I've known of Runebound for many a day now (probrablly a years now)) and I haven't picked it up. I have talisman, and love that game more than any other boardgame, and every time I wanted to pick up Runebound for a more mature, less random game I always remembered I had Descent to play with, which has the same characters, I can level up, and was a more in depth game to play with friends who wanted a serious adventure (although theres nothing wrong with the crazyness of talisman). I recently picked up Dungeonquest on a whim, and love that game, despite how many times it' killed me. but I noticed it came with Runebound cards, and that nagging urge to buy it came back.
My main concerns are: Is it fun solo? Is it good for playing with a party of friends? Is it good enough without expansions as I don't want to spend to much on it, and finally, does it fulfill a role that Descent (true dungeon crawl), talisman (fun crazy adventure), and Dungeonquest (a hybrid of talisman and descent) don't fulfill already?