Need your help to build a deck

By Erindae, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building

Hello everyone!

I would be very pleased if you could give me suggestions with some deck-building. I bought the core set when it first came out but I could barely play it for some personal reasons. Now, I got some spare time so I decided to play it again and I have just bought the last expansion from the Morrislev cycle and I really am having trouble in deciding which would be the best deck I could build with the cards that I have available (Core Set+ Last exp. Morrislev Cycle).

I would, therefor, be very pleased if you could help me and post your suggestions.

In addition, there is another question I got on the side: Is it better to stick to a single race or combine multiple races per deck?

Thank a lot in advance!

Regards ;)

I'd suspect that with your smaller card pool you'd probably be better off playing two races. In general I've found that you usually play mostly one race and neutral cards with maybe one or two cards from another race. Though I've seen good decks that played three races for sure.