
By chris yates, in Britannia

I've just viewed a video on Boardgamegeek which has made me think that I have misunderstood the overrun rule. The example showed 3 Roman armies moving into a space with one defending army. The example then left 1 army in the space and advanced with the other 2.

The rules say that you must have more than double the number of defending armies and then the excess may keep moving. I've always thought that the excess referred to the amount which was greater than more than double. So if 1 army is defending then 3 have to remain in the space and any others can keep moving.

which is right please?



Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, I thought the rule was you can leave one to defend and the armies who move on must be more than double those in the next territory you are attacking.

Also note the faq:

"The overruns explanation may give
the impression that the battle in the overrun area is
resolved before armies move through. To clarify: All
movement is completed before any battle takes place."

My understanding of the overun rule is that the number of attacking armies must double that of the defending armies before any addition attacking armies can move through into a new area.

Eg. The Belgea (defenders) have 1 army in S.Mercia. The Romans(Attackers) move 3 armies into S.Mercia. 2 Roman armies must remain in S.Mercia (2/1) the 1 remaining army may move through S.Mercia into a new area.