Chaos Undivided and Mutations

By nethru, in Black Crusade

I was reading about mutations in the news section and you can get specific type of mutations based on the god you worship. What if you don't worship any of the 4 big dogs but Chaod Undivided instead? I hope they have rules for this type of band as I don't think my players will all be worshiping the same god.

I'm fairly certain that your characters can worship different gods and still be in the same warband, it's not like worshipping gods that hate eachother means the cultists hate eachother. It can simply be an a convenient arrangement to meet their goals. The khorne warrior wants ever greater battles to prove his worth as a warrior, the slaneesh worshipper might like to make art out of humans and following the khorne worshipper gives him ample supply of bodies. The nurgling might want to perfect his experiments and grant himself eternal life while the tzeech is simply using everyone else to meet his own ends.

You might not find alot of legions worshipping various gods band together, but I doubt regular heretics and renegade space marines are quite as selective about their companies simply because they have little choice.

I am glad to own a PDF-Copy of the old WFRP gem "Tome of Corruption"

...and I am quiet sure they will handle it in a similiar way as it was handled their (really, they would be fools if they would not).

The solution "back in the old days" was to have a HUGE table with lots and load of mutation. This was the "all over "table" where you would end up....

.....if you where not worshipping one particular good. In that case, you got a different table which was a little more narrow (so, no bird legs and/or beakers for Khorn Worshippers!) and had some of the propabilites changed to emphasize certain results suiting for a given good (if you worshipped Nurgle, you could bet that you had a better chance to become a disease carrier then anyone else).

I think, HOPE that they will do the same and translate a lot of the material into 40K...and add some more, new things. They already started off with things like that in "DaemonHunter" (DH) as some/certain "Daemonic Appearances" added to the Fear-Factor.

*picks up the D1000 and starts rolling*

If they harken back to Slaves to Darkness and The Lost and the Damned, we might indeed see an enormous loads of whacky mutations. Some only 'aesthetic', some with 'beneficial' effectsand quite a few that really make you wonder why you joined the chaos boys.

In those two books, the rules for warbands favoured the disciples of one of the four gods over the followers of chaos undivided. The former where slightly better warded against random mutations, and would recieve a specific reward from their gods where a follower of chaos undivided would get a mutation. Of course, the gods themselves remained fickle, and could still bless you with a nasty little mutation...or more then one, if you happen to devote yourself to Tzeentch.

Friedrich van Riebeeck, Navigator Primus, Heart of the Void