Hi everyone, me and fellow gamers are planning an evening of play, and we're wondering if and how we can add challenge expansions.
Currently we have The Dark Forest and The Terrors of the Tomb available, and if things work out following the plan, it will be a table of 5 (we're all in the late 30s, with full-time jobs and SO, so unplanned hurdles are a real possibility).
As in the Crown of Elder Kings all the blue cards are swapped out to make room for vassals's challenges, it makes sense not to add any other expansion to this deck, to keep the fight for the throne a pressing issue; however, given the relative high number of players, I was thinking of just taking out the blue cards from the base deck and adding the aforementioned two challenge decks including the blue cards, to have a little variety and to "bulk up" the number of possible encounters.
Do you have any suggestion or previous experience with this kind of situation?