New Races - Homebrewed Races

By ElricOfMelnibone, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

And here's the space for all your Homebrewed Races for Anima. It's pretty clear that the races in the rulebooks are only the most common and that some others might exist. I'm eager to see any of your creations. Here are my children.

Dwarf Size: Despite Strength and Constituition, maximum size is 15. Always have minimum Height and maximum Weight for their Size class.
Uncommon Physic: +2 Constitution and +1 Strength, cannot Deduct Two Points from a Characteristic Disadvantage to lower their Constitution or Strength. Maximum Constitution and Strength are 13. Can reach Inhuman-Difficulty levels in actions involving Strength or Constitution.
Resistance: +25 Magic, Venom and Physical Resistance, +10 to Psychic and Disease Resistance. Cannot buy Susceptible to Poisons, Susceptible to Magic, Physical Weakness, Sickly and Serious Illness, Easily Possessed, Severe Allergy, Atrophied Limb.
Withstand Fatigue: +2 Fatigue.
Slow Moving: -2 Movement.
Magic and Psychic Null: Cannot have The Gift, See Supernatural, Access to a Psychic Discipline, Access to Any Psychic Discipline, Access to Natural Psychic Powers Advantages. Cannot allocate DPs to Primary Supernatural and Psychic Abilities. Cannot be of any Class from the Mystic or Psychic Archetype.
Unattractive: Deduct 2 from Appearance. Can buy Unattractive even if they have 5 Appearance (going to 3 Appearance). Cannot buy Charm Advantage.
Wear Armor Bonus: +40 Wear Armor.
Withstand Death: Automatically overcome Between Life and Death checks.
Quick Healing: Add 5 points to Regeneration.
Natural Abilities and Inabilities: Starts with -10 Acrobatics, +10 Athleticism, +15 Climb, -15 Ride, -20 Swim, +5 Search, +5 Appraisal, -5 Herbal Lore, +10 Memorize, -15 Navigation, -15 Occult, +10 Science, +20 Withstand Pain, +5 Composure, -20 Stealth, +10 Trap Lore, +10 Lock Picking, -20 Dance, +20 Forging.
Warrior Path: Only Elan accessible for Dvergrs is Noah.
Level Modifier: +1.

Stout: -2 Size and cannot increase it using Uncommon Size Advantage. Always have minimum Height and maximum Weight for their Size class.
Resistance: +15 Magic, Venom and Physical Resistance. Cannot buy Susceptible to Poisons, Susceptible to Magic or Physical Weakness.
Uncommon Constitution: +1 Constitution, cannot Deduct Two Points from a Characteristic Disadvantage to lower their Constitution. Maximum Constitution is 13.
Withstand Fatigue: +1 Fatigue.
Slow Moving: -1 Movement.
Magic Null: Cannot have The Gift or See Supernatural Advantages. Cannot allocate DPs to Primary Supernatural Abilities. Cannot be of any Class from the Mystic Archetype or intersecting the Mystic Archetype.
Uncharming: Deduct 1 from Appearance. Can buy Unattractive even if they have 6 Appearance (going to 4 Appearance). Cannot buy Charm Advantage.
Wear Armor Bonus: +20 Wear Armor.
Natural Abilities and Inabilities: Starts with -5 Acrobatics, +5 Athleticism, +10 Climb, -5 Ride, -10 Swim, +5 Search, +5 Appraisal, -5 Herbal Lore, +10 Memorize, -10 Navigation, -10 Occult, +5 Science, +10 Withstand Pain, -10 Stealth, +5 Trap Lore, +5 Lock Picking, -10 Dance, +10 Forging.
Immortal Soul: -3 XP per session.

As a few might have understood, Dvergr are no more than Dwarves. They have a particular story in my Gaia setting though. They have been created long ago by Noah, specifically to be his personal children. They have many aspects resembling typical fantasy dwarves but an especially strong sense of competition and tendecy to get better at whatever they do, although their complete lack for The Gift and Psychic Potential somehow put them to a disadvantage compared to other races. They had minor scorns with all other races, but somehow always had a tendency to remain neutral, not because unwilling to fight but because they see fighting only as a mean of improving. If they can get better, than they fight, otherwise they find no reason too. Anyway, after Christ's crusade, the Dvergr decided to delve deep into the mountains that were their homes (the mountain range separating Moth from Goldar) and cancelled all records of their existence. They actually helped a bit during Rah's incursions in Hendell, but then disappeared again (after firming a pact with the local authorities that made so that their appearance was never to be recorded anywhere. There aren't even tales about them. They mantain actually some very sparce relations with Samael. They enjoy the help of other races for all that concerns spells and stuff like that, since they lack the necessary skills to perform such feats. On the other hand, they have often offered shelter to a few Samael members (also very important ones). They tend to have pretty good relationship with "anyone" they have relationship with (which are almost no-one). Practically the whole community is in the mountain and there are no other Dvergr pockets around Gaia, but sometimes Dvergr are sent as scouts around the territory to gather information (nevertheless they are very very rare adventurers). Despite being unable to use magic as it is, Dvergr with incredibly high forging skills (Inhuman-Zen level in Forge Checks) are able to somehow bind supernatural forces to their creations. Of course with years they have specialized in creating artifacts that are capable of disguise their true appearance. They have some very minor role in my plot, because of their isolationism, even though if things get BIG they might decide to show up (and yest, their King is a Level16 Weaponmaster named Alviss, with a humble base forge value of 405), but it's very hard getting them to go out of the mountain, since they have made SECRECY theit top priority (no note of their existence even on Tol Rauko or Inquisition documents). Actually the good side of having such secrecy is that even if one were to be witnessed he would probably be mistook for some deformed man and not a representative of a different race. But it's not like they want to take such a chance...

Needless to say, Nephilims are of the rarest kind (Dvergr were always few...). They often witness in dreams memories of their past battles. No Nephilim so far was born from a Dvergr that didn't die in battle.

I think I know someone who would send you flowers for making this race :)

I'm not asking for flowers (although cameratism between us dwarf-lovers is important). I simply hope someone will find it interesting or fun playing such race. It's level modifier was calculated on comparison to other races, although I had to "invent" on the "weight" of some drawbacks...

Thank you for pointing me in the direction of this thread.

Would love to see the rest of your creations.

Thanks Maelstorm.

Since I have the tendency to check here and again my creations but no will to read what I posted, I'll post again the Dvergr, just in case I modified something since the last post...

Dwarf Size: Despite Strength and Constituition, maximum size is 15. Always have minimum Height and maximum Weight for their Size class.
Magic and Psychic Null: Cannot have The Gift, See Supernatural, Access to a Psychic Discipline, Access to Any Psychic Discipline, Access to Natural Psychic Powers Advantages. Cannot allocate DPs to Primary Supernatural and Psychic Abilities. Cannot be of any Class from the Mystic or Psychic Archetype.
Natural Abilities and Inabilities: Starts with -10 Acrobatics, +10 Athleticism, +15 Climb, -15 Ride, -20 Swim, +5 Search, +5 Appraisal, -5 Herbal Lore, +10 Memorize, -15 Navigation, -15 Occult, +10 Science, +20 Withstand Pain, +5 Composure, -20 Stealth, +10 Trap Lore, +10 Lock Picking, -20 Dance, +20 Forging.
Quick Healing: Add 5 points to Regeneration.
Resistance: +25 Magic, Venom and Physical Resistance, +10 to Psychic and Disease Resistance. Cannot buy Susceptible to Poisons, Susceptible to Magic, Physical Weakness, Sickly and Serious Illness, Easily Possessed, Severe Allergy, Atrophied Limb.
Slow Moving: -2 Movement.
Unattractive: Deduct 2 from Appearance. Can buy Unattractive even if they have 5 Appearance (going to 3 Appearance). Cannot buy Charm Advantage.
Uncommon Physic: +2 Constitution and +1 Strength, cannot Deduct Two Points from a Characteristic Disadvantage to lower their Constitution or Strength. Maximum Constitution and Strength are 13. Can reach Inhuman-Difficulty levels in actions involving Strength or Constitution.
Warrior Path: Only Elan accessible for Dvergrs is Noah.
Wear Armor Bonus: +40 Wear Armor.
Withstand Death: Automatically overcome Between Life and Death checks.
Withstand Fatigue: +2 Fatigue.
Level Modifier: +1.

Magic Null: Cannot have The Gift or See Supernatural Advantages. Cannot allocate DPs to Primary Supernatural Abilities. Cannot be of any Class from the Mystic Archetype or intersecting the Mystic Archetype.
Natural Abilities and Inabilities: Starts with -5 Acrobatics, +5 Athleticism, +10 Climb, -5 Ride, -10 Swim, +5 Search, +5 Appraisal, -5 Herbal Lore, +10 Memorize, -10 Navigation, -10 Occult, +5 Science, +10 Withstand Pain, -10 Stealth, +5 Trap Lore, +5 Lock Picking, -10 Dance, +10 Forging.
Resistance: +15 Magic, Venom and Physical Resistance. Cannot buy Susceptible to Poisons, Susceptible to Magic or Physical Weakness.
Slow Moving: -1 Movement.
Stout: -2 Size and cannot increase it using Uncommon Size Advantage. Always have minimum Height and maximum Weight for their Size class.
Uncharming: Deduct 1 from Appearance. Can buy Unattractive even if they have 6 Appearance (going to 4 Appearance). Cannot buy Charm Advantage.
Uncommon Constitution: +1 Constitution, cannot Deduct Two Points from a Characteristic Disadvantage to lower their Constitution. Maximum Constitution is 13.
Wear Armor Bonus: +20 Wear Armor.
Withstand Fatigue: +1 Fatigue.
Immortal Soul: -3 XP per session.

For BG information see the last post. Just as I side note, I decided that The Lightless Halls were also part of Dvergr dominion, but due to collapse of underground passage, they lost contact with it and Dvergr in The Lightless Halls misteriously disappeared meanwhile.

