The though occured to me while reading a different thread about how far FFG intends this game to encompass the SW universe. Will the game be focused on the original triliogy, will future expansions introduce the prequels, or even the Expanded Universe to the game? How will that affect players' perceptions of this game.
If we look at the A Game of Thrones LCG, for the first 6 years of the game, it focused exclusively on the characters and events of the series. Then they started to introduce characters that died years before the books began, and this upset some players. It took away from the idea that people were playing out the setting in the story. How can characters whose deaths were responsible for the current settting still be actively engaged in controlling that setting? Over time that sentiment has passed, but it was a big issue when it first happened, and still irks some players.
Now, the SW universe is huge. There is cannon that involved thousands of years of history. How will that be represented in this game? Should the game focus exclusively on just the original trilogy, or are we going to see Padme' hanging out with Luke and Leia? And Leia's children? Or any of the characters from KotR?
I tend to think that, for the most part, this game will focus primarily on the OT, though it may encorporate pieces from the fiction that took place in that time. If the focus is Rebels vs. Empire, it's not like they have much of a choice (although one could argue that Thrawn(?) could still be part of this universe).
So what about the rest of the SW:EU? Perhaps there will be future deluxe expansion or cycles that focus on particular settings, or we'll see different card games that focus on them. That's sort of the big question, isn't it? There is just so much to this universe, how do you settle on what to include?
And there is one more thing to consider here: does FFG have the rights/ability to add to the EU? Is it possible that part of their license could allow them to create new material for the universe that, at least in a general way, is part of the cannon? Or at least, acceptable in this format? Imagine the creative team at FFG designing a whole new set of characters and missions that occured outside of known events but are completely reasonabe to have occured in the setting. I hope that this last part is true, because I would desperately love to see more options for this game than just having to follow what has come before.