W:I LCG Card shops/Vendors in Southern California ?

By ChrisCoolGuy, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Hey Everyone,

Me and a group of my friends (about 5 of us) have begun to really immerse ourselves into the Warhammer: Invasion living card game, but we are tired of always having to order our packs through the internet and we would also like to meet others in the SoCal area interested in this awesome LCG. Does anyone know of a card shop or vendor of Warhammer: Invasion LCG in Southern California that possibly hosts tournaments so that we can meet others interested in the game and buy battle packs? Thanks.

A few friends and I are playing around the Irvine area.

Hi ChrisCoolGuy,

I don't live in California, but I have all battle packs and all expansions (except last two) and I'm planning to sell them pretty soon, since I'm going to try AGoT with my friends. If you are interested, let me know. I'll definitely sell all my cards for less than they will cost you if you order them online. PM me, if you are interested (I'm also planning to ebay auction next some time next week for them)

Where in the Southern California area are you located?

There's a game store in Pasadena called "Game Empire Pasadena" that has a small community for this game.

They're trying to get people together to start up a league so you should definitely check them out!

I stop by In Pasadena here and there It's hard to get a feeling for people to play I've asked around and they don't have an exact meet up day during the week they just show up whenever so it hard to get in touch with them but I'm there every Thursday night around 7