Couple of rules questions

By Varius, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hey guys,

My gaming group and I are new to the game, and we have played a few sessions (got through the game in the back of the book, just started purge the unclean), but there are a few things I have been wondering that I cant seem to find in the rules.

Divine shot and degrees of success - Divine shot is an auto hit, but lets say I was using it with an Accurate weapon or a shotgun, do I still roll and if I miss I just get an auto hit? Or does it count as rolling a 1?

Wielding a weapon in 2 hands- I cant seem to find anywhere in the rulebook about wielding a weapon in 2 hands. I see alot of wielding 2 weapons, but what about using a great weapon or even a sword 2 handed. Do you get double your strength bonus? Or is it like old inquisitor where you get half your strength bonus wielding a weapon with 1 hand, and full when wielding it with 2.

Also, my GM is unsure with the premade campaigns whether to give us experience at the end of each session, or at the end of the adventure.

Thanks in advance.

From the wording of the Divine Shot power it seems that, as long as the power is successfully manifested and the Ballistics test isn't a jam, you are guaranteed one hit, regardless of the results of the BS test, and you always roll damage for it. If firing in single-shot mode, the BS test would be used simply to determine the hit location, and DoS shouldn't matter. In semi-auto and full-auto, you still automatically apply the damage from the Divine Shot round and the BS test results apply to the remainder of the burst, with a maximum number of hits equal to RoF-1 (taking the Divine Shot out of the equation).

And there don't appear to be any written rules regarding a bonus for wielding a one-handed melee weapon with both hands or what penalty to apply if you try to use a two-handed melee weapon one-handed. Used properly, you get your full Str Bonus to damage. Anything else would be the subject of a house rule unless/until they address it in the errata.

As for XP rewards - it's solely up to the GM when (s)he wants to dole them out, regardless of what the book says. Most of the adventures have plot-breaks, which would be the most obvious choice for allocating downtime and training. But allowing on-the-job advancement is an equally sound decision.