What does the info on the front of the card packs mean?

By jhuntin1, in Wings of War

I just got started playing WoW and picked up Famous Aces along with the Dogfights and Immelmann packs. Under the cards on the front of the two card packs are a list of planes with two columns of symbols and numbers. What on earth do they mean or stand for? Thanks!

I'm not sure, because we don't often play the elevation rules, but I think the the first colum shows the top altitude the plane can reach in a game. And the second column is the planes climbing rate.

Just as an aside. Has anyone else managed to destroy the chart that comes with the immelmann deck? I didn't know it was there, printed on the dratted cardboard, until I'd already ripped into the packet.

Thanks for the reply. I had a chance to read the Burning Drachens rules last night and saw the elevation rules and figured out that is what was on the cardboard.

The chart on the Immelman pack is the same as the one on the Dogfights pack, and both are the same as the one that shows up in the Burning Drachens rules, so if you messed it up I wouldn't worry.