Scout Gathering

By Angst03, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game


Just finished reading the rules. I want to know in wich phase we decide to wich city the scout sends his resources. In the Scout Gathering section of the rules it's stated that it's in the Start of Turn Phase (seems a bit weird). But in the description of the Start of Turn Phase (and on the summary card for this phase) there's nothing about that.



It should be decided in the Start of Turn phase.

This is, I believe, so you can't just make up your mind about where to send the resources on a whim based on what the other players do during their turns.
Instead you should decide your strategy and stick to it.

As a follow up to this question, What happens when a scout moves??

For example, At the beginning of the turn, the Scout is in square A with Wheat and declare he is sending the resources to the capital. During the movement phase, the scout moves to square B with an Anvil. Which resource is sent to the captial to be harvested (if that is what is chosen for the action during the City Management Phase)??


Since city management takes place before movement the answer is that the resources from square A, wheat in this case, are the ones usable by the harvesting city.