Chitinous Bodies: Ah Chiinches have a natural AT4 against all attacks.
Extreme Tenacity: Ah Chiinches have a +40 bonus to all Resistance checks that would cause them automatic death and all Withstand Pain checks and can keep fighting until their Life Points have reached ten times their constitution below 0.
Eyeless Sight: In order to survive, Ah Chiinches became something completely different from the human beings they originated from. They lack eyes and perceive the world through their antennae. They have the Extrasensorial Vision and Round Vision special rules. They cannot buy either Blind or Deaf as disadvantages.
Four Arms: Ah Chiinches have a total of 4 arms, meaning they can wield up to 4 weapons, two two-handed weapons, or combinations of those. Attacks with additional weapons suffer the usual -40 Attack Penalty. Ah Chiinches treat he Ambidextrous advantage as a 1-3CP cost one, reducing the Attack Penalty of one additional arm Attack to -10 for each CP spent. Ah Chiinches with the Gift don’t suffer the gestureless casting penalties, as far as they have 2 free hands. Also, Ah Chiinches may employ the additional arms to carry an Enormous size weapon as if their Size class was Big.
Human Size: Despite their great strength, Ah Chiinches are almost human sized, hence they apply a modifier of -2 to their Size class.
Incredible Bodies: The insectoid body structure grants Ah Chiinches with the ability to perform exceptional feats. Ah Chiinches are Inhuman, Without Unconsciousness and Tireless and benefit from a bonus of +2Str. Ah Chiinches can have a difference between Str and Con superior to 2 points. Anyway, their unusual body structure makes so that any attempt to make a Medicine check on a Ah Chiinche from a non-Ah Chiinche character is increased two levels in difficulty, unless the character has spent a long time studying Ah chiinches’ anatomy.
Insectoids: Ah Chiinches are considered monstrous by the standards of any humanoid race and are pretty uninterested in appearance themselves. They’re considered as having Aspect 1 while interacting with any other race. Also any character is considered as having Aspect 5 while interacting with them, including other Ah Chiinches. They cannot buy the Unattractive disadvantage. Also, Ah Chiinches have -100 to all their Social checks, when interacting with other races and cannot buy Charm, Disquieting or Seducer advantages.
Mute: Ah Chiinches’ communication is based on pheromone transmission of messages. Although they are capable of rational thinking, they don’t have any way to reproduce sounds and are therefore considered Mute. All Ah Chiinches with the Gift are considered as having the Unspoken Casting advantage. They cannot buy Mute as a disadvantage.
Level Modifier: +2.

Distaste for Aesthetics: Al Chiinche Nephilims consider all humanoids as having Aspect 5.
Insectoid Stamina: Ah Chiinche Nephilims are Tireless.
Tenacity: Ah Chiinche Nephilims have a +20 bonus to all Resistance checks that would cause them automatic death and all Withstand Pain checks.
Immortal Soul: Ah Chiinche Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.

Imagine them much like insect-humans without eyes, and four hands (with five fingers, like humans) at the extremity of four arms. Why should Insect like people be around in a world where inhuamans are hunted? Simple enough, they live very deep in the jungles of the New Continent (the western, South-America-looking one). Despite being unable to see and speak, they're quite intelligent (their perception and communication based on hormonal transmission of messages), but they have SERIOUS problems interacting with other races for obvious reasons, although they are generally mild and not very aggressive. They DON'T breed in thousands like insects (would be impossible for any ecosystem to sustain big creatures in such numbers) and simply don't have any sense of aesthetic. Beautiful and ugly are concepts completely extraneous to their nature. The few of them that are exploring the world "outside the jungle" go around with heavy cloacks covering their entire bodies, a mask to hide their insectoid face, gloves to hide their hands (they seem humanoid, but are still covered in chitin...), and of course they keep the second pair of arms stright attacked to the body in order to hide them. They fake being mute, of course and are quite skilled in mimicking what they want to say. Of course they're being very cautious, with other races and still almost no-one knows that they exist. Somehow they tend to venerate nature, but also all that's supernatural, making so that they have a frequent mixed affinity to Erebus and Raphael, but they can develop Elan toward other shajads/berils as normal, since they do develop different personalities exactly like other intelligent beings. They never breeded with other races and any interbreeding would give birth to nothing.

Armors Curse: Fafnrs cannot wear armors while in their Drakonic form. If forced into an armor, the Fafnr’s body immediately shapeshifts to its human form. If a Fafnr doesn’t want to develop any wear armor ability, he can exchange any Class bonus to the Wear Armor ability with an equivalent bonus to his Life Points. Fafnrs cannot buy the Use of Armor advantage.
Blood Bonds: Residing apart from the world for most part of history, Fafnrs have developed only a limited number of Blood Bonds. Thus, they can only choose Blood Bonds from the following list: Kagutsuchi’s Blood, Niflheim’s Blood, Rudraska’s Blood, Toa’s Blood, Pandemonium’s Blood, Sephira’s Blood, Uroboros’ Blood, Eternal Blood, Natural Weapons (which does not count as a Blood Bond for them), Dragon’s Blood, Latent Blood.
Children of Fire and Ice: Fafnrs only suffer half damage from Fire and Ice effects.
Cumbersome Bodies: The bodies of Fafnr lack some flexibility typical of other humanoid races. Hence they suffer a -10 Initiative penalty and cannot gain any benefit from any Martial Art while in their Drakonic form.
Damage Reduction: Fafnrs deduct -10 from all Damage suffered from any source. may also spend DP to buy the Damage Reduction Power, with the limits of beings with Gnosis 20.
Dragon Scales: Fafnrs have a natural AT6 against all attacks. Fafnrs may spend DP to gain additional AT points up to a maximum of AT8 for a cost of 30DP per each additional AT point. Furthermore, they can increment their Physical AT up to a maximum of AT10, at a cost of 20DP per each additional Physical AT point.
Human Form: Fafnrs can shapechange their form to that of a human being of any race and same sex, but they always assume the same shape. While in Human Form, they don’t have any of their racial powers or restrictions. It takes a full turn shapeshifting from one form to the other and the Size change added to the presence of scales on the Drakonic shape may easily cause dresses to rip. Also, wearing armors inhibits the ability of Fafnrs of reverting to their Drakonic form.
Natural Weapons: Fafnrs have natural weapons with a Base Damage of 40 or 60, depending on their Size. Fafnrs must learn how to use them as normal. Fafnrs may spend DP to buy the following creature Powers that apply to their Natural Weapons, with the limits of beings with Gnosis 20: Increased Damage, Damage Energy, Armor Modifier, Increased Critical, Supernatural Attack, Breakage Bonus, Accumulate Attack, Natural Charge, Defensive Style (which is not cumulative with the Secondary Weapon Defensive Style Module), Shield.
Overwhelming Power: Fafnrs have +1Str, +1Con, +1Pow, +1Wil and +1Per. They are also Inhuman.
Resistant: Fafnrs have +20 to their Magic Resistance and +20 to their Physical Resistances. Fafnrs may spend DPs in multiples of 10 to increase these two Resistance Bonus up to a maximum of +50 Magic Resistance and +50 Physical Resistance. Each 10DP spent, raise one of the two Resistances Bonus by +10.
Level Modifier: +3.

Children of Fire and Ice: Fafnr Nephilims only suffer half damage from Fire and Ice effects.
Damage Reduction: Fafnr Nephilims deduct -5 from all Damage suffered from any source.
Will of a Dragon: Fafnr Nephilims have +1Pow.
Resistant: Fafnrs Nephilims have +15 to their Magic Resistance and +15 to their Physical Resistances.
Immortal Soul: Fafnr Nephilims suffer a penalty of -3XP earned per session.

Fafnr are somehow a secondary breed of Dragons. They mostly come from the north, but are actually very scattered across the world, keeping their existence secret thanks to the fact they can assume human shape (for all that matters they can also assume the shape of any humanoid, but they DON'T get any ratial bonus from it...). Actually Fafnr learn to metamorph when very young (note that unlike for Tuan Dalyr their NATURAL SHAPE is the drakonic one and not the human one) and once they choose their appearance they keep it for all their life. They don't have a society and feel a certain simpathy for others of their kind (since they are few) and for "real dragons". They pass down a religion incentered in the cult of both Gaira, C'iel, Shajads, and Berils which are actually venerated for what they are (they know much more about them than most other races since they don't have "idealized" their deities). Most of them live solitary lives (pretty long ones...much like Duk'Zarist) in the middle of men, without really fitting most times, but somehow while in human form they are capable of interbreeding. The result of such crossess are never drakonic, although they may inherit some traits in their humanoid form (like unnatural resistance or resistance to fire and ice). Anyway, Fafnr like looking for each other and often spend their entire lives searching for a companion of their own breed. And yes...their inability to wear armors seems somehow connected to some old curse they have from creation.

Artificial Body and Mind: Homunculus have a bonus of +3 that can be distributed freely among their characteristics. Choose a Secondary Abilities Field for each Homunculus. All Abilities from that Field start with a base of 20 even without spending there any DPs, and gain a +5 Bonus per Level. If the Homunculus has the Jack of All Trades advantage, he starts with 30 points in the Abilities his chosen Field.
Artificial Essence: Homunculi can spend 50 Zeon points per turn to either recover 5 lost Life Points or 1Fatigue Point. Multiply the recovered number of Life Points or Fatigue Points by the Regeneration Rate of the character. Homunculi cannot regenerate Life Points or recover Fatigue by any other mean, but they can transfer or be transferred Zeon as if they had The Gift.
Extraordinary Resistance: Although they cannot develop any Ki ability, Homunculi are automatically considered as benefitting from Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Necessities and Elimination of Penalties. They also benefit from a bonus of +40 to all Resistances.
Lonely Existence: Homunculus cannot get the Familiar, Henchman, Animal Companion, Shelee Essence, and Great Love advantages. They can never have any Familiar or Shelee.
Soulless: Homunculi do not have any Ki point and cannot develop any Ki or Summoning Ability. They can still develop Nemesis Abilities and Ars Magna (as far as they don’t have a Ki cost) and may as well buy Ki Accumulation Multiples to empower their Nemesis Abilities. An Homunculus can never develop any Elan, Blood Bond, nor take any Advantage/Disadvantage related to Ki, Summoning, The Gift (or Incomplete Gift), or Access to Psychic Disciplines, although they can receive an Innate Technique/Spell/Psychic Power. Homunculi are unaffected by any Soul-Related effect as well as the Eyes of Death powers. They’re considered as having Gnosis 0 and Natura 0, but ignore any Gnosis based Immunity/Resistance.
Unnatural Presence: Homunculi are considered as automatically having the Annoying and Disquieting Disadvantage/Advantage that do not count toward their Advantage/Disadvantage limit. They can never receive the Charm, or Great Speaker advantage.
Void Existence: Homunculi suffer a penalty of -3XP earned per session.
Level Modifier: +2.

