Powergamer turned new GM... Story so far.

By NewAgeOfPower, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters

Part I- The happenings of 2 Months ago till Last month.
About 2 months ago we were playing DH with 6 people (I know, alot) and then the GM decided our group had no subtlety and switched over to Rogue Trader. More than half the guys choose to keep their characters from DH. Our gm gave the DH characters +4500 xp to compensate, and we had a pair of Assassins, Mr. S (Sniper-man abusing aim, accurate weapons and multiple D10s of extra damage), and Mr. A (My guy, melee assassin), a Imperial Psyker (Broken as hell in combat) a Arbitrator (doesn't make too much sense fluff-wise), an Explorator/Magos, and the Rogue Trader.

We would use DH rules where they conflicted with RT rules, any RT abilities would be manifested the Rogue Trader way while any DH abilities would be manifested the DH way. No, our Imperial Psyker would have to wait for Primaris (at 13K XP) for Fetter/Push.

With the ways DH characters were modified (We still had divination and some background packages, had to delete some DH stuff) I was allowed to add the RT tree. I then asked M (our former GM) if the expansions were allowed. He allowedme to stack ITS background packages over the RT packages.

I decided to try to break the game as much as I could.

I reread Inquisitor's Handbook, Ascension, RT, DH, Disciples, ITS, Battlefleet Koronus. After about a week, I had an vision of my character- and began to work on a plausible storyline.

Stax Atriedes, an descendant of a fallen noble line, hails from an Imperial World. His world was very toxic and his family was already full of witches. He lived an incredibly decadent life to try to forget things. He went on an Crusade after realizing his decadent lifestyle wasn't making him feel any better, and found his calling as an hand to hand warrior. The Inquisition took note of his impressive determination to carry on in the battlefield, and his impressive displays of willpower, and thus inducted him as an Acolyte.

However, after witnessing the Crow Father's reemergence and helping banish him (DH core book mission), the Inquisition decided it was better he stay away from the Imperium, and a Rogue Trader they just happened to owe a minor favor to had a burning need for some expert assassins in his retinue.

While our psyker could do thousands of damage with a force barrage if we reached Ascension, I could waltz into a firestorm and slaughter everything in my way with Storm Of Blows and multiple channel Force Weapon effects. By wearing warded power armor and with a force shield, Blessed by the Emperor (RT), unnatural speed, Unnatural toughness, and assorted Very Unfair Agility/Dodge Bonus/Other Bonus. I could probably kill a greater daemon in a single turn. I even had plans for an Chem gland loaded with White Void, Onslaught, and maybe detox. Which wouldn't be very hard, given the stupid amounts of wealth an RT retinue has access to.


Divination "There is no substitute for zeal" (+2 Toughness & Willpower)

Base 2d10 Rolls
25 + 15 WS
25 + 7 BS
25 + 17 Str
25 + 13 T
25 + 11 Ag
25 + 15 Int
25 + 15 Per
25 + 20 WP
25 + 13 Fel
hw Imperial World
birthright- Unnatural Origins: Contaminated Environs 200xp
lure of the void- Crusade: Warrior 250 xp
trials and travails: Product of Upbringing: Decadent 150
motivation- Knowledge: Knowledge is Power, Guard It Well 300 xp
career - assassin
lineage - Witch-Born: Perilous Choice 500 xp
XP- 1400 Spent 3600 Remaining 5000 Total
Initial Stats After Origin
45 WS 35 BS 42 S 40 T 41 AG 40 INT 43 PER 53 WP 27 FEL
11 Wounds 3 Fate Points 0 Insanity 4 Corruption
Wow. Amazing. It came out better than I thought.
Our Rogue Trader was incredibly lazy, and did not want to build anything other than his character. Mr. B, our resident munchkin/super power gamer interpreted the Warrant of Trade as each PC would add his bonus to the final Warrant of Trade, AND that we could stack ship background packages with ship complications of OUR CHOOSING. Our GM, M, ruled that was acceptable, as long as initial SP deductions also cut into PF as well. I pointed out that there was no way this was balanced... Oh well.
I thought this was nuts. He even gave us a free line of the Warrant of Trade, of our choice(!). So we started with 6 ArcheoTech warrants, 6 XenoTech Warrants, and over 200 SP/PF.
They decided to have me build their starting ship(!!!) I ended up with a Tyrant Class Cruiser, every component Best Craftsmanship or Good Craftsmanship, a Teleportarium, multiple ArcheoTech Lances (of best craftsmanship- 1 lower crit rating and 1 more strength...) Castellan Shields, Energistic Conversion Matrix, Holographic Bridge.... when Flak cannons were activated, this thing even had Turret Rating 5.
With Wrathful and Wrested from a space Hulk. And planetbound for millenia.
I spent 192 SP/PF. For the powergamer inside, it was glorious. For the WH40k fan, I was a little depressed. I managed to cobble together a reasonable story for it and the House, and felt slightly better:
Legacy of Lucian Backstory
One of the first Tyrant Class Cruisers, she was named after a Legendary Adept Astartes, Lucian Ventris who fell in battle defending the Ultramarine's

homeworld against the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Behemoth.

