I was wondering/hoping this might be available at GenCon as a prerelease. With the lack of news updates on it so far I'm not holding my breath...Arkham dice, sure. Rune Age, definitely. Black Crusade, yup. This...probably not.
Too quiet for a GenCon release?
It was released at GenCon. I played in a demo and it was so fun I bought it right afterwards. I love the mechanics.
Yeah, I was busy running events so my FFG booth time was limited. Ran by and grabbed a copy unplayed and have had a blast.
For me, it plays like a quicker version of the Carson City boardgame. Feels very familiar to anyone who's played that particular game. I do like that it's fast as well. We were caught wondering if we'd played something incorrectly when we were done in 40 minutes with a 3 player game. I like that it can stretch out depending on how fast players go to Town Hall and lay out the railroad ties.
Definitely will be a go-to 'we've only got a half hour, what do we play' game. And the art is great as always (love the tiny money).
I thought things were too quiet about this game as well. Not much here or on BGG. That does not bode well....
FWIW, a good video review of the game is up on BGG now. We may not have rules yet, but that review goes a long way towards understanding what the gameplay will be like.