A product of magic nodes, homunculi are beings without a soul and with human appearance (most times). They are made of magic substantially, but cannot arness it, just like they cannot arness any other power, except for Nemesis and some Ars Magna. A few of them also are "created" with Innate ability to use a single Technique/Psychic Power/Spell (the advantages Innate Technique and Innate Spell were homebrewed by me). Beings things that shouldn't exist they are refused by all and everything that's around them, so they tend to isolate themselves. Of course a few of them seek for a way of acquiring a soul and becoming "full"...but most of them find some kind of merciful destruction before they do. Sad, poor things under all aspects...much like FMA homunculi or Prometheans from the omonimous RPG. For obvious reasons, they don't age, and don't give birth to anything, nor Nephilims.

I really like these new races Elric. I might have to see about using one of the Fafnr as 'companion' for sorts for the my group in the next campaign.

A question about their drakonic forms though, are they the size of regular dragons in this form?

Absolutely not...their size is that indicated by their MODIFIED Str+Con on Drakonic shape, meaning they're usually "big" AND a character should be very careful to what he wears, since most dresses may break when the character becomes bigger AND scaly. Most Fafnr go around with long robes they can take off easily before transforming, when needed (still consider that in Anima setting a Fafnr really transforms only if strictly needed due to the risks of doing so in public).

tell me what you guys think of this one, i'v been having some trouble with getting them down just right, so consider this the prototype of the...


The diobloan were a source of several myths and legends, most of them about demons and monsters, especially as far as the church is concerned. But the diobloan are not inherently evil, quite the opposite in fact. Bearing a slight resemblance to some devils, with their sleek muscular build, small black horns, barbed tails, hooved feet, and purple or red skin. Their eyes are usually a fiery red or deep yellow.
It was their nature, while innocent in and of itself, which caused a lot of commotion and led to conflict with more structured folk that lead to the legends of horrible devils. They live freely and randomly, with glee and little inhibition, while some more immoral or lackadaisical individuals borderlined debauchery, but never quite what the myths have put them. They lived in deep caverns and lived off things that would kill surface folks, and they were staunch polytheist and zealously devoted to their faith, and when the church tried to spread the word of Abel they retaliated fiercely, returning attacks against human villages and slaughtering all they saw. Their religion, lost now to all but the remaining diobloan in hell, was a simple yet harsh nature based religion that required bazaar sacrifices to maintain the health of the community as a whole.
when rah's machine went off it is quite possible that all traces of the diobloan on the remainder of Gaia were erased, only a small number are left in the most inhospitable locals of hell. When they are not trimming the unnecessary from their community and struggling to survive, they like to do strange interpretative dances around large bonfires, and ritual combat is quite common. Yet despite all the collateral bloodshed and grotesqueness of their society they are not cruel or emotionless. Tears are shed for those who must leave, and funerals are held for those who died. Diobloan society is chaotic and seemingly random to others and the church still uses their image and society today to describe all the evil in the world. And with their incredible life spans, some still live today who remember the atrocities on their people, and perhaps one day they will return to Gaia for revenge...
- - - - - - - - - -
Natural weapons: diobloan's hooves and horns can be used as effective weapons, and work similar to unarmed attacks. They must develop the ability to use them, though. They have damage of 30 + str bonus for both their horns and hooves.
Strong immune system: diobloan's can eat and drink things that would kill most others; they get a +35 to their poison and disease resistances. They are also immune to any disease or poison (magical or otherwise) with a level lower than 80.
Chaotic nature: their indomitable will and free spirits give them a +20 against emotion and mind altering effects.
Superhuman characteristics: diobloan are slightly more resilient that most humans and get a +1 to str, wp, and con
Wild side: diobloans get a +10 to style, and +5 more every level beyond 1st
Inhumanity: diobloans can achieve inhuman results on checks
Attention deficit: diobloans have a hard time concentrating for long periods of time and take a -20 to anything that requires them to focus their attention for more than a few moments.
Level modifier: +2
= = = = =
Diobloan nephilim
Not surisingly the rarest of all nephilim, the few recorded born were destroyed for fear of possession, and no two who survived have ever met. They are born with deep red or purple skin and lumps on their forehead where small horns will grow later in life. They also prove difficult to destroy when either the parents panic or the inquisition catches wind of the child. Those born as diobloan nephilim are quickly swept away by samael before they are inevitably killed. And the 2 who survived without samael became insane and destructive monsters.
Retaining their progenitor’s hearty constitution and free flowing mind, these nephilim have estranged lives all around and no two have similar stories. They never dream about their past lives, only of hate and malice, of revenge and destruction. Only those who have help coping with these dreams are truly able to become able individuals and not bloodthirsty beasts. Little is known of these nephilim and much more will never be recovered.
Strong stomach: diobloan nephilim can process and endure much punishment; they receive +20 to their disease and poison resistances. They are also immune to any venom or sickness less than level 50.
Wild mind: while easily distracted, these nephilim get a +10 against emotion and mind altering effects. But they also take a -10 to any action that requires deep or extended concentration.
Increased ability: diobloan nephilim may add +1 to their strength, willpower, or constitution; this must be done at character creation and cannot be changed later.
Immortal soul: -4
was wondering if -4 immortal soul was good, i'v been thinking it sounds too high.

Does anybody know if there are stats for supernatural humans

there are some supernatural humans in the lore but you have to pick Nephilim which is fine by me and I get the whole Nephilim thing rule wise, story wise etc.
So no need for the they are human but with souls of Nephilim etc.
But I would love to have some stats for kick ass humans as a race since I allowed my players to pick a Nephilim race but if they wanted play as a human so no Nephilim traits such as the horns if you pick Jayan etc.

tried to resist but can't...
perhaps super saiyans of some sorts

To brewmaster_vitty:

Dioblans look a bit like a cross between Jayan and Daimah. Usually chaotic beings don't receive bonus, but penalties to their Willpower.

Also is Dioblans are sleek, they shouldn't have +1Str and Con, that actually make them on average BIGGER than humans. Of course you could fix this just by adding an Unnatural Size (-2 or -3).

Although I like Diblans as concept I don't really believe their rules "fix" to much to them. Anyway, -4XP per session is too much for those Nephilims. -3 would be ok.

To Hellion Wolf:

Humans with special powers of course exist...Blood Bond Advantages from Dominus Exxet allow you to make "humans" with very special powers. Also, the Dramatis Personae shows some more "special" abilities a human being might have (read the rules for XII, Romeo, or Alastor).

thanks for the input elric. i have been considering retooling them for some time. the big thing about them is that i want them to have a "tougher than they look" thing going for them. also, their technically one of my favorite 3.0 dungeons and dragons races adapted for anima, with heavy tampering. with those who walked amongst us out now i have quite a bit of inspiration, some better flavor text would help too is suppose.

I don't really know the race you're referring to, so it's hard to evaluate Dioblans correctly. Anyway, if they need that kind of abilities, then they should be like that with just the addition of the Size Modifier.

Nevertheless, they seem to overlap a lot with Daimahs... When deciding to "move" a race to Anima, you should consider that some niches are already occupied by different races. Not all fantasy worlds have the same races, but still you should put whatever you like in your games! Gaming is for having fun, isn't it?

Just created a new race, called Okami. They're Wolf-Men, but their aspect is much human like Daimahs', although they have to cover ears and tail and tend to develop big canines and claws. They come from Vairya so have long story of rivalry with the Daimah, which turned into friendship after humans started to hunt down semi-human races. Although very strong willed and gifted with powerful souls (and amazing smell), they tend to be impulsive and aggressive, which puts them in danger most times, especially now that they need to stay hidden. Nevertheless, they have unique powers that allow them to make blood-freezing howls, withstand blows by sheer will and enpower their attacks with their rage (in a somewhat similar way to how Tai Chi works, although it's really instinctual to them and they manage to apply it to magic and psychic attacks as well). One last note, it seems that Okami have dealt ancient pacts with Tsukiyomi that are much stronger than those dealt by other races, so they benefit much more from her blessings.

Fiery Temper: Okami tend to act passionately and have serious difficulties at restraining their instincts. Okami cannot add their Willpower Bonus to their Composure secondary ability or put any natural bonus on it. They cannot buy Natural Learner for Composure, although if they buy a Natural Learner for the whole Vigor Field, it will affect Composure as well.
Fight Through Soul: Okami can add their Power Bonus to the damage of any attack they make, regardless of its nature.
Natural Weapons: Okami have natural weapons (claws and fangs) with base damage 40. They must learn to use them, as normal.
Oppose Through Will: Okami can deduct their Willpower Bonus from any attack they suffer.
Powerful Smell: Okami have +1Per and they automatically benefit from the Acute Senses (Smell) advantage, without having to buy it. They cannot buy it a second time.
Strong Soul: Okami have +1Wil and +1Pow.
Tsukiyomi’s Children: If an Okami takes the Tsukiyomi’s Blood advantage, he doubles all of its effects and apply it’s bonus to the MR of the Wolf’s Howl.
Wolf Howl: Once per day, an Okami can use his active action to emit a strong howl with mystical effects. All enemies within 100m of the Okami, are affected and must surpass a MR check against 120. If they fail it by less than 40, they become subject to the Fear state, if they fail it by more than 40, they become subject to the Terror state. The effects last for a number of minutes equal to the failure level.
Level Modifier: +2.

Fiery Temper: Okami Nephilims tend to act passionately and have serious difficulties at restraining their instincts. Okami cannot add their Willpower Bonus to their Composure secondary ability or put any natural bonus on it.
Strong Willed: Okami Nephilims have a +1Willpower bonus.
Powerful Smell: Okami Nephilims benefit from the Acute Senses (Smell) advantage, without having to buy it. They cannot buy it a second time.
Tsukiyomi’s Chosen: If an Okami Nephilim takes the Tsukiyomi’s Blood advantage, he will benefit from an extra +5 bonus to its effects.
Immortal Soul: Okami Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.

These days I'm feeling pretty "creative" so expect more stuff to come...

As always, any feedback is appreciated!