Upon her commissioning, the Ultramarines donated a set of [three Star-Flare Lances] which they had recovered from cleaning out a Space Hulk to the Mars

forge building her, having heard of the honor bestowed upon this ship.

The Adept Mechanicus decided to match the gift with an [Archaeotech plasma drive*], [Castillan pattern void shield array*], a [Energistic Conversion

Matrix], [Autostabilized Logis-Targeter], [bridge of Antiquity], and even a [Teleportarium]. It was also given an experimental [*Micro Laser Defense

Grid], reverse engineered from captured Xenos technologies.

Unfortunately, 3 weeks into its first patrol, the Legacy of Lucian and escorts encountered Dark Eldar Raiders. Outnumbered, surrounded, and strangely

becalmed by Warp activities, the Legacy of Lucian fought a courageous action, using its massive firepower to screen its escorts and decimate the raiders,

then utilising its powerful point defenses in a trap to obliterate incoming Dark Eldar boarding craft.

Enraged, the Dark Eldar fleet only pushed its assault even harder, and as her escorts fell one by one, Lucian's crew began to despair of the inevitable

torture and soul-drinking which the Dark Eldar are known for. The fought a courageous running action, utilizing her manouverability and powerful drive

array to inflict maximum casualties. Yet the as the end seemed near-

Lord-Admiral Xandos and his Lord-Captain Touyun had one last ace up their sleeves- Lord Admiral Xandos was very fond of Atomic devices, and even though

they were not part of the standard munitions loadout, he had half a dozen old (poor quality) warheads secreted away in the Supply Vaults. Captain Touyun

reprogrammed a squad of Murder-Servitors, and began to use the ship's Teleportarium to deliver special packages to the Dark Eldar cruisers.

Soon, the battleground was awash in the brilliant blossoms of nuclear fire as a dozen Dark Eldar cruisers, which had crowded together in an attempt to

board and overwhelm the Legacy of Lucian, exploded in a chain of sympathetic reactions.

The ensuing cataclysm caused a massive warp rift as warp engines in recently hulked Imperial ships imploded, sucking in the damaged Legacy of Lucian, her shattered escorts, and the remaining Dark Eldar Flotilla.


Dynasty Story Pre-Campaign

Over 3 millenia and change later, a massive space hulk formed from many wrecked ships entangled together exited Warp over Yomuu IV in the Gothic Sector,

and crashed on the palace of House Peterson, an Rogue Trader dynasty extending to the Dawn of the Imperium itself- Indeed, the Peterson Warrant of Trade

was signed by the God-Emperor himself! The family moved operations to Segmentum Obscura, secured the Segmentum, and helped the Adeptus Mechanicus find

ArcheoTech, as the Warrant dictated. The House quickly generated enormous profits through activities both legal and illegal, through influence, force, and

use of their Warrant-privleges, means mundane and through exciting ways.

By M35 the Dynasty's merchant fleet had over 100 merchantmen, a dozen Star-Clippers, 22 Q-Ships, a dozen Frigates, a light cruiser, 3 score raiders, and

even a pair of Lunar-Class cruisers- given from the Imperial Navy, fully fitted out, for services performed in the Angevin Crusade.

Nowadays, after a century of misfortunes, in which generation after generation squandered wealth of millenia, where the House fleet was slowly demolished

in pointless endeavours, expeditions, and outright war with other Trader Houses, the House was left under 20 merchantmen, a pair of q ships, half a dozen

raiders, a pair of star clippers, and half a dozen frigates, along with a Lunar class and a Dauntless class light cruiser, both of which had recieved some


Flak's grandfather and father both seeked the House's salvation in the Koronus expanse- and dissapeared, with 2 frigates, and both cruisers. The Dynasty's

enemies laughed- they believed House Tortorelli was finished. And so did many members of the Tortorelli family, until the day a giant space hulk crashed

on their domains.

