Study opponents' card before making any move?

By Manticos, in CoC Rules Discussion

Is it ok for me to study my opponents' cards that are put in play before I make any move?

I guess it makes sense to study them so you can decide better whether you e.g. commit to stories or not or when to play events/actions.. but at the same time it's annoying as well because it takes a lot of time and the other player is waiting.

This actually happens to me... my friend always checks out every single card that I have put into play before making any moves, it's driving me nuts. But if that is part of the game, then I guess I'll have to accept it.

Manticos said:

Is it ok for me to study my opponents' cards that are put in play before I make any move?

I guess it makes sense to study them so you can decide better whether you e.g. commit to stories or not or when to play events/actions.. but at the same time it's annoying as well because it takes a lot of time and the other player is waiting.

This actually happens to me... my friend always checks out every single card that I have put into play before making any moves, it's driving me nuts. But if that is part of the game, then I guess I'll have to accept it.

You and your opponent have every right to study each others cards. It may be annoying to you, but all it can take is overlooking one cards ability or icons that can screw up the rest of your game. Besides, this doesn't sound like a timed match, and even then you are allowed to look at your opponents cards and decide what to do, which for some can take a bit.

It only becomes a problem, and punishable in tournament play, if your opponent is deliberatly stalling for time to run out in a match.

Thank you. I assumed it was allowed since all cards are on the table anyway but to wait 5-10 minutes every time to start the story phase is simply a bit annoying. It sometimes turns this 30-60 minute game into a 90-120 minute game.

Hopefully this will be soon over when we know the cards better :)

This is pretty much the way it usually works. When you get more familiar you start recognizing the cards by artwork and have all their text memorized.

Sadly its probably gonna have to be one of those things you'll have to accept. Unless!

Unless they're doing it just to slow play/annoy you. I'm assuming that this isn't the case, but figure it should probably be mentioned.

As your opponent(s) become more familiar with the cards things will start to pick up. Unless the unless situation happens, then you're free to fart in their general direction and then see if they feel like sitting at the table for a long time. lol