So I'm about to start GMing DH again, after a year or so, and I've come back around to one of my main problems with the system: Full Auto is not only unrealistic but unbalanced. So putting some thought into things, and prowling around here for a bit, I've come up with some ideas that I want to run past the forums to make sure I'm not unbalancing things too far.
-Full auto works as written in Dark Heresy.
-Semiauto works as written in Rogue Trader (can move Ag Bonus meters while shooting but you don't get the +10% to BS). I'm thinking about making the Hip Shooting talent restore the +10% while moving for pistol and basic weapons, but I don't know if that's such a good idea. It fits thematically, but I don't know about balance.
-Single Shot: Shoot as normal. Defender rolls dodge BUT a success doesn't automatically dodge the shot. Instead, Dodge DoS subtract from BS DoS. That way the great shooter making an amazing shot (BS 70 that rolls a 01) doesn't get hosed by the dreg with Ag 20 that happens to roll a 19 (NPCs get reactions in my games). Plus it adds an interesting dynamic to Accurate weapons: a last minute twitch can turn a killing shot through the heart into a simple center of mass shot (but again, it doesn't necessarily mean the shooter missed).
Other house rules I'm considering running by the group are:
Lasguns get a full auto setting (5 shots). I constantly read about guardsmen being given the order "Five rounds rapid!" so it's ridiculous to me that the common lasgun doesn't have an auto setting.
Accurate pistols work like Accurate longarms, only with d5s instead of d10s. Accurate Heavy Weapons (I don't know of any offhand, but I'm pretty open to homebrew gear (it is a galaxy of guns, after all), and I'm pretty certain we'll have a character or two with Trade Armorer and an active imagination.
I'm also considering letting leftover Pen from Energy weapons (Las, Melta, Plasma) reduce Toughness Bonus as well.
Ex scenario: Uriah Steele the Noble is attending the planetary governor's ball to keep an eye on the governor while his cellmates search the mansion for signs of heretical dealings. While at the party, Uriah comes face to face with a member of a rival noble house, Talus Horne. Horne takes exception Uriah's cool greeting and challenges him to a duel on the spot. Space is cleared, and two dueling laspistols are brought forth. Uriah and Talus take their weapons, mark ten paces, turn and fire. Uriah has a BS of 50, T of 30 and Ag of 35, while Talus has a BS of 45, T of 35 and Ag 40. Initiative starts as each turns. Uriah wins initiative, aims, and calls a shot to his opponent's head since Talus isn't wearing any headgear (and a good thing too, since Talus is wearing an armored bodyglove under his party robes). Uriah's player rolls against BS 50 (50+10 for short range+10 for half action aim-20 for called shot) and rolls a 06 for 4 degrees of success. Talus rolls dodge and rolls a 73, failing miserably. Uriah's player rolls damage, 1d10+5 base + 2d5, getting a 9, 3, and 5, making 22 damage. Talus has no armor, and the laspistol deals E damage, so his T is reduced by 4, to 0, and so takes 22 wounds. Since he only has 16, he takes 6 critical damage to the head. Talus lets out a gargling scream and falls to the ground unconscious (1d5=4 fatigue). Uriah smiles a bloodthirsty grin; it's always good to come out on top of one of those arrogant, self-righteous Hornes. The party resumes as the governor's servants carry the unconscious Talus from the chamber, and Uriah becomes the center of attention. But as he looks through his newly-attracted throng of well-wishers and sycophants, he realizes he can't see Governor Tarkus anywhere...