After the space hulk crashed, it was taken as a good sign for the Dynasty, for their mansion was nearly empty due to Guiding Council meeting where all the

figures of even minor importance attended with their retinues. Although half the continent and over 1.2 million people were obliterated from the impact,

the House rejoiced; after a basic examination of the hulk, it was clear it had enormous salvage potential.

The Heir to the Warrant, Flak Peterson swiftly mobilized all the family's resources and favours owed, and managed to secure a Writ of Salvage. The clan

even grounded part of its remaining merchant fleet to provide the skilled manpower required to work on the space hulk.

***The ship stats and configuration are too long to post here. They can be PM'd on request.
***I also wrote the details of the House Warrant of trade. Mostly fluff. Explains why the House
I still had tons of PF and SP. The GM decided to have me build a second ship, but it wouldn't be given to the Rogue Trader's personal flotilla until he the second adventure. Again, I burned enormous amounts of weath building an incredibly overpowered Firestorm Frigate. Since we ran out of ArcheoTech Warrants, I just gave it planetbound for millenia for improved engines and an Targeter array.
At least he limited teleportarium range to 10 VU...
For writing my story, many players and the GM were fairly impressed by the thought I put into this. So the powergamer within smelled blood, and once again petitioned the GM to allow us to try to acquire an Elite Crew for our ships- and it even made sense, fluffwise. The Dynasty would only send its best for its final hope.
So our ship carries 2 Nukes (And a teleportarium.... So. ****. Broken.) And an Elite Crew. Taking down a target's void shields wouldn't be hard, with the grossly OP energestic conversion matrix, stacking Wrathful, Wrested from a Space Hulk, and the best craftsmanship weapons. After spending some time in private, doing some conversions from Battlefleet Gothic, I realized it would be easy to wipe the floor with a few battlecruisers- without using Teleport-Nukes. If we used the nukes, and some deft teamwork between the PCs, and by abusing the OP elite crew, Murder servitors and teleportarium, we could probably destroy a pair of battleships.
Unfortunately, our GM, M, did not know much about the WH40K universe and its lore; for example didn't understand why we were cheering 'MOAR DAKKA' when one of our players said wait, we're facing orks? and started chanting 'DAKKA'. He was a fairly good D&D GM, but didn't understand the WH40K lore or fluff, and was perhaps intimidated by the massive WH40k universe.
After a vacation, he declared he didn't want to continue GM.
Our group would break up without a GM. Our current GM didn't want to GM for the WH40K universe. Everyone was tired of D&D (except me, who joined their most recent D&D session- Yes, I was the new addition to the group). Nobody wanted to GM.
Karma. Yes, she is indeed a female dog.

Every single paragraph there makes me cringe. This isn't even powergaming, this is just ignoring the rules. Especially that whole SP stacking thing.

NewAgeOfPower said:

I decided to try to break the game as much as I could.

If you try to break something, it sometimes breaks. Where is the fun in destroying your own hobby? I will never understand

I am immensely entertained by the idea that the GM who let you break things and was going to be responsible for dealing with his allowing you to break thing bailed and left you stuck holding the bag of either trying to fix things or deal with the broken.

hehe... As long as everyone enjoys themselves... I say go for it. :) It's all crazy broken but go nuts. :)

Personally, I thought its was complete BS, the SP stacking thing. Especially in hindsight.

With that being said, I was told by our GM that N's interpretation was cool. And that I was free to abuse this, since nobody else wanted to read the minutae of ship combat, study all the components across 3 books, etc.


Unfortunately, there is too much inertia now to change this, even with nearly absolute power.

The enemy NPCs are scaled up through the roof now (Lord Bastille, who they managed to seriously piss off, has an Oberon-Class Battleship... was necessary. Many other NPCs have become tremendously powerful.)

And most importantly, the other players have no ideal how to even effectively use a ship in battle, barely comprehend the ancient systems, and probably won't be able to build a new ship.

I think it was a bad ideal for us to be playing RT. Only 1 guy (the ex GM) has the ambition and understanding of scope to actually play it well.

So scale it back. Tell them that you're GMing now and you don't like the shenanigans that the last GM let you get up to. If they're not comfortable with the unlimited power they possess as a Rogue Trader's crew with the ability to go anywhere and do anything, when you hit the reset button on the campaign have the RT be an NPC that sends them off in a dinky little ship to achieve some goal for him: "My mines on Oberon VIIII are not producing as much as my Seneschal believes they should be. Fix this." They get a clearly defined goal, still have the ability to scale things back up if they do well: "I've... acquired a map from Winterscale's vaults. My Explorator believes that the planet Cinderhall may contain relics from the Dark Ages of Technology, perhaps even an STC itself! However, there are well-founded rumours that the area is a void-kraken hunting ground. I can spare three of my most powerful ships. You have earned my trust in this. Emperor speed your way."

