How do some people already have this showing up as one of their favourite games? I thought you could only 'favourite' a game you said you owned. And this is isn't even out until next year.
Favourite Game
Heh. Some people are that sold by the fact that it's Star Wars, what else could it be but their favorite?
Yep, I know it's going to be in my top 5
(and because I don't own that many FFG games
They might (like myself) use it as a short-cut to the page they are most likely to use. I have all the 40k RPG products in my top 5. Now, They are in my top 5, but if I was wanting to give an actual depiction of my taste I would have probably just stuck Dark Heresy in there and ranked the other FFG games I own.
borithan said:
Hit the nail on the head. They make great bookmarks to the things I'm wanting to read.
It's Star Wars. If this doesn't make my Top 5 when it comes out...there really is no way to finish that sentence without hyperbole or figurative language.