Dice Bag

By demonofturks, in Odds & Ends

Hey everyone! I was interested in making a few chainmaille or chainmail dice bags. Does anyone know how to make one? Also, where can I buy the chains? Please leave links and/or instructions!


I hasn't a clue, nor have I seen any sites. But I can state I'll keep an eye out if I come across any in my many browsin's. Though, I do think a chainmail dice bag would be rather interestin to have.

Now I'm gonna have to check...

Buy one, it's easier :P

I know how to make fabric dice bags as I have three for my dice ^_^ Chainmail I can't help you with though...

how do you make fabric. i'm thinking of supplying a gaming store with them now that i know how to make them.

"if you're good at something, never do it for free"

The joker