Call of Cthulhu LCG Deck Building Rules for Tournaments

By Ashbless, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Can anyone tell me if there are any official tournament deck building rules for LCG format of the Call of Cthulhu?

I mean, appart of the maximun of 3 copies of each card rule. I'm specially interested in knowing if it's posible to use the cards of the first four Asylum Packs (I mean Spawn of Madness, Kingsport Dreams, Chaos Conspiracies and Dunwich Denizens) as it is in the A Game of Thrones LCG tournaments.

Will be the "Highlander" AGoT rule aplicable in the Legacy Tournament format? (or the euivalen format in CoC).

The only official play I've read about since the new set was released is this:


The upcoming Organized Play League for COC LCG.