For an added bonus, have the Rogue Trader's crew be your group's old PCs.

Lol. Our group is pretty ornery and demotivated, except the resident munchkin N, the Psyker S (New addition to group), and the former GM. I am tempted to hit the reset button- but that may break up the group.

The individual characters are pretty balanced, except for the psyker, who is just insane with his ~70 WP and psy rating 5. I feel I've been able to challenge them in non-space combat, costing multiple Fate Points so far, having the Rogue Trader be in the Red Zone multiple times, having the Psyker manifest Perils of the Warp multiple times, attacking him with a blank... The Magos with his 11 innate damage reduction (Mutation, stupid toughness, subdermal armor) before armor can be challenged by having a servitor with a melta attack him. In fact, I love squads of modified battle servitors, I can assign individual servitors to attack individual people with different loadouts.

Despite this being my first time GMing (ever), and the unfailiarity with Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy (First time playing), and my tendency to slaughter the PCs, they told me they loved my gming and found it fun.

In fact, I have more ideals now than before. Going to post Part II soon.

NewAgeOfPower said:

In fact, I have more ideals now than before. Going to post Part II soon.

Yay!!! I look forward to it.

So, I learned my lesson- TO BACK UP LONG POSTS. I wrote over 3 pages yesterday but for some reason it was lost.

PART II Approximately 1 Month Ago to August 2nd, 2011

Session 2 Adventure of the Righteous Path [into the Maw, RT core book Rogue Trader]

PC list.

Mr. S- Psyker (DH) [broken]

B/N- Arbitrator (DH) [Munckin]

Shish- Rogue Trader [Demoralized, House Peterson]

Tor- Explorator

Mr. Z- Assassin (DH) [sniper, Broken]

Continuing on from where Mr. M left off, the Rogue Trader and his retinue slaughter the House Fel Mercenaries and decide to go along with the Port Maw Arbitrator Department. I take note of their scaled up abilities and begin scaling up all the NPCS, starting with Lady Ash, who receives massive stat boosts and Psy Rating 8. Fight fire with fire!

Seeing that their Tyrant-Class Cruiser, the Legacy of Lucian has a Miloslav-Warp drive, they aren't too concerned with the lead Fel has over them. However, their NPC navigator (being rolled by the Rogue Trader) rolls horrendously, with Shish saying "Damnit, he can't see the giant glowing beacon of psychic light?"

The Legacy of Lucian gets caught in a Warp Storm, but their Navigator managed to pilot them out. However, they are pretty heavily delayed.

At Footfall, Z, the suspicious Sniper-Assassin immediately began Focused Augury as soon as their cruiser picked up distress signals. Drat! I arranged for them to be ambushed by a trio of raiders, rather than a pair, hoping this would challenge them, given their complete unfamiliarity with Naval Combat.

No go. In a single salvo, they annihilate a raider- doing so much damage its Warp Drives implode. With the Rogue Trader at the helm, I thought they were getting dragged in, but a roll of (11) gets them out just fine.

Despite their complete incompetence at understanding Naval Actions and basic Space Tactics, the sheer damage output of a cruiser's worth of Best Craftsmanship weapons, some of which are ArcheoTech, is simply too much for the raiders to survive.

Then the Arbitrator gets sent over to the crippled Pilgrim vessel while the rest of the retinue hulks another raider and board the third raider. With Flak cannons activated, my PCs have a Turret Rating of 5.

Before I know it, they've added a raider to the flotilla. However, this is going to slow them down, given the raider comes with a standard Strelov rather than the Miloslav. Additionally, they decide to save the pilgrims instead of spacing them and stripping the pilgrim ship.

My players decide to search the hulked raider for anything. I start laughing maniacally. The players look at each other, and vote to send the Psyker on with a team instead.

S (The Psyker) begs the rest of them not to send him onto a death trap and Z (The Sniper-Assassin) volunteers instead. While exploring the ship they run into a pair of:


>>>Goge Style Battle Automata v.A

30 Wounds

Machine (3): 3 Armor
6 Armor Carapace

70 WS 70 BS 50 STR 50 T 30 AG 10 INT 40 PER 50 WP 00 FEL

Unnatural Strength x2
Unnatural Toughness x2

Swift Strike- Attack twice as full action

Battle-Reflex Programming- Counts as having rolled 10 for initiative. Gains an additional +5 to Initiative.

