New Gm help please

By player1053558, in WFRP Rules Questions

I am very confused about a few things.

Combat - what is a henchman and when do i use them? In Eye for an eye, when the beast men attack are the ungor henchman or individuals? Are the cultists and beastmen henchmen at the final combat?

Healing- when do i let players try to heal outside of priest spells during combat? how often do I let players rest? Eye for an eye does not let them rest... we tried it a couple times without understanding the rules right and all the players died fairly fast especially when searching the manor.

rally step- SO CONFUSING... when does this occur? Is it as soon as combat stops?

Arcane- mages can gather energy whenever?

preist- they can only game favor after choosing a blessing?

please help me thanks

Zarathura said:

I am very confused about a few things.

Combat - what is a henchman and when do i use them? In Eye for an eye, when the beast men attack are the ungor henchman or individuals? Are the cultists and beastmen henchmen at the final combat?

Healing- when do i let players try to heal outside of priest spells during combat? how often do I let players rest? Eye for an eye does not let them rest... we tried it a couple times without understanding the rules right and all the players died fairly fast especially when searching the manor.

rally step- SO CONFUSING... when does this occur? Is it as soon as combat stops?

Arcane- mages can gather energy whenever?

preist- they can only game favor after choosing a blessing?

please help me thanks

The FAQ off support page may help.

Henchmen are described at the begginng of Monser section of Tome of Adventure (index handy). They use the ability stats and actions of a normal monster of their type but are a group fo weaker ones. A group of henchmen has # = PC's #. They don't have normal Wounds of monster, rather each has Tougness wounds (e.g., if Monster has 12 wounds and To 4, a henchman drops once over 4 wounds). When it's their turn, they don't make rolls for each, to keep it simpler they make one attack roll BUT add a fortune die to it for each henchman after 1st (e.g., 3 henchmen in a group make 1 attack with 2 fortune dice).

healing outside combat - hardbacks help make this clearer.

Rally occurs between Acts. A good rule of thumb is "are you into a new fight or has fight changed because of new reinforcements etc., without a full "end of Episode" recovery yet, then just before that "new/changed fight" gets rolling is a Rally Step. Same thing for intense social scenes where there are multiple rolls.

You do not rally in Story mode where there may be one or two rolls to shop, gossip with NPC's, press on in journey and make inn before nightfall etc.

You get Act (initiative rolled), rally step, Act (initiative already rolled before, rally action may have adjusted), rally step Act (initiative already rolled before, rally action may have adjusted) - not always but usually 3. Then end of Episdoe, major breather (that's the Stress and Fatigue recovery = Wp and To). Then whenever you actually sleep, a night's rest benefits in Stress, Fatigue and Wounds and rolls for more.

Mages cannot gather energy whenever, they are in Equilibrium all the time unless they get into "intiative rolled" Act in which case they can start channelling. They cannot go around channelling and holding power outside Acts.

Priests - yup, only Curry Favour after invoking blessing. Same as wizards, there's no gaming system "I walk around powered up".

Are the ungor beastmen henchmen in the eye for an eye adventure though? I know the Gor is the leader, but do i group the ungor as henchmen or singles compared to my group?

I don't have it in front me, it should say that in the adventure text.

Zarathura said:

Are the ungor beastmen henchmen in the eye for an eye adventure though? I know the Gor is the leader, but do i group the ungor as henchmen or singles compared to my group?

It will specifically say that they are henchmen if they are supposed to be. If it just says "X Ungors" they are probably supposed to be normal Ungors. Depending on how good/bad your group is at fighting though, you as a GM could decide that they are henchmen (thus giving the players an easier battle) or normal ungors (for a harder combat).

ok another new and dumb question....

on dual strike when i roll a comet and get to hit a second target doe that only mean i can hit a different target than the first? or can I get a second new strike on the first from the comet?