It comes down to the same issue as for 'normal' vehicles; they'd be nice, but with them available from so many other places, it would be a waste of resources to put out official DUST terrain. DUST world specific terrain is little better, as people could build to match pictures that are already available in the art books, and every man-hour spent making terrain is a man-hour that could have made units.
More art books would be very nice, as they don't take model makers off the line to print books, and Paolo probably has lots of images available from the past several years most of us have never seen.