Just did the faces and 2 tank traps so far.
Couldn't resist arranging them lol!
There are a few more pics in my BGG Gallery.
Just did the faces and 2 tank traps so far.
Couldn't resist arranging them lol!
There are a few more pics in my BGG Gallery.
Good job so far and nice job on the Space Marine.
Thanks man. I'm trying to come up w/ a color scheme for my troops. Seems to be the hardest part! I like the ones you've done a lot. I do like the classic germans in black/grey as well. Decisions...decisions.
Some updates.
Almost done with Joe, Starting on Rosie.
Think I might call Joe done. Just needs some flocking now. Started on the BBQ squad.
More pics in my BGG gallery. Link button is borked for me, dunno why.
Those are looking good man. Good job on the shading.
More work on Rosie and the BBQ squad. Based and washed my gorillas too.
This is where I'm at with Rosie so far.
More base work on the gorillas.
Need to finish weapons and Armor.
None of the models are complete yet. They've all got more shading and highlights to be done. I do want them to pop more but I don't want them to come off too cartoony or bright.
I washed over the green with vallejo brown ink. I was going to highlight over that with the green but I kinda like how it came out. I might go with brown/bronze armor instead, still not sure.
I'm painting each squad separately but all with similar color schemes so they all match but don't look assembly line painted.
Wow these look great so far. I am a huge fan of the work you did on the bases of the gorillas. Well done.
more updates!
More washes and highlights on all the minis! Need to work on the gauntlets still.
Hope you guys like them!
they look great. wish i could do that good of job. still debating on what paint scheme i am going to do.
Those are fantastic. The apes poses are sculpted so well, they lend themselves to some great basing and painting like you did.
Thanks everyone for the kind words! I'm getting ready to sit down for the night and hopefully finish these ones I've been working on.
As soon as my apes arrived in the mail I had to start painting them. They are indeed posed so well that I had to make those type of bases.
Check back for this evenings update!
Here's what I got done last night. I ended up getting sidetracked with some terrain building inspired by one of the guys on bgg.
Got the sand on the bases for my BBQ and Gunner squad.
Touched up Joe, Rosie, and the Gorillas. Added more details.
Looking forward to a weekend of painting!
More work on the Gorillas. Mouths, Teeth, Gauntlets, Straps.
My corner cover
More highlights and touch ups
The Gunners are next in line!
Since my last update I've gotten a few things done.
I got to play a game w/ a friend over the weekend. It was good times.
I got my gunners based, washed and 1st highlights done. Also worked on my first two terrain pieces for the game.
Adding the snipers and recon boys
Each squad will have a diff base type as well as color scheme to help pick them out from a distance.
Terrain techniques by bgg member Kris' blog
Different base styles
Getting ready to get to work on them for the night.
Lots of pictures added to my BGG Gallery
Been busy this past week. Here's where I am with my stuff.
Got the Command Squad base coated.
1st wash down
Group WIP shot
Looks great but could you make some close ups?
Will do. I'm using my HTC Thunderbolt to take the pics. I need to set up an spot to take pics other than my work space. hehe. Just getting home tonight and will soon be working on the minis. I'll update tonight w/ some closer pics.
Also if you use the link to my
BGG Gallery
, all my pics are uploaded in (3264 x 1952) from my phone. I don't like how you can't click on images in this board to take you to a full size one. You can get pretty close up on the minis in that size
Mind you, this is just at first glance, but those bases are superb.
Got my Zombies and Tank Busters in on Friday. Had to start on the zombies! Here's where I'm at with these guys.
early base work and base coat
based and washed
base coat on boots and gloves. base washed.
More to come, no work tomorrow!
Hope you like them so far!
Yeah, I like those. You did a good job giving them the creep factor.
I have a "cooperative" scenario in the works but I'll need probably 10 sets of zombies...going to be awhile.
Look great, after I get my ape army done, I shall be painting a zombie army too, what colors are you using for the flesh?
Thanks for the kind words guys!
Vallejo game color Dead Flesh is what I'm using.
I've also made a purple/blue/red wash for the face that i'll use to add some color.
zuggzugg said:
Eh, I guess that makes sense....