Combat Chart

By Dcal12, in Dust Warfare


I may have posted this earlier, but cant remember. Here is the Combat Chart they used at GenCon.

Thanks. That puts a few of the Gencon statesments into perspective. Any other shots of the rules?

That's a cool chart. Its nice to have some effect to damage other than just dead/not dead.


Thanks. Thats pretty cool.

I can now see that a morale/suppressed/pin style chart would be similar for Infantry types. If you suffer say 3 damage at once, you roll 3 dice and on a 0 hit nothing happens, on 1 hit unit loses 1 action, one 2 hits, unit is suppressed, on 3 hits unit is destroyed (they all bolt for the hills in different directions, essentially destroying the unit).

Hmmm, looks like we are going to need a stack of various damage counters :(

Major Mishap said:

Hmmm, looks like we are going to need a stack of various damage counters :(

Or mark it on your card.

Dcal12 said:

Major Mishap said:

Hmmm, looks like we are going to need a stack of various damage counters :(

Or mark it on your card.

Or a sheet of paper.

Peacekeeper_b said:

Dcal12 said:

Major Mishap said:

Hmmm, looks like we are going to need a stack of various damage counters :(

Or mark it on your card.

Or a sheet of paper.

Or break a leg off your walker....

I draw the line at breaking the leg off my walkers ...

Or different colored M&M's... but you limit how many games you play eventually that way :)

Don't like it, to 40k for my taste. Would rather have a simply 2 damage on movement and 2 damage on weapons using t4 walkers.

Simply mark damage and assign the hits. Cross out weapon line to mark a hit. Move out the immobile. Why add another step in the process with a random outcome.

i like it myself. It seems simple, unique, and effective. Its slightly 40k-like, but thats not always bad. I might still play 40k if they hadnt priced themselves out of my wallet.

blkdymnd said:

i like it myself. It seems simple, unique, and effective. Its slightly 40k-like, but thats not always bad. I might still play 40k if they hadnt priced themselves out of my wallet.

Thats one of the issues. And if they balanced the armies some. I get sick everytime my friemds unit of Orks charges my Imperial Guard and we come down to hos many attacks he has to roll (lets see, 2 attacks each, off hand weapon and a charge... thats 80 attacks for this unit). Egads!

Agreed on a bit 40k'ish but I don't mind as these "effects" will add flavour to the game. And yeah, GW keeps doing these yearly increases that's ridiculous.

Peacekeeper_b said:

blkdymnd said:

i like it myself. It seems simple, unique, and effective. Its slightly 40k-like, but thats not always bad. I might still play 40k if they hadnt priced themselves out of my wallet.

Thats one of the issues. And if they balanced the armies some. I get sick everytime my friemds unit of Orks charges my Imperial Guard and we come down to hos many attacks he has to roll (lets see, 2 attacks each, off hand weapon and a charge... thats 80 attacks for this unit). Egads!

Shame on you for letting a mob of 20 orks get into charge range. You should try shooting them a bit before that happens...


Have you noticed? No explosion effect as result domaging units all around (within a X range).

I like the chart. It will add some variety to the game and I think it will go along way in offseting the power of vehicles in the game.If a vehicle is constantly getting suppressed then it is going to spend a majority of the game with only one action.

Also Im thinking unless the vehicle is destroyed outright (loses all wounds or an ammo explosion) that we will use flame markers to show it as knocked out and leave it on the table as cover/ obstacle.

CT GAMER said:

Peacekeeper_b said:

blkdymnd said:

i like it myself. It seems simple, unique, and effective. Its slightly 40k-like, but thats not always bad. I might still play 40k if they hadnt priced themselves out of my wallet.

Thats one of the issues. And if they balanced the armies some. I get sick everytime my friemds unit of Orks charges my Imperial Guard and we come down to hos many attacks he has to roll (lets see, 2 attacks each, off hand weapon and a charge... thats 80 attacks for this unit). Egads!

Shame on you for letting a mob of 20 orks get into charge range. You should try shooting them a bit before that happens...

Well you cant get them all. (and usually only about 10 get to me, which is still alot of frickin attacks, espcially with a character in it!)

And my boys are pretty lousy shots (BS 3, Lasguns sucks)

Actually I wouldn't mind 40k going to a chart like that myself, but that is another story. I don't care for the fact that when the game comes down to Pounder (with 1 hit left) vs Ludwig (with no damage), then Ludwig just sticks his nose out, takes the full strength shot of the about to fall apart Pounder then gets a shot back if the Pounder doesn't have hot dice. Why this way? Because the Pounder, even though it is almost smashed is still dancing around like an undamaged walker.