Your Okami are very nice. This helps me with my setting I want to run Anima in for my 1 player.

Going to run it using the Palladium setting for their fantasy line -- Palladium Fantasy. With Sylvain and humans, you helped me round it out with Dwarves and Wolf-men [Palladium calls them Wolfen/Wulfen].

I got a request for you, assuming a variation does not already exist -- Orcs?!?!?

I'll work on orks next.

As for the Palladium Wolfen I believe they should have probably improved Str and or Con, since they look much like traditional transformed werewolves.

For Anima I designed the Okami to "make something different" for wolfmen. They aren't stronger, and look much like men (as is for daimah), but their "wolf-nature" makes them able to use great supernatural strength. I decided not to go for the usual Wolfen-styled wolf-man because the "slot" for big and strong badasses is already occupied by Jayan and Duk'Zarist, Vetala (at night), and Tuan Dalyr (at least if you put on Str your race bonus). If you use my races, also Dvergrs, Ah Chiinches and Fafnrs have Str bonus and Homunculi may very well take enough of good Tank races...

I believe probably a transformed Tuan Dalyr with +2Str and +1Agi might be a better approximation of a Palladium Wolfen (it just cannot shift back to human), and if a player asked me to play a werewolf in Anima I'd have him roll such character, but that's my two cents.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment...I'll try working on orks as soon as I have time and good ideas for it.

A couple new things...basically Orks and Trolls:

Barbaric: Regardless of Class, Eldeofol have an increased cost of +1DP in all Intellectual Secondary Abilities, but they have a decreased cost of -1DP to all Athletics and Vigor Secondary Abilities, up to a minimum cost of 1.
Crushing Strength: Eldeofol have a bonus of +20 to Damage inflicted with melee attacks and if they cause a Critical, the level is increased by +20.
Easy Minds: Eldeofol -20PsR.
Green Hard Skin: Eldeofol have a natural AT3 against all attacks not based on energy. This is treated as an additional armor layer that gives no penalties. They also have a Damage Barrier 40 against all physical attacks.
More Brawn Than Brain: Eldeofol have a bonus of +1Str and Con, but suffer a penalty of -1Int and Per. They also benefit from a +2Fatigue bonus. Despite that they aren’t that much bigger than humans and hence have a -1 Size modifier.
Night Vision: Eldeofol halve all penalties for seeing in natural darkness.
Unstoppable: Eldeofol are Without Unconsciousness.
Level Modifier: +2.

Big but Dull: Eldeofol Nephilims benefit from a +1Con bonus, but suffer from -1Int penalty.
Fatigue Resistant: Eldeofol Nephilims have +1Fatigue.
Hard Hitters: Eldeofol Nephilims add +10 to the Damage they inflict with melee attacks.
Hard Skin: Eldeofol Nephilims have a natural AT2 against all physical attacks.
Night Vision: Eldeofol Nephilims halve penalties for seeing in natural darkness.
Immortal Soul: Eldeofol Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.

Honestly I still have not in mind where to place them...supposedly far in the north, probably in the Isles near Hauffmann. They're barbarians...but not as evil and compulsory violent as in other settings. Probably they sometimes have some commercial exchanges with Hauffmanians, but there are probably several tribes that are just happy with ravaging unprotected villages...within a due time, they might come into contact with Hendell too, I guess...

Amphibious: Trolds can move through water with their base movement value and breathe freely in water.
Clumsy: Trolds suffer from a -1Dexterity and Agility Penalty.
Inexplicable Regeneration: Trolds have a fixed Regeneration of 18, regardless of their Constitution. Anyway, they must use their base Regeneration against any damage suffered from Fire or Acid Effects.
Psychic Nulls: Trolds can never have Access to Psychic Powers or Natural Psychic Powers, but they are Immune to the effects of Matrixes with a Potential up to Impossible. This immunity does not apply against Pyrokinesis Powers.
Racial Terror: Trolds suffer from Terror state whenever they witness 3 or more Fire Intensities. If they have the Gift, they can never choose spells from the Fire Path.
Level Modifier: +2.

Aquatic Movement: Trold Nephilims can move through water with their base movement value.
High Regeneration: Trold Nephilims have bonus of +3 to their Regeneration Rate.
Racial Fear: Trold Nephilims suffer from Fear state whenever they witness 6 or more Fire Intensities. If they have the Gift they can never choose spells from the Fire Path and if they have Psychic Powers, they cannot choose powers from Pyrokinesis Discipline.
Psychic Resistance: Trold Nephilims have a bonus of +30 to their Psychic Resistance.
Immortal Soul: Trold Nephilims suffer a penalty of -3XP earned per session.

Trold stay in lakes, swamps and rivers in the New World, where they build villages. They are not evil and do resemble quite well humans, but tend to be much slower and clumsier. Also, their hair is made of a stickyer and more resilient matter, so on closer ispection it's pretty clear they aren't human at all. They're not more vulnerable to fire than normal beings...but fear it since for them it's unnatural being struck by something that leaves wounds that do not regenerate in seconds! For this reason they don't make much use of metals (you fire, no metallurgy), although some villages have possibility to access human crafted equipment.

Elric of Melniboné said:

A couple new things...basically Orks and Trolls:

Barbaric: Regardless of Class, Eldeofol have an increased cost of +1DP in all Intellectual Secondary Abilities, but they have a decreased cost of -1DP to all Athletics and Vigor Secondary Abilities, up to a minimum cost of 1.
Crushing Strength: Eldeofol have a bonus of +20 to Damage inflicted with melee attacks and if they cause a Critical, the level is increased by +20.
Easy Minds: Eldeofol -20PsR.
Green Hard Skin: Eldeofol have a natural AT3 against all attacks not based on energy. This is treated as an additional armor layer that gives no penalties. They also have a Damage Barrier 40 against all physical attacks.
More Brawn Than Brain: Eldeofol have a bonus of +1Str and Con, but suffer a penalty of -1Int and Per. They also benefit from a +2Fatigue bonus. Despite that they aren’t that much bigger than humans and hence have a -1 Size modifier.
Night Vision: Eldeofol halve all penalties for seeing in natural darkness.
Unstoppable: Eldeofol are Without Unconsciousness.
Level Modifier: +2.

Big but Dull: Eldeofol Nephilims benefit from a +1Con bonus, but suffer from -1Int penalty.
Fatigue Resistant: Eldeofol Nephilims have +1Fatigue.
Hard Hitters: Eldeofol Nephilims add +10 to the Damage they inflict with melee attacks.
Hard Skin: Eldeofol Nephilims have a natural AT2 against all physical attacks.
Night Vision: Eldeofol Nephilims halve penalties for seeing in natural darkness.
Immortal Soul: Eldeofol Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.

Honestly I still have not in mind where to place them...supposedly far in the north, probably in the Isles near Hauffmann. They're barbarians...but not as evil and compulsory violent as in other settings. Probably they sometimes have some commercial exchanges with Hauffmanians, but there are probably several tribes that are just happy with ravaging unprotected villages...within a due time, they might come into contact with Hendell too, I guess...

Amphibious: Trolds can move through water with their base movement value and breathe freely in water.
Clumsy: Trolds suffer from a -1Dexterity and Agility Penalty.
Inexplicable Regeneration: Trolds have a fixed Regeneration of 18, regardless of their Constitution. Anyway, they must use their base Regeneration against any damage suffered from Fire or Acid Effects.
Psychic Nulls: Trolds can never have Access to Psychic Powers or Natural Psychic Powers, but they are Immune to the effects of Matrixes with a Potential up to Impossible. This immunity does not apply against Pyrokinesis Powers.
Racial Terror: Trolds suffer from Terror state whenever they witness 3 or more Fire Intensities. If they have the Gift, they can never choose spells from the Fire Path.
Level Modifier: +2.

Aquatic Movement: Trold Nephilims can move through water with their base movement value.
High Regeneration: Trold Nephilims have bonus of +3 to their Regeneration Rate.
Racial Fear: Trold Nephilims suffer from Fear state whenever they witness 6 or more Fire Intensities. If they have the Gift they can never choose spells from the Fire Path and if they have Psychic Powers, they cannot choose powers from Pyrokinesis Discipline.
Psychic Resistance: Trold Nephilims have a bonus of +30 to their Psychic Resistance.
Immortal Soul: Trold Nephilims suffer a penalty of -3XP earned per session.

Trold stay in lakes, swamps and rivers in the New World, where they build villages. They are not evil and do resemble quite well humans, but tend to be much slower and clumsier. Also, their hair is made of a stickyer and more resilient matter, so on closer ispection it's pretty clear they aren't human at all. They're not more vulnerable to fire than normal beings...but fear it since for them it's unnatural being struck by something that leaves wounds that do not regenerate in seconds! For this reason they don't make much use of metals (you fire, no metallurgy), although some villages have possibility to access human crafted equipment.


I get it as a Positive reply!

Seems I can't stop breweing stuff these days...


