Some rules I am unsure of (the transfer of troops, voting)

By Magneman, in Warrior Knights


I've been playing Warrior Knights about 4 times I believe, and loving it. Most of the rules are pretty nailed in, but I'm unsure about certain things. For the sake of clarity, I'm going to enumerate the questions.

Question no.1:

if you use a Mobilize Forces card to move one of your nobles into an area and attack an opposing noble, and you have an unexhausted noble there from before, both can join the battle, but do both of the attackers get exhausted after the combat? Defenders never get exhausted if they're attacked, am I right?

Question no. 2:

Let's say 4 people are attending the Assembly.
An Agenda card says select a baron. Player 1 and player 2 choose baron A. Player 3 and player 4 choose baron B. Player 1 has 7 votes, player 2 has 3 votes, player 3 and 4 both have 6 votes.

Now. This means that player 1 and 2 have a combined total of 10 votes, while player 3 and 4 have 12 votes.

Does the game work in the way that the player with the most votes get to choose (which would be player 1) or will the player with the highest total number of votes in his favor be selected?

Question no. 3:
If you have 2 nobles in the same area (both unexhausted) and you're moving to another area which also contains one of your unexhausted nobles, is it possible to first give some troops to the moving noble from the one in the area the noble is moving away from, and give the moving noble additional troops from the noble in the area the moving noble is moving into, or does it only work between nobles in the same area the noble is moving AWAY from? I'm generally unsure about when you can and when you can't transfer troops between nobles while doing Action cards.

Question no. 4:
If you have an unexhausted noble in an area that contains your stronghold, and one of the opposing nobles also is in the area, is it possible to transfer troops from your stronghold to your noble if you're just attacking the opposing noble in the same area, not moving? (Reffering to the rule about transferring troops when moving).

Question no. 5:
The official FAQ says the following:
"Q: My Noble is sieging a city and takes casualties, such
that he no longer has enough strength to siege the city on
a future turn. Can I have another Noble enter the area and
assist in the siege?
A: Yes, you may have another Noble assist in a siege. You
could even have a different Noble enter the area while the
first Noble leaves, so that a different Noble finishes the
siege. However, if you ever leave the area of the siege
without any Nobles, the siege is lifted."

What does "assist in the siege" mean? Does it mean that the other noble also attacks the city by sieging, so that when sieging, the combined strenght from both nobles are counted?

I previously asked some of these questions at, but after several weeks with no replies I decided to ask here.

Thanks in advance! :)

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