Dhole Ant-Lion Rule

By Knifer, in CoC Rules Discussion

========== Shub-Niggurath ==========

Dhole Ant-Lion
Type : Character
Cost : 4
Skill : 5
Icons : TCCC
Subtype : Monster.
Game Text : Toughness +5. Dhole Ant-Lion does not exhaust to commit to story cards if it has no wounds. Forced Response: At the end of each story phase, sacrifice 1 character you control or wound Dhole Ant-Lion.
Flavor text :
Illustrator : Ryan Barger
Collector's Info : AJK F113 / 3x

Hey guys want to clarify on this section of the Game Text for Dhole ant-lion. "Forced Response: At the end of each story phase, sacrifice 1 character you control or wound Dhole Ant-Lion"

Does this mean it takes a wound on my turn and the opponent's turn?

Example: On the turn i cast out dhole ant lion does it take a wound immediately at end of my story phase if i dont sacrifice a character? And does it also take a wound at end of my opponent's story phase if I dont sacrifice a character?



At the end of each story phase, for both you, your opponent, or any time you reach the end of a story phase such as if you would use Hidden Agenda (which lets you repeat a phase that just happened).

Poor Dhole. :(