Greetings! I Would love any Feedback from anyone.
If your following my posts, we are prepping for a convention in KC. Here's our day two, multiplayer event rules.
D-Day -1
D-Day battle
The town played a significant part in the World War II Normandy landings because this village stood right in the middle of route N13, which the Germans would have most likely used on any significant counterattack on the troops landing on Utah and Omaha Beaches. In the early morning of 6 June 1944 mixed units of the U.S. 82nd Airborne and U.S. 101st Airborne Divisions occupied the town in Operation Boston, giving it the claim to be one of the first towns liberated in the invasion.
The US troops parachuted directly on the town, resulted in heavy casualties for the paratroopers. Some buildings in town were on fire that night, and they illuminated the sky, making easy targets of the descending men. Some were sucked into the fire. Many hanging from trees and utility poles were shot before they could cut loose. The German defenders were alerted.
The Game
This is a night game, spotting is 5 hexes due to spotlights, fire and other active illumination. Board map is 6x4 board maps. The basics idea of this game is a “round robin” event. There will be room for up to 8 players. Prior to the game start, each player signs up on the roster list and, when the time comes, randomly rolls and builds a squad. At the beginning of the game, the starting players place their squad on the game board in accordance with the scenario rules. Game play for each player continues in a randomly drawn order, until a player is knocked out. He may then resign up on the roster, pick a new squad and rejoin the game. Game play runs until the referee calls the end. At the end of the day, the player with the most victory points wins the overall day, and first place.
The roster and building squads
Each new player may sign his name on the roster, as long as he is not “in game”. Starting from the top, when a spot on the table is open, a named player may roll and randomly build a squad. At the start of the next run, the new player joins the table.
Unless the US Squad has an officer, he may not move on the turn he spawned (parachuted in) on. He is simply placed on the board (as a fatigued unit) and hopes for good luck while he gathers the rest of his stick. The squad may still be fired upon as normal.
Parachuting in
There are 24 map boards in play, numbered 1-12. When a US Squad chutes in, he rolls a 1d12. He locates the both map boards numbered 12, and selects one to chute in on. He then rolls for high drift using the center hex as a starting point.
There are 4 German Spawn points on the map. The German army is more organized than the US and each player may choose which spawn point he wants to start at. Each German squad or until starts the turn Fatigued unless he has an officer in the squad, or is a vehicle.
Victory points
To win the game, the player at the end of the day with the most victory points wins.
VP list
There are several ways to gain victory points:
Action Point Value
Hold Objective 1 per turn
Eliminate enemy Soldier 1 per figure
Inflict 1 hit to vehicle 1 per hit
Squad Support (do any above action within 2 hexes of a friendly unit) x2 bonus per turn per action
Spending VP Points
A player may choose to hold or spend his VP Points as he sees fit. One certain randomly determined points, the US aircraft drop supplies. There are 3 “Rally points” on the table. When a US squad moves into a hex containing one of the drop points, he may spend 1 VP to roll on the supply table and applies the result. Regardless, any squad that spends the 1 VP has any and all lost figures replaced at these rally points.
1) The squad may choose to accept or ignore the roll, but only gets one roll per turn, per 1 VP’s. Andy roll success is lost if refused.
2) Each squad (as per game rules) may one have 1 specialization, 1 MG or up to two mortars.
3) A specialization may not be combined with a Mortar, Double mortar or MG.
US Supply chart (1d6)
Roll result Squad Upgrade
1 Engineer Specialization
2 Medic Specialization
3 Bazooka Specialization
4 Mortar
5 Double mortar
6 MG
*Germans do not get resupplied.
The turn
At the beginning of each turn, each player “in game” draws a card (deck of playing cards Ace - 7). Starting in order of the cards, each player may:
1) Drop their new squad in game. The Germans spawn from the specific reinforcement area and the Americans parachute in anywhere on the board.
2) May make 1 action per turn, as per the TOI rules.
At the end of the day, the play who has (or had) the most unspent VP when he was knocked out of the game wins.
I could use help with
1) How players draw and use strategy and tactics cards.
2) Maybe a gameplay chain of command that allows the player who has the longest surviving squad on the table to use cards, etc.