H.B.M.C. said:
vogue69 said:
Crushing Blow etc. hasn't been errataed. Half WS or Full WS?
Dual Wield: 1/2 action for 2 Lightning Attacks?
I am sure there are tons of other uncorrected mistakes.
What needs to be clarified with Crushing Blow exactly? Black Crusade, Page 117, Table 4-3:
"Add half WS bonus to Damage inflicted in melee"
. And then on page 121:
"The character adds half his Weapon Skill Bonus to Damage he inflicts in melee"
. What's ambiguous about that? What am I missing?
As for Lightning Attacks, Black Crusade, Page 132:
"If a character is fighting with a weapon in either hand or benefits from a Talent or Power which allows him to make more than one attack in his turn only one of his attacks may be a Lightning Attack and have the chance of scoring additional hits."
. So it doesn't matter whether it's a 1/2 or Full Action to make 2 Lightning Attacks because you can't make two Lightning Attacks in a turn away.
Can't speak for the Whirlwind of Death one. The summary and description are at odds with one another.
ah sorry I confused Crushing Blow with Streetfighting.
As for the lightning attack one: what about Swiftattack? or is it ment like this: ...his turn only one of his attacks may have the chance of scoring additional hits.