Advanced Battle Automaton- All weapons count as Omniscoped and Motion Predictive when wielded by this machine.

Twin-Linked MultiMelta- 60m S/3/- 4D10 + 5 E Twin Linked Blast (1) Backpack Fed 80/Magazine

Jovian Hexalauncher- 200m S/3/6 ***** 6/Magazine 3Full
***** Ammunition Types:
-Krak Missile Blast (1) 3D10 + 6 X Pen 10
-Frag Missile Blast (6) 2D10 X Pen 4

Great Monomolecular Chain Axe
2D10 + 12 R Pen 4 Unwieldy Rending Tearing

! Meridian Pattern Assault Cannon- 120M -/-/10 3D10+ 5I Pen 5 Tearing Backpack Fed 100/Magazine 60KG+40KG Backpack

! Heavy Flamer- 30m S/-/- 2D10
+ 4 E Flame Backback Fed 60/Pack 20+ 40 Kg


Unfortunately, the sniper fails some difficult awareness tests in the dark of the ship at Arduous, Very Hard, so, he gets pretty close to the aclove where the servitors are before realizing it. A bunch of Pirate crew also jump them. The rest of the Rogue Trader Team beam in, and the psyker massacres the weenies by manifesting biolightning and an amazing amount of overbleed.

However, he then targeted a servitor, made like 10 lightning bolts, and I asked him: Whats the pen on your lightning power?

The war-machine ignored the lightning and Shish (The rogue trader) derped, and was like: "No worries guys, I can Parry him!"

A burnt fate point later, we were all laughing. After finishing off the servitors, they find not much of note on the space hulk, except an absolution sniper rifle for the sniper.

Resuming the chase, Shish, rolling for the NPC Navigator rolls a 87 to locate the astronomican.

After more bad luck, during the trip, the Psyker suffers horrendous dreams, everyone else suffers visitations, and insanity points are passed around.

Arriving at the Magoros system, my PCs have no clue what to do and herp derp for about 10 minutes straight. I was waiting for them to scan, or enter silent running, or SOMETHING.

I was pretty frustrated until the Rogue Trader suggested scanning the system. I leapt up and was like: "YES!!! 10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" then realized what I said and restated "I MEAN, 10 ACHIEVEMENT POINTS"

After threatening whoever dared contradict what I said with being declared Excommunicate Traitoris and having a fleet of Inquisitorial Black Ships jump them, I awarded the Rogue Trader +1 Int and threatened to give all the other players -1 Int if they derped like this again.

Landing on Magoros Prime, the players encounter Lady Ash with a squad of House Fel Armsmen and over a hundred Orks. Foolishly, I used stock enemy stats, and gave my players too much space.

During the chaos of combat, as Lady Ash turned many Ork into ash and S was knocked to the ground and being bashed on by orks with rocks (His carapace armor and TB 4 made using standard hand to hand weapons useless. Next time, the Boyz are going to be carrying Bigga Choppas) before the team killed off the bunch of ork pinning their psyker. Then, in a display of mad scheming S and Shish concocted an ingenious and insane plan-

Touch of Madness on the House Fel armsmen, having them believe that she was an Ork.

The troops would probably get massacred, if not, they could probably kill them. In the event Lady Ash was killed, the players would still be satisfied.

Have Shish (the RT) use Decieve and Charm to convince Lady Ash that Haderak Fel betrayed her and didn't want her to give up some information, probably the location of the Righteous Hand.

I thought about it. In order to Touch Of Madness her entire squad, S would have to roll max die, and even then roll very well to overbleed the entire squad.

They had a reasonable chance of resisting. S had a pretty high chance of Manifesting Perils of the Warp, or even 'just' Warp Phenomena, which would throw off the entire plan.

Shish would have to get a ridiculous amount of degrees of success on both tests to convince her to leave Haderak Fel.

I laughed once, and said, go for it. Roll die.

No Psychic Phenomena. Entire squad madnessed. Multiple 0 Die but no 9 die.

Okay. I rolled to resist.

NONE of the 9 guys passed their WP tests.

Okay... Lady Ash managed to survive and kill them (with help from the PCs). ****. And shish rolls a 04 on the Charm test and a 08 on the Deceive Test.

He lies and charms his way into her rogue psyker panties.


Session 3, Adventure of the Righteous Path.

