Campaign game?

By mostrojoe, in Dust Warfare

There will be a campaign system, or a chapter that will instruct players how to create their own campaign, or to link single battles?

There will be a way to manage a personalized platoon bringing it from battle to battle?

The game will lack depth as WH40K does?

mostrojoe said:

There will be a campaign system, or a chapter that will instruct players how to create their own campaign, or to link single battles?

There will be a way to manage a personalized platoon bringing it from battle to battle?

The game will lack depth as WH40K does?

Maybe we will know in 4Q 2011. Until then everything is speculation.

I would be surprised if we had a campaign game in the core book- I'd like to see one but it's not exactly core book material. But we might be surprised. I'd like to see something more then a simple 'ladder' or 'tree' campaign though.

Don't know, but Andy Chambers seems to have a liking for this sort of customization.

40k is currently as deep as a kiddie pool, so I have no fear in this regard. lengua.gif


I am hopeful we get a stand alone campaign book (s) ... similar to the Cyclone and Sea Lion expansions for Dust Tactics. Price them around say $19.95 and I think they will sell quite well.