I'm asking about this here, because I'd like Runebounders to comment on it. I took the long drive to the closest game shop to pick up some card sleeves and spotted one copy on the shelves. At cursory glance, it appears to be another typical deck building game. It looks like it leans a little more toward a Rune Wars setup in its multiple "armies' vying for territory. But the concept of scenarios, one being cooperative, did seem intriguing... and also appears to require a bit extra setup per scenario played. So, have any RB enthusiasts given this a try, and what were your impressions on the whole and perhaps by individual scenario?
RuneAge for Runebounders? Or not?
I have not yet played it, but have followed reviews and previews. It is a deckbuilding game, but aside from different scenarios that change the way you play a game, the different resources and factions stand out against most deckbuilding games.
That said, there really isn't anything here for seasoned Runebound players except the setting. Where Runebound plays like a role-playing adventure game, Rune Age is more like a strategic wargame played with cards. That's not to say players of one game won't like the other, but the familiar setting really is the only connection between them.
One thing to note on Rune Age is that the big criticism is lack of variety. Each faction only has a few different cards and each scenario doesn't have many neutral cards. It's ripe for expansion, but at this point no one knows if it will be expanded. But even then, it'd be a great game to pull out every once in a while, which is generally what you can expect from the stand-alone card games.
Thanks, Montag. That's pretty close to what I surmised from reviews and looking at the actual product box. Sounds like it would appeal more to players of RuneWars as quicker approach to wargaming sans the character element in that game. I think I'll pass as it wouldn't appeal to anyone else in my gaming circle.