I've never posted on here before, but i have acquired a lot of info from all of you and find the forums amazing. I'm hoping you all can help me with an adventure I've been tossing around ideas for.
I was thinking along the lines for this for a while now. I also like the idea of maybe using some influences from Dead Space and Stargate Universe (if anyone has seen it) such as the ship dropping in and out of FTL (the warp) seemingly randomly, putting the team in various life threatening situations. The setting I was going to use goes as follows...
A long lost space hulk drops out of warp without warning and unexpected. Being the nearest Inquisitorial team, the kill team is sent to investigate. A short while after boarding, the warp drives initiate and the ship is sent into the warp suddenly. Effectively cutoff and lost, the team has no way of knowing when, or if, help will arrive. Stranded on the ship the team can investigate and try to find out the history behind whats happening and try to find a way home. The ship is haunted with the ghosts of those who died on the ship, various warp beasts and daemons, as well as warp mutated corpses (Dead space influence). (I don't want to use 'nids for the enemies as they will most likely be expected by the PCs.) The ship will occasionally drop out of warp for a random amount of time. I want to use this time to have the team encounter various situations, threats, and enemies (some known, some unknown.) such as the ship is attacked by nids for any biomatter on board; dark eldar and eldar for piratey purposes; chaos and orks for salvage and resources, and tau for.... something. I want to have them drop out near an Imperial world or vessel so that they can have the feeling of contact just long enough to feel like they can be saved or that they are finally safe just in time to whisk them away again. This would effectively be a very long mission and I am unsure of how a kill-team would fare without resupply. I thought of maybe having them stumble across caches of supplies long lost or something. I'm not sure of how to steer the adventure or if the kill-team would succeed without a tech of some kind. I am also unsure of who to have that inhabit(ed) the ship or its original purpose. Thoughts would be welcome. I'll add my thoughts as they come to me.
Much appreciated for all that you guys (and girls) do and I look forward to hearing your opinions.