Giant Battlelore book

By ClanNatioy2, in Battlelore

Would any one else but me like to see a battlelore rulebook (possibly hardback) That contains all the game rules, rules for units, terrain, monster and any rule that has been published to date?

I would love this because sometimes flipping through tons of small rulebooks can be a real hassle and it would be great if all the rules were located in one book.

It would also work out for people that could only get an ffg french set. Now they would have a way to get an official rulebook in English.

I agree. that a rules compilation would be great. I am not a big fan of the hard backed rule books, but I would take what I could get.

On BGG I have seen posted a link to just such a book, albeit an abridgement of the combined rules with images removed. It is available for individual print from lulu. Search the BGG Battlelore forums for lulu and you should find it.