[Cast Change, Mr. M, the former GM is back from vacation and decided to roll up a character]

Mr. S- Psyker (DH) [broken]

B/N- Arbitrator (DH) [Munckin]

Shish- Rogue Trader [Demoralized]

Tor- Explorator

Mr. Z- Assassin (DH) [sniper, Broken]

Mr. M [sensechal, Ambitious]

The party gets into the observatory to perform their own readings (despite having readings from lady ash.... wasting time.) They decide to send her back to the ship. After some minor Insanity Point gain (they ALL wanted to use the Star Mirror), they decide to blow it up.

I normally don't condone acts of sacrilege, but there wasn't a plausible way to stop them. Two of my players B/N, and S, decided to stay inside while shooting at it from inside. Unfortunately, they passed both their Very Difficult Ag tests and didn't get crushed.

S leads the party down the hall, and fails 3 awareness tests in decreasing orders of difficulty.

He gets ambushed by 2 squads of Ork Kommandoz and some Nobz:



20 Wounds

'eavy Armor 4 AP

60 WS 60 BS 45 S 45 T 35 AG 25 Int 40 Per 30 WP 20 Fel

Unnatural Toughness x2

Swift Attack

Ork Choppa 1D10 +2 R Pen 2 Melee Unbalanced Spikey Bitz 8 KG

Ork Slugga S/3/- 20 M 1D10+5I Pen 1 18/Mag Full Reload More Shooty

Ork Rokkit Pack - Flyer (12) Volatile



25 Wounds

'eavy Armor 4 AP
Iron Gob (+2AP Head)

65 WS 65 BS 50 S 50 T 40 AG 30 Int 45 Per 35 WP 25 Fel

Unnatural Toughness x2
Unnatural Strength x2

Lightning Attack

Big Choppa- 2D10 + 1 Pen 2 Melee Tearing Unbalanced Spikey Bitz 10 KG

Twin Imperial Jet Pack- Flyer (12)

Within a few rounds of combat, Z manages to cut down the Kommandoz. Funnily, he had a prelidiction for constantly going for Called Shot: Head and the Iron Gob made a huge difference, allowing a Nob to close with him and do some damage. Tor's explorator failed to hit anything 4 times in a row with his flamer, and he just resorted to using melee.

After mopping up the Orks, the Explorers return to their ship and immediately set course for the Righteous Path. None of them decided to go and speak with Lady Ash. (Derp)

Shish decides to leave the teleportarium in reserve (I ruled the Teleportarium had a Range Limit of 5 VU and a Capacity of 10, with 10 more imposing a Very Difficult Tech Use test, and Cooldown of 30 minutes. Teleports could be from any unshielded location to and from the Teleportarium, but it was a one way trip until 30 mins passed.) and take the party down with a shuttle and one squad. Seeing as they gave Fel nearly a week, I detailed in the cutscene multiple House Fel dropships swarming all over the Righteous Path. The ship is swarming with thousands of armsmen and workers.

They decide to walk in on the other side, through a large hole conveniently placed in the ships hull. Seeing the bridge doors, Tor's tech use test shows that despite the Display reading LOCKED the door is actually unlocked.

At this point, three squads of House Fel Armsmen encounter them. 2 squads are packing lasguns, whilst the third is carrying Grenade Launchers. The Grenadiers take cover in the wreckage down the hallway. Unknown to the Explorers, House Fel recently had some dealings with the foul Eldar, and acquired Monofilament Grenades, albeit these Grenadiers only carried a single Special Issue grenade. After a salvo of Frags failed to do any damage to a trio of Flak Armored guys, my PCs decide to focus on the lasgun armed troops.

The SENSECHAL aims and kills and wades into the lasgun armsmen. I was amazed by M's rolling. A triple-strike (lightning attack) from B/N (Arbitrator) later, the morale of House Fel Lasgun Team 1 is broken and they are legging it.

S proceeds to smash and kill multiple members of Lasgun squad B.

Unfortunately for the explorers, Grenadiers loaded with Special Ammo this time. A few monogrenades later, 3 members of the Retinue are in critical condition, with one of them being knocked out for a few hours.

Shish, in his infinite wisdom, decided that they needed to open the door and retreat down the bridge, and take cover from their opponents. He succeeds on the Tech-Use Test to open the door (rolling a 01) and reveals 3 Goge Pattern Battle Automata. One Multimelta, One Heavy Flamer, and One Assault Cannon. On Overwatch.

