This evening I played for the first time, played the Rise of the Dragonlords, and it seems to me that the undead army is a powerhouse. All you have to do is buy the reanimate cards. With them in play you can continously reanimate dead, that coupled with a Deathlord card and you have an unbeatable army. Or perhaps I am playing the reanimate card wrong and misunderstand how its used. Can anyone enlighten me with the rules for the reanimate card.
Undead overpowered?
I played a few games tonight (solo) with the Undead and I did not find them to be a powerhouse, necessarily. To win the 18-strength battle for the end game you pretty much have to load up with the 5 point Units (the one with the extra point bonus) and neutral card (Demon, I believe) . Reanimates are only for the early and mid-game. They won't help you win the final Boss battle.
The Reanimate card only lets you rummage through the Discards to find another Reanimate. This tends to only be profitable about 50% of the time when a few turns have gone by since the last deck reshuffle and the discard pile has collected a significant number of cards in it again. And the fact that the Reanimate only has a strength of "1" doesn't necessarily add a lot of power, although sometimes it's enough and I found that, generally, it is a good thing to be using and discarding Reanimates so they can show up down the road to help your defense of the nastier Event cards. Some of the enemies that you fight from the Event deck become "rewards" but are really two-edged swords that can bite you for your trouble. The second stage event card that screws you if you have "rewards" in your play area is pretty nasty. It's better to do without the meager reward that the "reward" Enemies provide than expose yourself to the nasty Event card.
One other thing about the "Resurgence of the Dragonlords" scenario you probably *do* want to keep one around for the final battle to soak up any Attrition you may have to endure...unless you're feeling lucky with your Attrition die roll.
Thanks for the reply. The person playing the Undying just bought the reanimate cards and within a few turns was able to aquire all the neutral cities gaining influence and beat the dragon in roughly 10 turns (give or take). By just using reanimate cards in his hand he was able to have a very powerful army in early game. I was just curious if anyone else had this issue or if perhaps we are playing the reanimate card incorrectly.
My understanding of the card is you play it, dig thru your discard and pull another reanimate card, and immediately play both cards. You are able to do this with each reanimate card in your hand, correct?
We have played several games but I don't think they are overpowered. They have a great early game that allows them to build fast but I think the other factions have a bit more staying power. I would pick the Knights as the strongest so far. They are solid at everything and once you get the Footman/Knight/Battle Cry deck going the "Return of the Dragonlords" screnio doesn't stand a chance.
Thanks. I'll have to revisit this scenario and try it again
I think Reanimates are hugely important throughout the game. But I do not think they are overpowered. First you need to have them in your discard pile and your hand or their ability is useless. Many times throughout a game, you'll have reanimates semi worthless with a light to empty discard pile. Also of course, a reanimated reanimate can't reanimate.
Yeah, I said it. So at best you can only double the number of reanimates in your hand.
I just won a nail biter last night solo against the Dragonlards scenario. My Home World had 1 damage left to give. I had 3 Reanimates, with a fat healthy discard pile, so got to use all of them, for a total of six Reanimates. Combined with a Battle Cry and a Dark Knight I had 21 strength, 18 after attrition, to beat the boss. It was a lot of fun.