PC versions of board games

By thebobbymon1, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

I know this may defeat the purpose of having bpoard games in the first place, but I think it would be cool if FFG took control of game development for some of their games, and created a PC outlet for them, through this site perhaps.

Maybe incorporate the proof of purchase chit that one gets in many games in order to play online for no cost, and charge a fee to others that choose to join up.

Obviously some titles would be more favorable to do than others, but that could be determined by sales of the actual physical board game.

Just a thought to try to get the people who can't find 2-6 players for a game night locally. Oh nothing too fancy either, just straight game mechanics with a user friendly UI.

Personally I don't think this would impact the sales of board games too much as most people that buy them find a way to have a game night.

Considering that most of FFG board games lineup consists of video game conversions, your idea seems to be somewhat off. VG ---> BG ---> VG ?!?!?!?!