Not all the magic works the same way. While there are different ways to collect the most magic there are also several methods for using spells, formulas for conceptually distinct spell usage. To reflect this diversity there are magical theorems.
Theorems are an alternative way of looking at magic, a formulation as a defined style and not reflected within the overall magic system. In fact, the very basic system is but the most widespread and used theorem, but there are others. None is "better" or "worse" than others they simply have their own advantages and disadvantages, to enhance some aspects casting and hurting others.
From the moment a character endowed with mystical abilities is capable of casting spells, you must decide whether to use the general theorem of magic or if instead to use a different one. This is much more important than it seems, since the characters can only use one theorem as their approach to magic.
Naturally, this does not mean they cannot know other systems of magic, but they cannot gain the advantages of those systems. For example, a great Voodoo sorcerer could know how to use natural magic or shamanic magic, but not be able to benefit from the special rules of both theorems.
This section describes four different theorems;
Onmyodo, Voodoo, shamanism, and natural Magic.
Onmyodo formulation is a system of magic that mixes control of the natural facets of the world and occult practices. It originated in the eastern lands, where the existence of magic was directly attached to the soul flow and the material world. Its practitioners believe that the
energy flows influence all that lives and are based on the interrelationship five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Controlling the energies of these principles the mage can influence the rules of existence. The result of such control is what they call "magic."
Practitioners of Onmyodo system, which generally known as Onmyoji, manage power by science of complex rituals. Rituals usually inscribed on parchment as formulas
using language both supernatural and divine, giving it magic, to be used as a means to alter the balance of the elements almost automatically.
Consequently, this theorem’s power use is that spells are prepared in advance by its practitioners, enabling those who carefully prepare their spells to carefully cast magic much faster and more easily than would a more traditional magician.
The Ofuda
, also called Shinpu or talismans by some practitioners, are the main element of onmyodo. These scrolls are rituals in which there are supernatural symbols drawn, able to invoke the primal forces of nature. With them onmyoji prepare and launch spells, Ofuda could be called the keys to onmyodo without which its practitioners would have their powers greatly reduced.
Each Ofuda is created with a particular purpose, conceived and composed to cast a spell. To this end, drawing on paper the ritual symbols and spell chords imbued with a portion of their mystic power. When casting a spell the witch throws the Ofuda in the air or watchs it disappear in his hands, while the symbols change shape powered by the magical power of the sorcerer.
Creating a Ofuda:
Creating a Ofuda is very laborious and often complex, although necessary for onmyoji to use their spells. Initially its only requirements are paper and ink to write, but it is possible to use other different items as long as possible to draw symbols on them. The first thing to do is decide the spell you want to join and then do an ability check Art(calligraphy) the difficulty is determined by the spell's level, as shown applying modifiers to the roll based on time spent. After successfully writing the symbols, then the sorcerer must enter in a quantity of Zeon equivalent to half the value of the spell at Base level, which seals
within the talisman spell (you can not enter more than that amount Zeon, or otherwise the Ofuda be burned away.).
The Ofuda are tied to onmyoji that made then and feed off the power of their souls. Consequently, a magician reduces their maximum Zeon pool value temporarily in an amount equivalent to which has been introduced in Ofuda you created. That is, a warlock
would create twelve different Ofuda combinations worth 250 points of Zeon, would also reduce his maximum Zeon pool 250 points.
When a Ofuda is consumed casting a spell or if destroyed for any reason, the creator raises his Zeon maximum back(though not the Zeon points spent).
Spell Level Difficulty
2-20 40
22-30 80
32-40 120
42-50 140
52-60 180
62-70 240
72-80 320
82-90 440
Time Spent Bonus
One Minute -40
Five Minutes -20
30 Minutes 0
One hour +20
One Day +80
One Month +120
Spell casting
When the wizard gathers Zeon to cast a spell while holding an appropriate Ofuda they automatically obtain a number of Zeon equal to what was invested in the Ofuda(ie, half of its zeon value at Base level). This action consumes the Ofuda immediately, it burns or breaks in a manner appropriate to its function.
An Onmyoji with a MA 30 that chose to cast the spell of dark discharge (Cost Base 50) with an appropriate Ofuda would automatically accumulate the 25 points of Zeon that had previously been entered in this Ofuda. Of course, given that Ofuda are supernatural acts of power, nothing prevents a warlock from using an Ofuda created by another sorcerer, despite not having been the one who created the talisman. The action of drawing a Ofuda considered part of launching a spell and, as such, never reduces the accumulation of the caster.
Spells maintained with Ofuda
A spell cast by an appropriate Ofuda reduces the cost of maintenance by half. Such spells do not consume the talisman immedialy, but continues to exist until the magician wants to end the effect. The magician does not need to be in contact with the Ofuda to keep the spell active. If the Ofuda is destroyed, the spell is broken immediately.
Onmyodo magic without Ofuda or inappropriate Ofuda
If a practitioner of Onmyodo does not have a Ofuda he can only cast spells at their base level for double the Zeon cost.
If a Onmyoji need to use a different Ofuda for a spell that
intends to launch, you can do as long as the Ofuda is for a spell from the same path of higher level. In this case you can cast the spell at any level at twice the Zeon, you also do not gain the Zeon bound in the Ofuda.