What direction do I take this Greyjoy deck in?

By Hamster Friend, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

So thanks to the guy in our playgroup who handles our shipping and acquisitions, I managed to nab some Greyjoy stuff from quite a few chapter packs. Unfortunately, all the Valar Morghulises in our playgroup are in peoples' decks. :P

Plot (7)
1x Building Season
1x Loyalty Money Can Buy
1x Mutual Blackmail
1x Mutual Enemies
1x Rise of the Kraken
1x Siege of Riverrun
1x The Red Wedding

Character (32)
1x Alannys Greyjoy
1x Wex Pyke
3x Ancient Mariner
3x Balon Greyjoy
3x Distinguished Boatswain
3x Euron Crow's Eye
3x Harbor Thug
3x Island Refugee
3x Maester Wendamyr
3x Seaside Urchin
3x Scurvy Cutthroat
3x Salt Wife

Location (18)
1x Aeron's Chambers
1x Longship Iron Victory
1x Ten Towers
3x Gatehouse
3x Iron Island Fiefdoms
3x Scouting Vessel
3x Sunset Sea
3x The Iron Mines

Event (3)
3x Risen from the Sea

Attachment (7)
1x Milk of the Poppy
3x Fishing Net
3x Veteran Marauder

Unfortunately now I'm finding it weird since at first glance it doesn't look like it has as much focus (whereas the previous KotS one had quite a few stuff keying off unopposed attacks. Will the lower gold costs and better STR-to-gold ratio across the characters make up for it? Or should I run with the non-character cards that key off discarding stuff since most of the new people have discard effects?

If need be I'll take note the specific chapter packs I'm drawing cards from later, since I can't name off the top of my head.

It seems like you have a lot of weenies, and not enough tanks. Alannys Greyjoy isn't my favorite since she is rendered useless once a queen comes out. You should try to build the deck more towards winning unnoposed challenges with charactors that have the Greyjoy house keyword, Intimidate. Victarion and the strength increasing attachments help (Seafarer's Bow, Horn of Dragons, Rusted Sword). Also make sure to have the event card, Assertion of Might in the deck.

AceManUSC said:

Alannys Greyjoy isn't my favorite since she is rendered useless once a queen comes out. You should try to build the deck more towards winning unnoposed challenges with charactors that have the Greyjoy house keyword, Intimidate. Victarion and the strength increasing attachments help (Seafarer's Bow, Horn of Dragons, Rusted Sword). Also make sure to have the event card, Assertion of Might in the deck.

I disagree with you about Alannys, she's very useful even if your opponent kneels someone every time instead of losing a card. There aren't that many Queen characters in the game, and you aren't all that likely to see one out of Martell, Bara, or a non-Shadows Lanni build, and if you run into a Targ deck running duped Daenys you can just use her for claim soak. Unopposed is probably a more solid build, but that doesn't mean you can't mess around and see what else you can come up with; I'm currently working on a Holy/Mill deck since a lot of the Holy characters have mill effects and Fishmongers Square can really help GJs lack of draw effects if you can get a decent mill engine going. Obviously not a Tier-1 deck, but fun to play (well, fun for me).
I would ditch the Ten Towers b/c its so expensive, and Red Wedding too, due to your lack of Lady characters. Also, if you don't care about the extra Initiative on Siege of Riverrun, switch it out for Retaliation or Winds of Winter so you can still make Intrigue challenges with characters like Wex, but it sounds like your plot selection is limited. I would also add more LIV and/or Black Wind for more draw mechanics.

After some more playtesting and tweaking, the deck looks like this.

Plots (7)
1x Battle of Oxcross (Hopefully soon to be Valar Morghulis)
1x Desolate Passage
1x Loyalty Money Can Buy
1x Mutual Blackmail
1x Mutual Cause
1x Rise of the Kraken
1x Summoning Season

Characters (34)
1x Alannys Greyjoy
1x Asha Greyjoy
1x Pyromancer's Apprentice
1x Theon Greyjoy (KotS)
2x Balon Greyjoy (KotS)
2x Victarion Greyjoy
2x Wex Pyke
3x Ancient Mariner
3x Distinguished Boatswain
3x Drumbeater
3x Euron Crow's Eye (KotS)
3x Island Refugee
3x Maester Wendamyr
3x Scurvy Cutthroat
3x Salt Wife

Locations (19)
1x Aeron's Chambers
1x Longship Iron Victory
1x Street of Steel
2x Bloody Keep
2x Gatehouse
3x Iron Island Fiefdoms
3x Scouting Vessel
3x Sunset Sea
3x The Iron Mines

Events (3)
3x Risen from the Sea

Attachments (4)
1x Milk of the Poppy
3x Fishing Net

Originally this had Take Them by Surprise in the plots but a timely counter of it via Knights of the Storm has convinced me not to run it unless I have means to consistently secure the init (i.e. Ahead of the Tide). I got rid of the Veteran Marauders since they ended up dead in my hand more often than not, due to clashing with the Fishing Nets and characters for my gold.

I'm still figuring out which of my uniques (except for Asha and Euron who're pretty sure at their respective 1x and 3x) to pack 1, 2 or 3 each of: Wex has proven to practically win games singlehandedly (hence his being bumped up to 2x instead of 1x); Balon's always been one of the deck's superstars but got cut down to 2x due to making room for others, and Victarion's a close second to Balon in my rankings for my main attackers. Theon's in there because a lot of the decks in my playgroup use some pretty painful locations, but I've yet to draw him during a game so I don't know how useful he actually is (probably more now that I've decided that the Veteran Marauders were just clogging my hand).

I'm also wondering how I can get more consistent Influence. So far I've yet to save anyone via any Salt Wives since I never seem to have more than 1 influence on the board at any given time.

So, do I still know what I'm doing here?