Gameplay overview and Images

By Darksbane, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Phew! You guys had me for a minute there. Thanks for the clarification!

I guess I'll update my response to Tiziano to say "Awesome!" It's a fleshing-out of a universe that has captured the imaginations of multiple generations of fans. It is certainly a lofty privilege to be among the artists for this game. Congratulations to you all, and may the Force be with you.

MarthWMaster said:

Tiziano said:

Everything put in a card illustration must be referenced from the movies, to the smallest detail (in short, we paint shots that were never filmed).

So we won't be seeing any Expanded Universe material? Ever? That's disappointing, especially given the fact that clearly, at least some of the missions are going to be extraneous to the films: the Rebels were never shown or referenced to be returning to Yavin (or indeed, fleeing Yavin in the first place, though that is implied by their moving to Hoth by the time of ESB). Technically though, that Han Solo image ought to be fair game, since he mentions Lando losing the Falcon to him "fair and square."

I wonder why both Wizards and Decipher got to use the EU, and Fantasy Flight doesn't get to? That's not very fair.

Sorry for the confusion, I should have made myself clearer. With 'everything must be referenced from the movies' I didn't mean 'every situation' but 'every object, prop, uniform and so on ', hence the 'we paint shots that were never filmed' comment (besides it all applies to the work I have done up to now ).

Thank you very much, I. J. Thompson and MarthWMaster for your appreciation and well wishes, working on such franchises as these is definitely a privilege .

I'm glad they got you doing some art Tiziano, You do some of my favorite work on FFGs games and that Luke is kick ass.

Are these pictures available anywhere else? I've tried many times, but cannot get to that web page. It keeps freezing and I get a blank white page displayed. I've tried going to the main page and I can access that fine, but once I go to the link for the SW page I keep getting the same result. Thanks!

Hi Immortal,

What browser/version are you using. I've seen an issue similar to what you describe when using old versions of Internet explorer. You could try to access the site using Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer 8+ and see if you get any better results. If that doesn't work shoot me a PM here and I'll see what I can do to get you the images.

That sounds like what it is. I've got an older verison of IE. I've been meaning to update it, so this is the perfect time to do it! If for some reason it still doesn't work, I'll let you know. Thanks!

ImmortalJedi said:

I've got an older verison of IE.

The bane of web development!

Thanks for the summary and the card previews. I am especially looking forward to Chewbacca, and I hope that he will somehow fit into all of my decks.

I am hoping against hope that this game doesn't have the same problem LotR has with the core set: Buy more copies to get more deckbuilding options! Oh, but 60% of the cards in that second set will be completely useless no matter what. Please don't do that to us again, FFG!

I played the demo game at GenCon as well. I enjoyed it. You play as the Rebels against the Empire. And the Empire encounter deck is HARD - brutal... rather like the Empire.

Here are some good images of table play, and not so good very blurry images of some cards (the blurry images give you the basic idea of what kinds of things will be in the card game, and even then are subject to change because of this advanced Beta stage of the game). All of the photos were taken with my cell phone camera... my wife had the good digital camera, heh....

Time And Progress

Long view of table play area

Some SW geek in a SW t-shirt playing the demo that looks a lot like me...

Formal Display at FFG Booth



A-wing Interceptor

Red Two

Red Five

Sullustan Recruit

Rebel Trooper

Military Base

Probe Droid

Return To Yavin 4

Imperial Reinforcements

The new Star Wars Game looks awesome!!! I can't wait to play. gui%C3%B1o.gif