S goes down in a hail of gunfire (burning 1 fate point total so far), and multimelta strikes incapcaitate Shish (third time hes almost died. Only 1 fate point burnt so far) Next, the sniper dodges a salvo of missiles, except for one frag missile knocking him flying and dealing critical damage.

Heroically, Tor reaches the controls without getting cut down by the Overwatching Battle Automata and shuts the door. The smart explorator asks me what the stats of the door were. "200 Wounds and 20 Armor- its basically a half-meter chunk of Admantine and Ceramic."

This only buys them 3 turns as the Servitors dump a huge amount of Kraks into the door. However, in 3 turns, N manages to slaughter more armsmen, and with the rest of the team shooting and scooting or carrying the injured, with backup from RT's House Troops, they exterminate the remaining Fel Forces and take cover in the wreckage.

After some serious fighting and all the players now have dried up their stockpile of fate points, most of the Servitors are dead. N charges at the final servitor and next turn nearly kills it in a Lightning Attack. Unfortunately, nearly isn't enough, and the Great Chain Axe it carries forced him to burn a fate point. N was now bleeding on the floor, but with critical damage removed.

The Sniper-Assassin manages to finish it off and the party enters the bridge without further incident.

Heavily wounded, they call for 10 shuttles (BFK states a starship carries 1 per 5 hull space...) and tons of armsmen to come down. My PCs enter a series of cargo holds, and Shish wants to loot them. M argued that they should secure the ship first, but the RT overrules him. I decide that Shish isn't stupid after all.

I decided to reward their efforts (adventure coming to a close) with few randomly chosen items from my collection of Legendary Named Unique Items. They roll:

02.>>>The Staff of Raging Fury- Unique Best Craftsmanship Force Staff {ArcheoTech} [#] K* Two Handed
1D 10 + 9 2 Pen Melee Balanced Impact Force
=+=Font of Psionic Might: Increases Psy Rating by 3, and characters using this as a psy-focus recieves +20 to their Invocation test, rather than +10 for normal Psy Focuses. Once per combat, if you have used this weapon to make an successful Invocation test, you may choose to spend 1 Fate point all powers manifested next turn not trigger Psychic Phenomena / Perils of the Warp.
=+=Limitless Willpower, Manifest: Once per round, as a Free Action, you may take one Wound (that may not be healed by any Psychic Powers, reduced by Toughness or Armor) and manifest an additional Psychic Power.


13.>>>The Gunblade Hextek- Unique Best Craftsmanship Hybrid Great Weapon {ArcheoTech+XenoTech} Two Handed
{2D10 + 16 4 Pen Melee Rending Tearing Sanctified
{2D10 + 6 2 Pen 50 Range S/2/4 8/Cylinder 2Full Reload Impact
=+=Hexagrammic Inscription/Eldar Warding [Melee & Ranged]: Does Holy Damage. Once per Combat, as a Free Action, you may make a Ordinary Tech-Use test. If successful, this weapon gains the Warp Weapon quality until end of next turn.
=+=Countergrav Suspensors/Eldar Perfection: Once Per Combat, as a Free Action, you may make an Tech-Use test. If both sucessful, this weapon gains the Balanced trait for turns equal to your Intelligence bonus. If you achieve one degree of sucess, this weapon also gains the Fast trait. This weapon gains +5 to Parry Tests and is -5 Harder to Parry for each additional degree of sucess after the first.
=+=Inertial Blade: When using All Out Attack, you may hit another opponent in melee with you once for every degree of success, OR gain another Reaction until the end of next turn.

Special Ammunition: Although this Weapon can accept Standard (Scatter) Naval Shotcannon rounds and its variants, it was found with 16 rounds of Hexagrammically Tipped Eldar Monowire Shells, which deal Holy damage and additional 1D10 Damage per Psy Rating of target, and Gains + 4 Penetration and Blast (5). Producing these rounds requires a Manufactorum, a Hellish (-60) Tech Use Test, access to Eldar Monowire, Hexagrammic Inscribing, and a week of time per round. Every degree of sucess reduces the days required by 1.


Session 4, Final Session of the Adventure of the Righteous Path.

Unfortunately, I didn't playtest items 01-10. The Psyker is absolutely ridiculous. This is obscene. I regret this. I facepalm when he casually cuts down multiple squads.

I have a plan.

As the party reaches the Observation Dome of the Righteous Hand, they see a Massive ArcheoTech Stasis Vault in the back, and Hadrak Fel with a Quartet of Battle Automata. An Perception check indicates that the air around Fel and his war Machina is shimmering and humming, in a bubble pattern.