Who are these? Well...long time ago, before the War of Chaos, an immense alien ship approached the orbit of planet Gaia. Of course Gaira, C'iel and their "underlings" kept an eye on it, but since it didn't seem too aggressive, they let things be for a while. On the other hand, the Powers in The Shadows (mostly the Imperium) tried to eliminate this "threat", but all their attempts to attack the structure were useless. The ship never stroke back, anyway. The truth is the ship was a carrier designed from an alien race from very distant galaxy NOT for military purposes. Actually the people who built it are not gifted with any supernatural power, but the sheer high technology level of such people is enough to withstand the most powerful technomagic or technopsychic attacks. Anyway, not only this ship's crew had some problems during the long travel, and they all died. Also the communication devices broke, so the AI of the ship (which kept looking for a "viable" planet) cannot contact the mother planet. Anyway, once the Planet Gaia was found, the ship (which has an almost infinite and extradimensional power and matter source) moderatedly started sending capsules with developing embrios in it. Powers in The Shadows bombed such capsules before they even hit ground, being smart enough to understand what was in them, so the AI studied the "movements" of their flying citadels and modified its orbit to send capsules in "blind spots". Although successful at first, the AI discovered than when aliens developed on ground, they were almost constantly annihilated by the aggressive local inhabitants, seemingly due to their "diversity". After a pretty long while it spent calculating best chances of survival for the embrios, it came up with the answer that if the embrios were modified to look exactly like the inhabitants of Gaia, it would greatly increase their survivale chances. Unfortunately the process of COMPLETELY modifying an embrio's DNA is VERY long and then again, the AI could only modify them according to what it could "scan", since the ship had no technology to capture and examine well the inhabitants of the planet...more long years of trial and error experiments (made more difficult by the fact that these aliens, being completely color blind did not insert a program for such thing on the AI and it took a while to understand that for some reason if some genes weren't EXACTLY in a certain way, the humanoids were killed instantly...actually because they had violet to green skin...) finally bore fruit and a few capsules sent close enough to human settlements bore children which were adopted and raised by human parents. Since then, the system has much perfectioned the generation programs, granting the alien offspring flawless bodies as well as innate use of Ki and Nemesis (the AI has calculated that as a great fitness advantage). The only other difference between these humans and and the others is their natural proficiency to science (one of the last heritages of their original race, which was not taken away since it didn't seem to reduce survival rates) and very strong social problems (although the alien personalties were already greatly modified, its very difficult to the AI to adjust such parameter, thus they still tend to be quite a bit unfitting in the middle of other people, although environment and uprising can still influence them both positively and negatively as is for any human). Also, some of them have odd eye and/or hair colors, since such level of "strangeness" seems to be tolerated by most humans (and the AI is actually pretty much unaware of it being even a strangeness due to the color blind programmation). Finally, it took quite a lot of time for the AI to taken into account existance of Magic and Psychic Powers and it started very late to experiment such features on its embrios. On top of that, the AI noted that presence of such features (apparently positive) on the offspring seems to reduce, rather than increase, the survival rate (due to persecution) and has hence limited the number of such experiments. Due to all this, those very few alien offsprings that have The Gift/Psychic Powers have very limited access to both. The embrio preparing process, coupled with the necessity to follow particular orbits around Gaia, makes so that the "wannabe colonization process" is completely not working (almost 15 Star Children are born each year on all Gaia and the survival rate to adulthood is still reduced to 1.72 per year), which is the reason why basically Berils and Shajads haven't taken any action against them (they can even synchronize, actually). Also, for some reason, their souls seem unable to get back from the flow of souls as Nephilims, so the Gods have simply decided that their existence is unconsequential to the balance of Gaia. Apart from Powers in the Shadows, Inquisition and Tol Rauko have extremely scarce files on such beings (they don't have a clue about their origins and have great difficulty distinguishing them from "ordinary humans") and that's who calls them "Star Children".

Flawless Structure: A Star Child substitutes any of his characteristics that is under 9 with a 9. Star Children cannot get the following disadvantages: Atrofied Member, Sickly, Susceptible to Poison, Nearsighted, Serious Illness, Mute, Blind or Deafness.

Limited Supernatural Program: Star Children can get Access to a Psychic Discipline and Incomplete Gift advantages, but they cannot gain Access to all Psychic Disciplines and The Gift.

Not from Gaia: Star Children cannot get any Blood Bond advantage.

Technological Prodigy: Star Children add +60 to their final Science Secondary Ability score.

Unfitting: Regardless of Class, Star Children have an incremented cost of +1DP in all Social Secondary Abiliies. They cannot get the Natural Learner advantage for any Social Secondary Ability or for the Social Field.

Utility Programs: All Star Children innately have Use of Ki and Use of Nemesis abilities.

Level Modifier: +3.

NOTE: These Star Children are those born in the human side of Gaia, Star Children born in Khalis and Lunaris have Sylvain and Duk'Zarist "scaffholds", of course, since over there, those scaffholds grant greater survival rate, than human one, so if you want to play a Star Child in an "Infernal" Campaign apply to them all base rules of Duk'Zarist and Sylvain, adding to the 9 base the racial bonus (or penalties for Sylvain) on the statline (so Duk'Zarist Star Children will have a minimum of 10 on stats, Sylvain will have a minimum of 10 on Dex, Agi, Int, and Pow, and a minimum of 8 on Str and Con). Also, add the Star Child Level Modifier to the Sylvain/Duk'Zarist one. Under no condition will a Sylvain/Dukzarist Star Child begin the campaign in human continents on Gaia! Also, those described here are NOWADAYS Star Children. Past Star Children will probably have less advantages (no flawless structure or a reduced version of it, prbably no Psychic Powers or Gift at all, perhaps no automatical access to Use of Ki or Use of Nemesis), while far future Star Children will probably have overcome some of their actual flaws. Always consider, though, that each step of Star Children evolution takes cnturies, when not millenia...

Sorry for this kind of Necroposting, but since I created two new races I believe it was better to put those alongside the others so that they're not spread among more topics.

First are Risen. Not all undead are mindless monsters. Sometimes a person with extremely strong will and powerful motivation dies in the middle of necromantic energies. When the individual awakes in his undead state, it won't remember anything of the previous life, but small details and will have to choose how to "live" its undeath. The resulting creature is called a Risen, a very powerful undead creature, which maintains its mind and objectives. Although the energies that animate a Risen are doubtless "evil", a Risen isn't necessary a malevolent being. These creatures develop exceptional powers compared to other undeads and have a natural tendency to developing and using Nemesis abilities.

Master Undeads: Risen are Undead creatures, hence they have Physical Exemption and Regeneration0 regardless of their Constitution. Risen do not have any ki points and cannot develop any ki Ability. They can still develop Nemesis Abilities and Ars Magna. They may buy Nemesis Points and Nemesis Accumulation Multiples at the same cost as ki points buy ki Accumulation Multiples to fuel their Nemesis Abilities and Ars Magna as if they were ki points or ki Accumulation Multiples. Risen can only affect Undead Creatures with their Summoning Abilities, but benefit from a +20 bonus to all of them. A Risen suffers double Damage from any Blessed attack and is considered as an “evil” creature, regardless of its actual demeanor.
Natural Necromancy: If a Risen has The Gift, he/she gains Natural Knowledge of Necromancy and Necromancy Elemental Compatibility for free. Moreover, a Risen can cast Innate Necromancy Spells with a Zeon cost 10 points higher than normal.
Necromantic Aura: Once reached Level10, a Risen develops an Aura, which it can activate and deactivate at will. The aura will automatically have radius of 5m, and a PhR or MR check difficulty of 100, but the Risen must spend up to 120DPs to buy its effect or effects or to increase the area radius, as if it had Gnosis 30. The check difficulty is increased by one level each following 5Levels. Upon reaching Level18, the character may choose to spend up to 160 additional DPs on it to add an additional single effect and/or increase the radius of effect, as if having Gnosis 35.
Necromantic Touch: Once reached Level5, a Risen develops the ability to add Mystic effect to his her attacks. The effect will automatically have a PhR or MR check difficulty of 100, but the Risen must spend up to 100DPs to buy its effect or effects, as if buying the Creatures Power with Gnosis 20. The check difficulty is increased by one level each following 3Levels. Upon reaching Level17, the character may choose to spend up to 140 additional DPs on it to add an additional single effect, as if having Gnosis 25.
Nemesis Masters: Risen buy all Nemesis Abilities with a 5MK discount. Risen halve (rounding up) all ki costs for using Nemesis Abilities.
Regeneration: Risen may buy Regeneration points as if they were a creature with Gnosis 10. This Gnosis increases by 5 points each 4 Levels, up to a maximum of 35.
Level Modifier: +2.

Faes are the little people. The variability among them is incredible, going from Faeries, to Puk, to Leprechauns, to other countless creatures with few common features: a natural use of Magic, a highened . Needless to say, effects of Rah's Machine were devastating to them. Fae enclaves are nowadays concentrated on small areas corresponding to magic nodes, but recently Faes have been able to exit their secluded area and explore a bit the outside world. A lucky Fae may manage to hide itself inside the backpack of a particularly tolerant wondering party, although traveling the outside world has an enormous risk at the moment.

Enormous Variability: There are no two Faes resembling each other. After rolling for characteristics, a Fae character may lower up to 4 characteristics by -1 (the same characteristic can be chosen up to 3 times) to raise up to 4 characteristics by +1 (the same characteristic can be chosen up to 3 times), within the limits of Very Smalls. Faes are considered Inhuman for all actions based on any characteristic but Strength and Constitution.
Extremely Variable Powers: Faes can spend DPs to buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis0: Natural Weapons, Increased Damage, Increased Critical, Special Trap, Natural Flight, Physical Resistances, Physical Armor, Gliding. Additionally, Faes can buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis20: Additional Attacks, Increased Reaction, Damage Energy, Armor Modifier, Special Attack, Poisonous Attack, Added Mystical Effect, Supernatural Attack, Elemental Attack, Independent Attack, Retarded Attack, Disguised Attack, Reflect Attacks, Natural Distance Weapon, Random Additional Attacks, Damage Reduction, Defensive Style, Shield, Incremented Special Attack, Special Movements, Automatic Transport, Increased Movement, Mystical Flight, Mystical or Psychic Resistance, Immaterial Shape, Elemental Shape, Physical at Will, Innate Magic, Innate Psychic Ability, Metamorphosis, Invisibility and Undetectable, Aura, Special Means of Vision, Supernatural Detection, Special Senses. Finally, Faes can buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis30: Mystical Armor, Permanent Effect, Supernatural Mastery, Natural Magic.
Healing Nature: Faes regenerate 10Life Points per turn, regardless of their Constitution value. This highened Regeneration won’t work on areas where Magic energies are particularly low.
Magic Creatures: Faes always have The Incomplete Gift for free. By spending 1CP, they can get The Gift, instead. Faes never use Necromancy spells. To determine which Theorem the Fae uses roll a d100 on the following table:
1-70 Natural Magic Theorem.
71-90 Shamanic Theorem.
91-96 General Theorem.
97-99 Vodoun Theorem.
100 Onmyoudo Theorem.
Very Small: Maximum Str and Con values for Fae characters is 4, regardless of rolled Characteristics and their Size is always considered as being 2. A Fae character can never raise by non-Supernatural means its Str and Con values beyond 4.
Level Modifier: +1.

