I realize that DQ is meant to be a more random and frivolous game. I actually purchased it because of that.
However, I am hugely disappointed by this game's actual design.
I understand that there are few decisions to be made, and am happy with that. However, this game is designed that some of the decisions are just plain bad.
Because the dragon horde treasure cards are so much more valuable than stuff you find in the dungeon it is never a good idea to search corpses or crypts. The aid cards (unstable potion and rope) are rare and hardly beneficial, and the harm cards are real bad.
For the same reason it's never a good idea to search unless you'd have to backtrack 2 or more squares to progress towards the horde.
The only option of the game which should ever really be considered is the catacombs, and then only if you have enough health and are the proper distance away.
Basically the most solid gameplay is this: ignore everything and grab some treasure and leave.
That's just bad game design.
I am disappoint.