Hello, I'm sitting here with a GenCon version of the Black Crusade book and I had a few questions.
First off, I was rather surprised that there were a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes in the book, but I was told that was pretty common for books bought at events before the official release.
There are just two things that I
need to get cleared up before I am able to start running the game.
In regard to the Intimidate skill. On the Black Crusade character sheet (online and in the back of the book) it says Intimidate is now based off of Willpower. It also says this on the table of skills (page 93 for anyone w/ the book). In the Skill description itself (pg 101) it says it's based off of the usual characteristic, Strength.
The other is in regard to the Renegade's starting Talents. The book states the renegade gets "Weapon Training (Chain, Las, Primary, SP, SP)". As you can see SP is listed twice. Now normally this isn't a problem (a simple mistake) except that below, in the starting gear, the renegade can get a common craftsmanship Plasma Gun. So... is the renegade expected to buy the weapon training (plasma) talent or is one of the SPs supposed to say Plasma instead?
This is not so important, but on the rules for "Running Horizontal Leaps" (41) there doesn't seam to be any bonus for the 4m the Heretic the heretic runs before jumping (there are bonuses for additional 4m though). This means unless the heretic has an 8m starting run there's no mechanical difference between making a running leap and a standing leap. Does this strike anyone else as odd?
And finally, a point of curiosity. On the first page of the character sheet (online and in the book) it has a place to record Rank after Archetype. I have not been able to find a single reference to rank yet in the book itself.
Thanks for taking the time to read and also thank you for any help in advance