Would be grateful for advice, having just played first game. Is it correct or legal to build a base on a planet if an opposing faction already has a base on the planet. Can you have opposing bases on the same planet?
Many thanks in anticipation.
Would be grateful for advice, having just played first game. Is it correct or legal to build a base on a planet if an opposing faction already has a base on the planet. Can you have opposing bases on the same planet?
Many thanks in anticipation.
Okay, dude. So a few things:
1.) Please post a question only once.
2.) Please read the rulebook thoroughly before posting a new thread, because so far your questions are all very basic rules questions, not unusual situations that need clarification of the rules.
3.) Please use the forum's search feature before posting a new thread. Most rules questions someone has thought of before, so you can find the answer very quickly if you look around first instead of sitting around waiting for someone to reply to your questions. It's more efficient that way.
With that being said, you are welcome to post new ideas or questions that no one has come across or thought of before or perhaps share some thoughts about a unique strategy. And always feel free to chime in on an existing thread with your thoughts. Welcome to the Forums!