Wolf Priest Class

By bladebaka, in Deathwatch House Rules

Hey guys,

I wrote this up for one of the guys that was going to join our DW group, but ended up not doing so... So I decided to post it up here!

Linky Linky Download

This is intended to be just a regular class, and then when a regular character gets the option to become a Chaplain, this guy gets the option to Req the crozius unless the GM decides otherwise.

Comments, Criticism, etc, are appreciated!


I did not have the time to take a closer look but you have sure strike two times on your List at rank 4. Once with preriquisites (WS 30) and once without.

While your Version of a Wolf Priest is an interesting mix of Apo and the advanced specialty chaplain, it is far from how I think a Wolf Priest should feel.

I would stick more closely to the Deathwatch Apo, just changing little things.

One of the things that need changing is the Guardian of Purity Ability, just because Wolf Priests don't use the narthecium, reliying on more conventional means to heal his Battle-Brothers.

In Order to give the Wolf priest as many of the things on the chaplain advances you stripped the wolf priest of some abilitis very integral for him as well as the standard apo, like infused knowledge.

And I never liked the idea of DW chars having peer (astartes) so I would not give it to a base specialty.

Thats good. Now MAKE ME A SANDWICH er...uh..I mean a dedicated chaplain career. A Chaplain as an ugrade just isnt right.

It's right for the Deathwatch though which requires cross-chapter chaplaincy and bridging of conflicting faiths.


The only problem is that it is the rare chapter who can spare a Chaplain, librarian or an Apothecary. If they are both the same person, that individual becomes even more precious to his chapter and it is highly unlikely that a Wolf Priest would be assigned a Deathwatch tour.

The upcoming supplement will cover the specialisations of all the chapter, including Runepriests, Iron Fathers, Death Company etc (Well, fingers crossed it will cover them all in such detail, but at the very minimum expect a section for each chapter saying what is and isn't available and how to RP it).

Kasatka said:

The upcoming supplement will cover the specialisations of all the chapter, including Runepriests, Iron Fathers, Death Company etc (Well, fingers crossed it will cover them all in such detail, but at the very minimum expect a section for each chapter saying what is and isn't available and how to RP it).

Where'd you hear this?

Captain Ventris said:

Kasatka said:

The upcoming supplement will cover the specialisations of all the chapter, including Runepriests, Iron Fathers, Death Company etc (Well, fingers crossed it will cover them all in such detail, but at the very minimum expect a section for each chapter saying what is and isn't available and how to RP it).

Where'd you hear this?

I know about the supplement, I'm wondering where he definitively read that there were to be chapter-specific Advanced specialties. But I just re-read the announcement and totally found it. Yeah.

Captain Ventris said:

I know about the supplement, I'm wondering where he definitively read that there were to be chapter-specific Advanced specialties. But I just re-read the announcement and totally found it. Yeah.

Yeah, it doesn't specifically say which will be included, but I'd love to see the Wolf Priest done well. There are some others that could be interesting, but I'm a SW fan first and foremost.

Captain Ventris said:

I know about the supplement, I'm wondering where he definitively read that there were to be chapter-specific Advanced specialties. But I just re-read the announcement and totally found it. Yeah.

I didn't definitively hear it, but its common sense to conclude that there isn't enough material for a supplement if it's just 20 pages of stats on each legion...