Limited Variable Powers: Fae Nephilims can spend DPs to buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis0: Natural Weapons, Increased Damage, Increased Critical, Special Trap, Physical Resistances, Physical Armor, Increased Reaction, Armor Modifier, Disguised Attack, Shield, Special Movements, Increased Movement, Special Means of Vision.
Little Variability: After rolling for characteristics, a Fae Nephilim character may lower up to 2 characteristics by -1 (the same characteristic cannot be chosen more than once) to raise up to 2 characteristics by +1 (the same characteristic cannot be chosen more than once).
Healing Nature: Fae Nephilims add +1 to their Regeneration rate.
Magic Nature: Fae Nephilims must always buy either The Incomplete Gift or The Gift for their normal CP cost.
Smaller: Fae Nephilims suffer from a penalty of -1 to their Str and Con values and have their Size reduced by 2, up to a minimum size of Small. A Fae character can spend CPs to increase its Str and Con values at character’s creation.
Immortal Soul: Fae Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.

Elric of Melniboné said:



Artificial Essence: Homunculi can spend 50 Zeon points per turn to either recover 5 lost Life Points or 1Fatigue Point. Multiply the recovered number of Life Points or Fatigue Points by the Regeneration Rate of the character. Homunculi cannot regenerate Life Points or recover Fatigue by any other mean, but they can transfer or be transferred Zeon as if they had The Gift.


Quick question: if it's necessary to use Zeon to recover injuries, but Homunculi can't have The Gift, how do they recover Zeon? Is it done by buying Regeneration Multiples like a Summoner or Alchemist?

You don't require The Gift to recover Zeon or buy MA. Of course for an Homunculus buying Zeon Regeneration Multiples is BETTER since it's much more proficient than buying MA Multiples. Anyway, as a homerule, I allow both Magic Nature and Superior Ki Recovery to all characters even without the Gift. This was initially made for Summoners, which need such advantages bad, even without having The Gift.

Thanks, Elric. Again, I want to thank you for your contributions to the community. I don't think my Anima game would be half as awesome without Alchemy. Your homebrew makes it feel more "feature-complete".

I can't believe that this hasn't been spammed with praise and adoration. Thank you for creating such varied races, as well as your other homebrew, Elric.

I don't know how much has changed since my last update, so i re-upload all the stuff here.


All Round Resistance: Not only Dvergr benefit from strong health, granting them exceptional resistance against physical injuries, poisons and even some diseases, but they also have an odd natural capacity of opposing magic and particularly strong minds, which are pretty hard to manipulate. Dvergr benefit from a bonus of +25 to their MR, VR and PhR, as well as a bonus of +10 to their PsR and DR. A Dvergr character cannot take the following Disadvantages: Susceptible to Poisons, Susceptible to Magic, Physical Weakness, Sickly, Easily Possessed, Hemophilia.

Amazing Resilience: One of the most distinctive features of the Dvergr race is their exceptional resilience to death and incredible recovery ability that rivals that of Duk’Zarist. Dvergr automatically overcome Between Life and Death checks and benefit from a bonus of +5 to their Regeneration value.

Bonded Souls: The origins of Dvergr are strictly linked to the actions of few deities and this strong bond makes it very hard for Dvergr to synchronize with other entities, although it does not seem to impede them from severing bonds with all deities. Dvergr characters halve their Elan growth and double their Elan loss while synchronizing with any power different their Favored Deities that vary between the Clans. Also, Dvergr from any Clan can synchronize without penalties to Judas Philosophy. Dvergr characters can only take the Elan Advantage for any previously mentioned power depending on Clan.

The Clan of The North’s Favored Deities are: Noah, Shala, Ymir, Sacred Trees, Aytir Valdr, and Aityr Valheim.

The Clan of The East’s Favored Deities are: Michael, Gabriel, Barakiel, The Nexus, Slumbering Gods, and Aityr Valheim.

The Clan of The South’s Favored Deities are: Edamiel, Ishtar, Ades, Slumbering Gods, The Three Beasts, and Aytir Njordt.

The Clan of The West’s Favored Deities are: Abaddon, Zemial, Eriol, The Primeval Gods, The Three Beasts, Sacred Trees.

Common Upbringing: Regardless of social status, all Dvergr in a Clan are trained together and taught almost the same things within their enclaves, during their early upbringing. Hence Dvergr characters apply following bonuses and penalties to their Secondary Abilities that include their Cultural Roots.

The Clan of The North has following modifiers: -10 Acrobatics, +25 Athleticism, +15 Climb, -15 Ride, -20 Swim, +5 Search, +5 Appraisal, -5 Herbal Lore, +10 Memorize, -15 Navigation, -15 Occult, +10 Science, +40 Withstand Pain, +15 Composure, +10 Feats of Strength, +10Disguise, -20 Stealth, +10 Trap Lore, +10 Lock Picking, -20 Dance, +35 Forging.

The Clan of The East has following modifiers: -10 Acrobatics, +15 Athleticism, +25 Climb, -15 Ride, -20 Swim, +5 Notice, +5 Search, +5 Track, +10 Medicine, +10 Memorize, +15 Occult, -15 Navigation, +10 Withstand Pain, +20 Composure, +10 Disguise, +5 Hide, +5 Stealth, -20 Dance, +20 Forging.

The Clan of The South has following modifiers: -10 Acrobatics, +10 Athleticism, +15 Climb, +15 Jump, -15 Ride, -20 Swim, +15 Notice, +10 Search, +5 Animals, +5 Herbal Lore, +5 Memorize, -10 Occult, -15 Navigation, +15 Withstand Pain, +15 Composure, +10 Disguise, +10 Hide, +10 Stealth, +5 Theft, +5 Lock Picking, +10 Trap Lore, -10 Music, -20 Dance, +20 Forging.

The Clan of The West has following modifiers: -10 Acrobatics, +5 Athleticism, +15 Climb, +5 Ride, -20 Swim, +5 Search, +10Intimidate, +10 Memorize, +15 Occult, -15 Navigation, +20 Withstand Pain, +20 Composure, +10 Disguise, +5 Hide, +5 Stealth, -20 Dance, +20 Forging.

Relentless: Dvergr have an exceptional endurance to physical labor and can carry heavy weights with mind-fazing ease. A Dvergr character benefits from a bonus of +40 Wear Armor and has 2 additional Fatigue Points.

Stout Size: Despite their incredibly strong bodies and heavy mass, Dvergr are usually much shorter than average humans. Dvergr apply a modifier of -7 to their Size, and apply the lowest possible height and maximum possible weight for their size. Unfortunately for them, their stout building makes it hard for them to move quickly, hence they apply a penalty of -1Agility, and an extra penalty of -1 to their Movement value. Also their appearance is pretty odd for most other humanoids, hence they are generally considered as suffering from a penalty of -2 to their Appearance Attribute. A Dvergr character can take the Unattractive Disadvantage if having a value of 5 Appearance, having it drop to a value of 3. Dvergr characters can never benefit from the Charm advantage.

Supernatural Bindings: Although few Dvergr are born with supernatural capacities, they are sealed supernaturally by some pacts they dealt in a time long past. Dvergr characters with The Gift, Incomplete Gift, and/or Access to Psychic Powers can only take or change class into one of the following classes depending on the Clan. A Dvergr can never take any Mystic or Psychic Archetype Class except for those indicated below.

The Clan of The North has access to following classes: Earth of Fire Sage, Spellcrusher, Cleric (Noah, Ymir, or Shala), Pantheon Clerics (Aytir Valdr, Aytir Valheim, Lillium, or Judas), Warcaster, Bard, Earth or Fire Elementalist, Technomancer, Golem Master, Golem Warmaster, Mental Earthbender or Mental Firebender, Worldbender.

The Clan of The East has access to following classes: Earth or Water Sage, Saint, Cleric (Gabriel, Michael, or Azrael), Pantheon Clerics (Aytir Valheim, Nexus, Aramense, or Judas), Shieldcaster, Mirrorer, Earth or Water Elementalist, Psymmoner, Gatekeeper, Gate Guardian, Mental Waterbender or Mental Earthbender, Matrix Surfer.

The Clan of The South has access to following classes: Air or Water Sage, Animist, Cleric (Edamiel, Ishtar, or Ades), Pantheon Clerics (Aytir Njordt, Three Beasts, Slumbering Gods, or Judas), Necrocasters, No Face, Air or Water Elementalist, Seer, Breaker, Dragon Summoner, Mental Waterbender or Mental Airbender, Bomber.

The Clan of The West has access to following classes: Air or Fire Sage, Morpher, Cleric (Abaddon, Zemial, or Eriol), Pantheon Clerics (Sacred Trees, Three Beasts, The Primeval Gods, or Judas), Bloodcaster, Sinner, Air or Fire Elementalist, Gambler, Occultist, Shifter, Mental Firebender or Mental Airbender, Psypocalypse.

The Four Clans: Dvergr nowadays constitute four separate Clans that have segregated in distant places in Gaia. These Clans interrupted all communications between themselves and the rest of the world until very recently for an extremely prolonged time, hence they developed highly independent cultures. The Four Clans are: The Clan of The North (located underneath Muspellheim and northern part of Miürenheim’s Mountain Range), The Clan of The East (located in the buried city of Tiz), The Clan of The South (located in the lower reaches of The Lightless Hall), and The Clan of The West (located underneath the Mountain Range of Winds).

Uncommon Physique: Muscles of Dvergr form a compact and extremely powerful structure, sustained by bones which are broader and harder than those of humans. Hence Dvergr benefit from a bonus of +2 Constitution and +1 Strength, and cannot Deduct Two Points from a Characteristic through Disadvantages to lower their Constitution or Strength. Dvergr are considered as having Inhumanity for all that concerns Strength or Constitution.

Level Modifier: +1.


Resistance: +15 Magic, Venom and Physical Resistance. Cannot buy Susceptible to Poisons, Susceptible to Magic or Physical Weakness.

Stout: -1 Movement. -2 Size and cannot increase it using Uncommon Size Advantage. Always have minimum Height and maximum Weight for their Size class. Deduct 1 from Appearance. Can buy Unattractive even if they have 6 Appearance (going to 4 Appearance). Cannot buy Charm Advantage.

Uncommon Constitution: +1 Constitution, cannot Deduct Two Points from a Characteristic Disadvantage to lower their Constitution.

Relentless: +20 Wear Armor, +1 Fatigue.

Immortal Soul: -3 XP per session.



Chitinous Bodies: Ah Chiinches have a natural AT4 against all attacks.

