I figured any bits of info we glean from the rulebook before it comes out can be collected here. I will submit the first set.
so, Andy Chambers joined the Dust Tactics Facebook page yesterday and wasted no time giving a slight insight (and pics of his painted Axis troops):
"The Dust Warfare rules have been developed directly from Dust Tactics so if you're familiar with the mechanics for the board game the transition to tabletop will be very straightforward. The addition of reactions and an all new turn sequence are the biggest differences between the two. As a side note I'm also a big Squad Leader fan from back in the day and I've tried to re-capture some of that feel for Dust Warfare (thought not the mechanics!).
I should also add that I think the benefits of IGO UGO outweigh its detriments when balanced off by a reaction system. Have no fear, you won't be sitting on your hands during your opponent's turn."