Michigan Meta Unite!!!!

By lalchant, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

Large group in Oakland county forming a solid Meta of competitive players for AGOT. Contact or friend me if you're interested. We'll play on OCTGN, also if interested we're willing to meet halfway wherever you're located in Michigan. Group of 12 solid players already and growing, including 2003 world champ Casey Galvan, who finished fourth this year. Our mission is to eliminate small vacuum play where you're stuck playing the same group of people every week. Besides game play we will be discussing deck builds, solid strategies, cost curve, etc. etc., working together as a meta so next year top 16 at worlds will most likely be Detroit baby!!!!

P.S. Melee players welcome as well.

There are two, maybe 3 of us from Toledo that are interested in this for sure. I know someone from Gen Con was trying to get a Detroit group together, perhaps this is you? We played a semi-mirror match 2nd round of the Joust tourney and I got waxed.

moony29 said:

There are two, maybe 3 of us from Toledo that are interested in this for sure. I know someone from Gen Con was trying to get a Detroit group together, perhaps this is you? We played a semi-mirror match 2nd round of the Joust tourney and I got waxed.

Lol, sent you a friend request with my skype info on it lets get some games in.Were all very excited to play with the Toledo crew.

Lol my message is in your quote. srry

Me and my group are in Grand Rapids. I'm not big on traveling but would love to get in some games. You mentioned online play? Forgive my noobness but how would we go about doing that?

I know it's short notice but I'll be in Detriot tomorrow 12/10 Anyone want to get together at RIW Hobbies for a few rounds? Shoot me an email at atsuge2000 @ hotmail . com if you can make it.

Bringing this thread back from the dead.

Our 3ish meta in our area is looking for more, and while we've lost some to work, family and even other games, now has never been a better time to get back into AGOT.

We have a few old friends getting back into the game slowly and support from 2 different hobby shops. (one east, and one west of metro Detroit). We will be setting up a league night that meets up perhaps once a week or twice a month. I have worked with a couple people to try and create some interesting prizes and formats; don't worry if your collection is small.

The green light has also been given to bid for a regional event; if we can draw enough interest. I feel like if we get some out of towners and folks living in the other parts of MI this can be a success for AGOT in MI. We are certainly planning on going to at least 1 regional this near, possibly two. We'd like to make it three if we can get this AGOT community in MI off the ground.

If you're from MI and either a vet or new player (even Toledo) just post here and we'll get something together in the near future!