Extreme Tenacity: Ah Chiinches have a +40 bonus to all Resistance checks that would cause them automatic death and all Withstand Pain checks and can keep fighting until their Life Points have reached ten times their constitution below 0.

Eyeless Sight: In order to survive, Ah Chiinches became something completely different from the human beings they originated from. They lack eyes and perceive the world through their antennae. They have the Extrasensorial Vision and Round Vision special rules. They cannot buy either Blind as disadvantage.

Four Arms: Ah Chiinches have a total of 4 arms, meaning they can wield up to 4 weapons, two two-handed weapons, or combinations of those. Attacks with additional weapons suffer the usual -40 Attack Penalty. Ah Chiinches treat he Ambidextrous advantage as a 1-3CP cost one, reducing the Attack Penalty of one additional arm Attack to -10 for each CP spent. Ah Chiinches with the Gift don’t suffer the gestureless casting penalties, as far as they have 2 free hands. Also, Ah Chiinches may employ the additional arms to carry an Enormous size weapon as if their Size class was Big.

Human Size: Despite their great strength, Ah Chiinches are almost human sized, hence they apply a modifier of -2 to their Size class.

Incredible Bodies: The insectoid body structure grants Ah Chiinches with the ability to perform exceptional feats. Ah Chiinches are Inhuman, Without Unconsciousness and Tireless and benefit from a bonus of +2Str. Ah Chiinches can have a difference between Str and Con superior to 2 points. Anyway, their unusual body structure makes so that any attempt to make a Medicine check on a Ah Chiinche from a non-Ah Chiinche character is increased two levels in difficulty, unless the character has spent a long time studying Ah chiinches’ anatomy.

Insectoids: Ah Chiinches are considered monstrous by the standards of any humanoid race and are pretty uninterested in appearance themselves. They’re considered as having Aspect 1 while interacting with any other race. Also any character is considered as having Aspect 5 while interacting with them, including other Ah Chiinches. They cannot buy the Unattractive disadvantage. Also, Ah Chiinches have -100 to all their Social checks, when interacting with other races and cannot buy Charm, Disquieting or Seducer advantages.

Mute: Ah Chiinches’ communication is based on pheromone transmission of messages. Although they are capable of rational thinking, they don’t have any way to reproduce sounds and are therefore considered Mute. All Ah Chiinches with the Gift are considered as having the Unspoken Casting advantage. They cannot buy Mute as a disadvantage.

Level Modifier: +1.


Distaste for Aesthetics: Al Chiinche Nephilims consider all humanoids as having Aspect 5.

Insectoid Stamina: Ah Chiinche Nephilims are Tireless.

Tenacity: Ah Chiinche Nephilims have a +20 bonus to all Resistance checks that would cause them automatic death and all Withstand Pain checks.

Immortal Soul: Ah Chiinche Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.



Armors Curse: Fafnrs cannot wear armors while in their Drakonic form. If forced into an armor, the Fafnr’s body immediately shapeshifts to its human form. If a Fafnr doesn’t want to develop any wear armor ability, he can exchange both his Strength and any Class Bonus to the Wear Armor ability with an equivalent bonus to his Life Points. Fafnrs cannot buy the Use of Armor advantage.

Blood Bonds: Residing apart from the world for most part of history, Fafnrs have developed only a limited number of Blood Bonds. Thus, they can only choose Blood Bonds from the following list: Kagutsuchi’s Blood, Niflheim’s Blood, Rudraska’s Blood, Toa’s Blood, Pandemonium’s Blood (and Shadow Child), Sephira’s Blood, Uroboros’ Blood, Eternal Blood, Natural Weapons (which does not count as a Blood Bond for them), Dragon’s Blood, Demon’s Blood, Avatar’s Blood, Latent Blood. They can also have Lim Sidhe’s Blood, but can only choose Incarnations of heroes that were Fafnrs in their life.

Children of Fire and Ice: Fafnrs only suffer half damage from Fire and Ice effects. Fafnrs cannot buy the Vulnerable to Heat or Cold Disadvantage.

Cumbersome Bodies: The bodies of Fafnr lack some flexibility typical of other humanoid races. Hence they suffer a -10 Initiative penalty and cannot gain any benefit from any Martial Art while in their Drakonic form. Fafnr cannot choose the Slayer class.

Damage Reduction: Fafnrs deduct -10 from Base Damage suffered from any source. Fafnrs may also spend DPs to buy further Damage Reduction from the Damage Reduction Power (they already have the first level), with the limits of Gnosis described in the Increasing Power Section.

Dragon Eyes: Fafnrs can spend DPs to buy Special Perception Creature Powers, with the limits of Gnosis described in the Increasing Power Section, except for Extrasensorial Vision.

Dragon Scales: Fafnrs have an AT6 Physical Armor and an AT4 Mystical Armor. Fafnrs may spend DPs to further buy Physical Armor and Mystical Armor, with the limits of Gnosis described in the Increasing Power Section.

Human Form: Fafnrs can shapechange their form to that of a humanoid being of any race and same sex, but they always assume the same shape. While in Human Form, they don’t have any of their racial powers or restrictions. It takes a full turn shapeshifting from one form to the other and the Size change added to the presence of scales on the Drakonic shape may easily cause dresses to rip. Also, wearing armors inhibits the ability of Fafnrs of reverting to their Drakonic form.

Increasing Power: Fafnrs can buy selected Creature Powers (described elsewhere) as if they were beings with a Gnosis of 20. The Gnosis Limit goes up to 25 at Level6, 30 at Level11, and 35 at Level16. Their actual Gnosis is not affected by this rule and they are always considered as Natural Beings.

Natural Weapons: Fafnrs have natural weapons with a Base Damage of 40 or 60, depending on their Size. Fafnrs must learn how to use them as normal. Fafnrs may spend DPs to buy the following creature Powers that apply to their Natural Weapons, with the limits of Gnosis described in the Increasing Power Section: Increased Damage, Damage Energy, Armor Modifier, Increased Critical, Breakage Bonus, Accumulate Attack, Natural Charge, Defensive Style (which is not cumulative with the Secondary Weapon Defensive Style Module), Shield.

Overwhelming Power: Fafnrs have +1Str, +1Con, +1Pow, +1Wil and +1Per. They are also Inhuman.

Resistant: Fafnrs have +20 to their Magic Resistance and +20 to their Physical Resistances. Fafnrs may spend DPs as creature to further increase these two Resistances, with the limits of Gnosis described in the Increasing Power Section.

Level Modifier: +3.


Children of Fire and Ice: Fafnr Nephilims only suffer half damage from Fire and Ice effects.

Damage Reduction: Fafnr Nephilims deduct -5 from Base Damage suffered from any source.

Will of a Dragon: Fafnr Nephilims have +1Pow.

Resistant: Fafnrs Nephilims have +15 to their Magic Resistance and +15 to their Physical Resistances.

Immortal Soul: Fafnr Nephilims suffer a penalty of -3XP earned per session.



Artificial Body and Mind: Homunculus have a bonus of +3 that can be distributed freely among their characteristics. Choose a Secondary Abilities Field for each Homunculus. All Abilities from that Field start with a base of 20 even without spending there any DPs, and gain a +5 Bonus per Level. This bonus is cumulative with either Jack of All Trades and/or Professional Advantages, although those two are not cumulative between themselves.

Artificial Essence: Homunculi can spend 50 Zeon points per turn to either recover 10 lost Life Points or 1Fatigue Point. Multiply the recovered number of Life Points or Fatigue Points by the Regeneration Rate of the character. Homunculi cannot regenerate Life Points or recover Fatigue by any other mean, but they can transfer or be transferred Zeon as if they had The Gift. The limit of what homunculi can regenerate is dictated by their Regeneration value as normal. When spending Zeon to recover lost Life Points, an homunculus recovers from an amount of penalties equal to that it should recover in one day due to its regeneration value. If Life Points are lost due to a Sacrifice, the homunculus only recovers 5 Life Points per 50 Zeon points spent, regardless of his Regeneration value.

Extraordinary Resistance: Although they cannot develop any ki ability, Homunculi are automatically considered as benefitting from Use of Necessary Energy, Elimination of Necessities and Elimination of Penalties. They also benefit from a bonus of +40 to all Resistances.

Lonely Existence: Homunculi cannot get the Familiar, Henchman, Animal Companion, Shelee Essence, and Great Love advantages. They can never have any Familiar or Shelee.

Soulless: Homunculi do not have any ki points and cannot develop any ki or Summoning Ability, except for Summon which they can only use for Alchemy checks. They can still develop Nemesis Abilities and Ars Magna. An Homunculus can never develop any Elan, except with Edamiel, Ymir, or Judas Philosophy, have any Blood Bond, except for Proxy Azoth, nor take The Gift (or Incomplete Gift), or Access to Psychic Disciplines, although they can receive a Natural Technique, Natural Spell, and/or Natural Psychic Power Advantage. Homunculi are unaffected by any Soul-Related effect as well as the Eyes of Death powers. They’re considered as having Gnosis 0 and Natura 5, but are otherwise unaffected by any Gnosis based power/immunity.

Unnatural Presence: Homunculi are considered as automatically having the Annoying and Disquieting Disadvantage/Advantage that do not count toward their Advantage/Disadvantage limit. They can never receive the Charm, or Great Speaker advantage.

Level Modifier: +2.


Fiery Temper: Okamis tend to act passionately and have serious difficulties at restraining their instincts. Okamis cannot add their Willpower Bonus to their Composure secondary ability or put any natural bonus on it. They cannot buy Natural Learner for Composure, although if they buy a Natural Learner for the whole Vigor Field, it will affect Composure as well.

Fight Through Soul: Okamis can add their Power Bonus to the damage of any attack they make, regardless of its nature.

Natural Weapons: Okamis have natural weapons (claws and fangs) with base damage 40. They must learn to use them, as normal.

Oppose Through Will: Okamis can deduct their Willpower Bonus from Base Damage of any attack they suffer.

Powerful Smell: Okamis have +1Per and they automatically benefit from the Acute Senses (Smell) advantage, without having to buy it, affecting Track Secondary Ability as well. They cannot buy it a second time.

Strong Soul: Okamis have +1Wil and +1Pow.

Tsukiyomi’s Children: If an Okami takes the Tsukiyomi’s Blood advantage, he doubles its All Action Bonus and applies it to the MR Check Difficulty of the Wolf’s Howl.

