Welcome UFS players to the 2009 South Coast Championship also known as the SCC. For those of you who attended last year you might have expected it to be at Megacon in Orlando FL. Sorry but this year it will be at South Fort Myers high school in Fort Myers FL. This is due to the change of a lot of us not knowing on team events and making them official. But after talking with Steve and Paul they will be official for teams and singles for the SCC.
Format: This will be the first regional with set 12 legal to see the full rotation in effect for block 3 and just to see how the Meta will be. So for everyone the following sets will be legal for this event.
Cutting edge
Realm of midnight
Deadly ground
Flash of blades
King of fighters 2006
Flames of Fame
Warriors dream
Shadow war (set 12)
Soul Caliber 4 (set 12)
And various promos and cards from set 7 they must have the 4-point shuriken.
When: April 4th and 5th (Also if anyone is coming in Friday the third contact Chris Kovaz for a possible warm up event.)
14020 plantation road
Fort Myers, FL
What: 2009 South Coast Championship and official regionals.
Friday April 3rd:
Fun free for all day for anyone who comes in early just contact Chris and maybe we will have a special event at 2d10 games
Saturday April 4th
10:00 AM registration 11:00AM start: Official SCC singles ,regionals ,regular swiss format, which will be anywhere from 5-7 rounds depending on attendance and a top 8 cut. Entry fee will be 5.00.
5:00 PM: SCC legacy event where everything is fair game unless its on the official banned list cost will be 5.00 and prize support will be based on the number entries.
Sunday April 5th:
10:00 Am registration 11:00 AM Start: Official SCC Team event regular team format rules and swiss format will be in effect. We will be hoping to do 4 rounds and either a top 8 or top 4 cut. Entry fee will be 15.00 per team. Also to add in an interview with Steve the team winners of this event will be invited to the world’s dinner like the singles winner.
Sealed set 12 all day: For anyone who dropped or doesn’t have a team is welcome to participate in sealed or draft events for set 12 throughout the day so they have something to do.
Additional rules for regionals: Remember to be up to date on any card rulings but we will have judges in attendance for any questions. All events will follow all bans and errata’s from the official ban/errata list.
Why is there entry fee: To cover the cost of our prize kits since our store has to pay for the prize support for this event and some events will be based on sealed product.
Prizes for the official regionals events:
Singles will receive:
0. 8x Custom UFS vitality Counters
0. 1x Card Plaque Trophy for the winner
0. 60x Foiled promos available only to regional participants
0. 8x Regional Promo Packs for Top 8
0. 1x 2008-2009 UFS Regional banner
4x Regional Exclusive UFS Art Prints
Regionals will culminate into national championships, and the World Championships at Gencon. Regional winners will be invited to a UFS Masters Dinner. This event will be held every year at Gencon. Steve, James and I will be there along with all of UFS's former World Champions. There will be a special ceremony recognizing each regional winner, a short speech by Steve, plenty of awesome food and time to swap battle stories.
Prizes for the team event:
Paul told me will have a similar regionals kit but that information will be coming soon. I will be having a plaque made similar to the SCC plaques from 2008 for the winner plus much more.
If you have any questions contact me ckovaz@aol.com.