differences between 4th Revised vs. the upgrade pack

By terrazephyr, in Talisman

I have the 4th Edition Black Box version of the game. Now I see that there is a Revised edition. I really want to upgrade to the revised edition but should I just pay for the upgrade pack that they are making or save up for the real Revised board. I see that there are some differences like it does not appear that the upgrade pack has the cones for strength, craft, and life which to me was always a big drawback of the black box edition. Is there any other differences that I should know about in considering which product?


I believe there are 5 spaces on the board with different text and wording. In the full version you get the Cones, the upgrade you dont. You do NOT get a Full Revised Rulebook in the Upgrade, you just get a update sheet telling about some of the rule differences. However, I do think the revised rulebook is a bonus.

Is it worth it to save $40. I depends. FFG has good scans of the board spaces that have been revised. It is easy with a picture editing program to print them out and glue it to the old board if you want to do that.

My solution though is to buy the Full Revised Talisman online. You can get it for $37 through Amazon. That is better than $60 + tax in a store.

If you can get the full revised edition for $37, I'd say go for it. I got the upgrade pack, and while I'm quite happy with it, I do agree that the counters for Life etc on the Black industries version are a bit of a pain.

As for the board changes, I decided to try sticking the new spaces over the old ones, using Photoshop and some sticker paper. It worked out remarkably well actually. The key I guess is to only replace the text part of the space...since the art doesn't change anyway. Also, for the Chapel, while the wording changes, I don't think the effect is actually different (I could be wrong about that however). And for the desert spaces, they just correct a typo really....which we already knew about. So that means you are left with the Graveyard, the Temple, and the Village as real changes.

The temple and the Village, my stickers worked out fine....the only problem was the Graveyard, which is on a fold in board. I thought about cutting the sticker but the text is really small and thick right on the fold, so it would have made it hard to read. I just made it one piece and will hope for the best....we'll see how that fares after a few foldings and unfoldings...

I cut my graveyard sticker text, and wish I hadn't. My desert space that folds works better than the cut graveyard space.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm a big fan of the game so I was leaning on getting the full version, I guess I just wanted to hear some other folks agree so that I could justify it to myself haha. gui%C3%B1o.gif Thanks for the info.