How Does Organized Play Work?

By cruzron, in 3. AGoT Organized Play


I know its a weird question but I've been searching for info on it to no avail. Back then I was able to sanction tourneys for AEG stuff just by registering as a TO. With FFG though I'm bit at a loss. What exactly is the process? Is there actually one for small tourneys or just for big events and cons?

In any case, we're all just starting out here in our area (Philippines). The scene is small to non-existent so we'd like to start it up! :)

I'd like to know how this is done too. We've got a small player base in the Philippines but it's starting to grow, and I'm interested in having official sanctioned "Hand of the King" tourneys or stuff like that on our shores.

how many players do you have? My friends and I want to try the game. PM me for the details.

Also, where do you buy your cards?

We buy online and just have it shipped here as the local retailers don't carry it. How about you? We play mostly in qc ortigas area

haven't bought the cards yet. do you have ym pm me your nick?

Hmm. I'm assuming that purchasing one of these is the first step to setting up organized play?