Wolf Howl: Once per day, an Okami can use an Active Action to emit a strong howl with mystical effects. All enemies within 100m of the Okami, are affected and must surpass a MR check against a difficulty of 120. If they fail it by less than 40, they become subject to the Fear state, if they fail it by more than 40, they become subject to the Terror state. The effects last for a number of minutes equal to the failure level.

Level Modifier: +2.


Fiery Temper: Okami Nephilims tend to act passionately and have serious difficulties at restraining their instincts. Okami cannot add their Willpower Bonus to their Composure secondary ability or put any natural bonus on it.

Strong Willed: Okami Nephilims have a +1Willpower bonus.

Powerful Smell: Okami Nephilims benefit from the Acute Senses (Smell) advantage, without having to buy it. They cannot buy it a second time.

Tsukiyomi’s Chosen: If an Okami Nephilim takes the Tsukiyomi’s Blood advantage, he will benefit from an extra +5 bonus to its effects.

Immortal Soul: Okami Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.



Barbaric: Regardless of Class, Eldeofols have an increased cost of +1DP in all Intellectual Secondary Abilities, but they have a decreased cost of -1DP to all Athletics and Vigor Secondary Abilities, up to a minimum cost of 1.

Crushing Strength: Eldeofols have a bonus of +20 to Base Damage inflicted with melee attacks and if they cause a Critical with a melee attack, the level is increased by +20.

Easy Minds: Eldeofols have -20PsR.

Green Hard Skin: Eldeofols have a natural AT3 against all attacks not based on Energy. This is treated as an additional armor layer that gives no penalties. They also have a Damage Barrier 40 against all physical attacks.

More Brawn Than Brain: Eldeofols have a bonus of +1Str and Con, but suffer a penalty of -1Int and Per. They also benefit from a +2Fatigue bonus. Despite that they aren’t that much bigger than humans and hence have a -1 Size modifier.

Night Vision: Eldeofols halve all penalties for seeing in natural darkness.

Unstoppable: Eldeofols are Without Unconsciousness.

Level Modifier: +2.


Big but Dull: Eldeofol Nephilims benefit from a +1Con bonus, but suffer from -1Int penalty.

Fatigue Resistant: Eldeofol Nephilims have +1Fatigue.

Hard Hitters: Eldeofol Nephilims add +10 to the Damage they inflict with melee attacks.

Hard Skin: Eldeofol Nephilims have a natural AT2 against all physical attacks.

Night Vision: Eldeofol Nephilims halve penalties for seeing in natural darkness.

Immortal Soul: Eldeofol Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.



Amphibious: Trolds can move through water with their base movement value and breathe freely in water.

Clumsy: Trolds suffer from a -1Dexterity and Agility Penalty.

Inexplicable Regeneration: Trolds have a fixed Regeneration of 18, regardless of their Constitution. Anyway, they must use their base Regeneration against any damage suffered from Fire or Acid Effects.

Psychic Nulls: Trolds can never have Access to Psychic Powers or Natural Psychic Powers, but they are Immune to the effects of Matrixes with a Potential up to Impossible. This immunity does not apply against Pyrokinesis Powers.

Racial Terror: Trolds suffer from Terror state whenever they witness 3 or more Fire Intensities. If they have the Gift, they can never choose spells from the Fire Path. Trolds cannot have Kagutsuchi’s Blood.

Level Modifier: +2.


Aquatic Movement: Trold Nephilims can move through water with their base movement value.

High Regeneration: Trold Nephilims have bonus of +2 to their Regeneration Rate.

Racial Fear: Trold Nephilims suffer from Fear state whenever they witness 6 or more Fire Intensities. If they have the Gift they can never choose spells from the Fire Path and if they have Psychic Powers, they cannot choose powers from Pyrokinesis Discipline.

Psychic Resistance: Trold Nephilims have a bonus of +30 to their Psychic Resistance.

Immortal Soul: Trold Nephilims suffer a penalty of -3XP earned per session.



Flawless Structure: A Star Child substitutes any of his characteristics that is under 9 with a 9. Star Children cannot get the following disadvantages: Atrophied Member, Sickly, Susceptible to Poison, Nearsighted, Serious Illness, Mute, Blind or Deafness.

Limited Supernatural Program: Star Children can get Access to a Psychic Discipline and Incomplete Gift advantages, but they cannot gain Access to all Psychic Disciplines and The Gift.

Not from Gaia: Star Children cannot get any Blood Bond advantage, except from Experimental DNA.

Technological Prodigy: Star Children add +60 to their final Science Secondary Ability score.

Utility Programs: All Star Children innately have Use of Ki and Use of Nemesis abilities.

Level Modifier: +3.


Master Undeads: Risen are Undead creatures, hence they have Physical Exemption and Regeneration0 regardless of their Constitution. Risen do not have any ki points and cannot develop any ki Ability. They can still develop Nemesis Abilities and Ars Magna and can have Nemesis Points which they can use instead of Ki points (and buy for the same price) to fuel Ars Magna and Nemesis Abilities only. Risen can only affect Undead Creatures with their Summoning Abilities, but benefit from a +20 bonus to all of them. A Risen suffers double Damage from any Blessed attack and is considered as an “evil-natured” creature, regardless of its actual demeanor.

Natural Necromancy: If a Risen has The Gift, he/she gains Natural Knowledge of Necromancy and Necromancy Elemental Compatibility for free. Moreover, a Risen can cast Innate Necromancy Spells with a Zeon cost 10 points higher than normal.

Necromantic Aura: Once reached Level10, a Risen develops an Aura, which it can activate and deactivate at will. The aura will automatically have radius of 5m, and a PhR or MR check difficulty of 100, but the Risen must spend up to 120DPs to buy its effect or effects or to increase the area radius, as if it had Gnosis 30. The check difficulty is increased by 10 each following Level. Upon reaching Level18, the character may choose to spend up to 160 additional DPs on it to add additional effects and/or increase the radius of effect, as if having Gnosis 35. The aura affects only targets chosen by the Risen and can be activated or deactivated as a Passive Action, although it cannot be activated and deactivated during the same turn.

Necromantic Touch: Once reached Level5, a Risen develops the ability to add a Mystic Effect to his her physical Attacks. The effect will automatically have a PhR or MR check difficulty of 100, but the Risen must spend up to 100DPs to buy its effect or effects, as if buying the Creatures Power with Gnosis 20. The check difficulty is increased by +10 each following Level. Upon reaching Level17, the character may choose to spend up to 140 additional DPs on it to add additional effects, as if having Gnosis 25.

Nemesis Masters: Risen buy all Nemesis Abilities with a 5MK discount. Risen halve (rounding up) all ki costs for using Nemesis Abilities.

Regeneration: Risen may buy Regeneration points as if they were a creature with Gnosis 10. This Gnosis increases by 5 points each 4 Levels, up to a maximum of 35.

Level Modifier: +1, +2 after getting Necromantic Touch if from Fighter, Domine, Prowler or Novel Archetype, otherwise +2 after getting Necromantic Aura.


Enormous Variability: There are no two Faes resembling each other. After rolling for characteristics, a Fae character may lower up to 4 characteristics by -1 (the same characteristic can be chosen up to 3 times) to raise up to 4 characteristics by +1 (the same characteristic can be chosen up to 3 times), within the limits of Very Smalls. Faes are considered Inhuman for all actions based on any characteristic but Strength and Constitution.

Extremely Variable Powers: Faes can spend DPs to buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis0: Natural Weapons, Increased Damage, Increased Critical, Special Trap, Natural Flight, Physical Resistances, Physical Armor, Gliding. Additionally, Faes can buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis20: Additional Attacks, Increased Reaction, Damage Energy, Armor Modifier, Special Attack, Poisonous Attack, Added Mystical Effect, Supernatural Attack, Elemental Attack, Independent Attack, Retarded Attack, Disguised Attack, Reflect Attacks, Natural Distance Weapon, Random Additional Attacks, Damage Reduction, Defensive Style, Shield, Incremented Special Attack, Special Movements, Automatic Transport, Increased Movement, Mystical Flight, Mystical or Psychic Resistance, Immaterial Shape, Elemental Shape, Physical at Will, Innate Magic, Innate Psychic Ability, Metamorphosis, Invisibility and Undetectable, Aura, Special Means of Vision, Supernatural Detection, Special Senses. Finally, Faes can buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis30: Mystical Armor, Permanent Effect, Supernatural Mastery, Natural Magic.

Healing Nature: Faes regenerate 10Life Points per turn, regardless of their Constitution value. This highened Regeneration won’t work on areas where Magic energies are particularly low.

Magic Creatures: Faes always have The Incomplete Gift for free. By spending 1CP, they can get The Gift, instead. Faes never use Necromancy spells. To determine which Theorem the Fae uses roll a d100 on the following table:

1-70 Natural Magic Theorem.

71-90 Shamanic Theorem.

91-96 General Theorem.

97-99 Vodoun Theorem.

100 Onmyoudo Theorem.

Very Small: Maximum Str and Con values for Fae characters is 4, regardless of rolled Characteristics and their Size is always considered as being 2. A Fae character can never raise by non-Supernatural means its Str and Con values beyond 4.

Level Modifier: +1.


Limited Variable Powers: Fae Nephilims can spend DPs to buy the following creature powers as if they were creatures with Gnosis0: Natural Weapons, Increased Damage, Increased Critical, Special Trap, Physical Resistances, Physical Armor, Increased Reaction, Armor Modifier, Disguised Attack, Shield, Special Movements, Increased Movement, Special Means of Vision.

Little Variability: After rolling for characteristics, a Fae Nephilim character may lower up to 2 characteristics by -1 (the same characteristic cannot be chosen more than once) to raise up to 2 characteristics by +1 (the same characteristic cannot be chosen more than once).

Healing Nature: Fae Nephilims add +1 to their Regeneration rate.

Magic Nature: Fae Nephilims must always buy either The Incomplete Gift or The Gift for their normal CP cost.

Smaller: Fae Nephilims suffer from a penalty of -1 to their Str and Con values and have their Size reduced by 2, up to a minimum size of Small. A Fae character can spend CPs to increase its Str and Con values at character’s creation.

Immortal Soul: Fae Nephilims suffer a penalty of -2XP earned per session.