How much contact with your Inquisitor?

By alexhickman, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

I was wondering how much contact you have between your players and their Inquisitor. Do you keep them at arms length with servants and vox calls, or do you have them meeting fairly regularly?


My players only met their Inquisitor after their fourth adventure and his visits are still very infrequent as he has another group of trusted and proven acolytes who do the more important missions. The players team does the clean-up and side-quests which leads to all sorts of fun but that aside.
They only meet him about every three to four missions or depending on when they've done very good or, and this freaks them out, very shabby work.

Communication is usually established through other NPC's or datapads, astropath etc.

My guys haven't met their Inquisitor yet, but, when they get drafted into the Inquisition, I'm thinking personally, to only meet him once or twice, most of the work is done through Interrogators and such.

Our party is in fairly regular contact with the Inquisitor, but that's a management tool for me. We've got about 11 players, and I rotate them in and out of adventures to manage party size. I use the Inquisitor giving them other related "offstage" business to do so. This allows me a lot of freedom to move the "campaign story" along, and makes the Acolytes seem very important to the Inquisitor himself.

Right now it is a rare event for my Acolyes to see their Inquisitor. I deliberately chose to place them under an Inquisitor Lord as opposed to a regular Inquisitor so that they would interact more with his extended network (mainly 2 Inquisitors who were previously his Interrogators, and his current Interrogator) to allow for more intrigue.

Of course all that said (but without saying much more since a certain someone a couple posts above me is one of my players)... things change.

We're eight games in to the campaign I'm running and the players have still not met their Inquisitor.

They've met two of his senior acolytes, who appear to be polar opposites and another acolyte who will (eventually) give them a very different perspective on their Master's behaviour and goals.

I want to keep them guessing, and also a little fearful, as to who this mysterious and powerful person they work for is. I'm intrigued to know what they think he is like based on what various NPCs (friends and foes) have told them about him.

My players have not met their inquisitor. They do all their work through one of two different interogators that they have been assigned to, who then report directly to the inquisitor themselves. Only after they have proved themselves they will get chance to meet him, and it may be that they have mission to infiltrate some mansion or other in order to meet their inquistor in the first place, just to see how good they are. If they fail, tripping alarms, they will be none the wiser.

The way I see it, my inquisitor is quite paranoid and doesn't let new people get close to him, so he keeps them at arms length with his trusted interogators.

Our group has fairly regular contact with our Interrogator, but we've never met our Inquisitor.

I'm using a fairly low-level ordo Xenos Amalathian for our Inquisitor, so the contact is a little more frequent. Most times it is astropathic messages, but I generally do a "debriefing" that involves the inquisitor or a representative. For low-level, routine stuff, an interrogator will generally take the debriefing, via astropathic message. For more serious stuff the interrogator will be there personally, sometimes accompanied by a Psyker...especially in the cases where the PCs were exposed to Chaos or Xenos entities. In the cases of full-on daemon encounters, traitor marines (haven't met any yet), or discovery of serious Xeno infestations, the Inquisitor will often lead the debriefing and asertain the need for further investigation or even the execution of the player characters.

I do this for several reasons. I want them to feel closer to their inquisitor, and to feel a part of his team. They need to value the things he values, and they need to respect his way of going about investigations. He's not a monodominant or a radical. They need to feel like they have a particular style of investigation that they should adhere to in most circumstances. I also want them to know that they are being checked up on regularly, and that every time they encounter something nasty or do something the inquisitor may not approve of, they will have to make an accounting of it later (provided that they choose to follow protocol). I want to make them accountable for their actions, so that they think more carefully about what they are doing, but also to leave them with the opportunity to take a chance on daemonic contact/connections/pacts if they are feeling...ballsy.

Our GM likes large sweeping scenerios which usually end with some big bad that we can't handle on our own, so we generally have contact with our Inquisitor maybe once every five to ten game sessions or so, where the Inquisitor actually plays an important part in the last scenerio, before leaving again.

Honestly I deal with other Inquisitors more then I deal with my own quite often, either as ally, contact, or foe.

Most of our contact comes in the way of Astropath or Interrogator though. Generally at the beginning of a campaign we're given a general thing to investigate, then given free will to move that investigation in any direction we want. Usually towards the end there's a hint of a bigger fish to fry and after a quick Astropath communication with our Inquisitor (or her agent) we move to investigate this other bigger bad, and so on and so on until we reach the top big bad which usually then requires an Inquisitor's personal preference, and we become part of her inner circle for that scenrio, before we move on.

Made more confusing is that our GM likes to put side-quests at us that have nothing ot do with the sweeping campaign, and you get this tangled mess of stories that can literally lead us for many game sessions and you get rather random moments of meeting our Inquisitor.

Generally our group doesn't like it when our Inquisitor shows up, because that's a sign to start rolling new characters up.

Xathess Wolfe said:

Generally our group doesn't like it when our Inquisitor shows up, because that's a sign to start rolling new characters up.


Nuts! I seem to have lost another acolyte, I really should be more careful with those.

My guys have yet to even nkow the name of their =][=. The closest they have come is talking to their handler. The only reason they even know whitch =][= branch they work for is because they survived long enough to earn it.

My party only met the Inquisitor once since in the service of the Inquisition (and once before for the recruiting) when they came back from the rather unsuccessfull Edge of Darkness mission. They are rank 4 now and on their fourth mission. Normally they are in contact with one or more of his Interrogators.

My players met their inquisitor before he sent on their first mission, but Sister Patience, one of his interrogaters, spends far more time interacting with them. Everyone in the party likes Globus Vaarak while despising Sister Patience with a passion ussually reserved for arch enemies. They do as she commands because she earned their gruding respect after the Moritat assasin in the party decided to test her reflexes with a thrown knife.

I plan on having him follow and superviuse the party, from a safe distance, of course, just close enough to keep his hand on the collar detonator and his eyes on the ork with it on

My players have never met there Inquisitor, only one of his Interrogators. Most of there missions come to them usually via other Acolytes or dead drops.

This has of course raised a few questions amongst them, with certain players not sure exactly if they are even working for the -I- at all. (My players have no offical documentation, and occationaly are given false ID to work from). All they know is there 'Sponsor' is powerfull enough to have at least one Planetery Gov in his/her pocket.

When not on missions my players can see their Inquisitor fairly easily. (However, she is an old woman and typically doesn't like being disturbed in her free time.) Yet, when off doing their duties, she remains back in whatever HQ their using, only keeping up using her mental abilities a la Ravener. Though backstorywise, I always say that she has many agents that can be off in any number of places with any number of teams doing any number of things. This always leaves the threat that she may simply leave them to continue their mission while she diverts her attention elsewhere.

My players have never met their inquisitor, nor do they even know his name, he is simply 'The Inquisitor'... for that matter they do not know if he is actually a 'he'.

They have contact through 'agents' of the inquisitor, and occasionally other inquisitors.... but they will not get to meet their inquisitor for quite some time as that branch of the campaign is one of the major branches.....

Meet their Inquisitor?

My players aren't even working for the Inquisition yet, as far as they know. They are currently employed by a powerful noble.