Z, **** his suspicious mind, immediately asks me what the protection rating is.

The RT and his wounded retinue decide not to open up.

Fel: "I've been waiting for you... see, I need a key to open this vault, and the man behind the key must have a strong presence in the Empyrean to trigger the unlocking sequence... And here you are, with a psyker, AND he has the key! *Pointing to the Staff*

*A scrutiny check reveals there is a panel on the side of the vault and there is a slot the size of the staff.*

After some amazing decieve and charm rolls, threatening conversation, more lies and threats told by the ambitious M, Fel invites Tor and S to come over with the staff, and promises to return both of them unharmed after opening the vault. M, **** his devious mind, has one out of 2 nukes moved onboard and primed for a signal to explode.

Within the vault is an charged stone of crystallized Warp Energy, like a soulstone writ large. As the Psyker fails an Very Difficult WP test (which is interesting, given that his WP is 70 and change...) he cannot resist its subtle half heard whispers of power, and touches the stone.

He feels incredibly drained of energy, and the stone begins to glow and radiant cracks appear. The Explorator drags him away. Before you know it, inside the observation dome there is a Warp Storm. Blood pours down and the ceiling begins to crack. Right before the ceiling cracks, some heroism by Tor is performed again, activating the stasis field and sealing the vault (I believe 3 degrees of success) before the daemonic entity is released. Then the dome cracks, ejecting everyone in room into the void. The staff is still in the slot.

The explorers save themselves and have their cruiser come and pick them up. S can't think of anything but his staff. M and Shish advocate just blowing everything up. Lady Ash informs the retinue that the Eldar told Fel of an amazingly powerful and proscribed item looted in the Angevin Crusade, found on the Righteous Path in exchange for services he performed for them earlier. In the past week, Fel discovered the Righteous Path (Mars-Class BC) in nearly operable condition, although divested of almost all its weaponry, its hangar bays filled with treasure and its nova cannon barrel filled with loot, its port/starboard battery bays stripped bare and filled with treasure.

The Auspex indicated its charging up its drives and most of its main systems will soon be operational in limited capacity. They have 30 minutes before its Warp drives charge. Z asks me whether they are inside they gravitational radii, I inform them the Righteous Path is outside the Jump Limit and can escape. M and Shish advocate spending the nuke.

S threatens the rest of the team with bodily harm if they nuke the battlecruiser (and the staff, which is all he can think about). Z proposes an alternative solution- He will try to cripple their ship with the weapons aboard the Legacy of Lucian.

I think about it. I don't like my chances, Z has like 73 BS and they are within short range (3 VU). And its reasonable. Also, he gets one try, because 30 mins is 1 strategic round.

His lances miss. His sunsear Las broadside barely hits (barely doing damage through the armor). No Critical effects, no incapacitation. They can't change tack radically enough to bring the other broadside to bear.

S, now truly desperate, has B/N pilot them (they are close friends) on a shuttle back to the Righteous Hand (given they used their Teleportarium under 30 mins ago to retrieve them from the void). I tell them he must pass the Piloting test with one degree of success to land on the bridge, and 4 to get to the stasis vault.

They fail horribly rolling 88. 10 Minutes remaining. They manage to land on the other side of the ship, and begin to sprint across. 5 Minutes remaining. Facing light resistance, S tells N to go back to the shuttle as he gives himself Fear (4), overbleeding a crapton. He steals a House Fel uniform but both S and N are trapped aboard the Righteous Path as it enters Warp.

The Fel Hand, which picked up Hadrak, voxes my PCs: "HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!"as it warps out as well.

After having played 6 Hours, I tell everyone this session and Adventure are complete. I award them 2 PF for the 10 Shuttles of loot.

I look at the rewards section, and do not like what I see. The RT book tells me to award 500xp/4 hours. Then award 1000 for this adventure.

****, these guys are getting stronger and stronger real fast.


Is anyone still reading this?

Should even bother to post up Part III?

Yes, Please. I'm rather enjoying it. :)

Why do D&D players play other games if they are just going to turn it into D&D anyways?

On the other hand, finding people who profane hexagrammic wards by etching them on xenos weapons would make for an interesting Dark Heresy game.

Please keep posting, I say this with the greatest of respect....reading this is like watching a train wreck in slow motion....its too fascinating and horrifying to turn away from. I'm imagining this all happening in a sort of 'Knights of The Dinner Table' manner

I honestly thought my group had a couple of pretty awful Munchkins in it (I can deal with them without ruining anyones fun) but you and your group....well my hat is off to you sir!

More please
