Looking for players in the Grand Rapids MI area

By Eisenmerc, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

Heyo, very new to the game but I'm loving it so far! I have a very small group of friends who play but I was looking to expand the circle a bit. If there are any players or leagues in the Grand Rapids (or West Michigan) area, I'd love to get a few games going.

Hey man, got a solid group of players here in rodchester MI,Looking to expand our meta,traiing for next years gencon. We wouldnt mind meeting half way or even just getting a couple of games in online once or twice a month. Let me know if your interested. Friend me

I will be up in GR sometimes I could let you know when I will be up so we can play sometime

Sounds like a plan mate. Where are you from btw?

I am from Bronson which is a 2 hour drive south but I have a gf from coops so once and a while I will be up in GR

We usually meet up at Goldmine Comics, just a little south of Grand Rapids. My friends can be hard to coral sometimes so as much advanced notice as you can give would be for the best.

I would like the address to the shop and a better way to communicate with you would be nice as well

Sure thing mate. Goldmine is at 65 54th St SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49548 (616) 534-7227 It's only a couple blocks from US 131 but google maps can probally get you there better then I can. My email is atsuge2000@hotmail.com Althought I only check it slightly more often then I do the forums :)