Hi Gang well i got FOTB for my birthday and i have enjoyed TOI since it came out, but then the Hardcover Book of Scenario came out and the problems really started.
Scenario after Scenario there were misprints and errors on the maps and well lets just stay that a book which was to be playtested as thoroughly as the credits say well i dont believe it.
Don't get me wrong i love FFG for there games i wouldn't own 16 plus title if i didn't like them it just seems to me that the TOI line has alot of problem with rules and errors and one side scenarios. If there short on playtester im sure there are alot of people on the forum that would volunteer to playtest up coming games and scenarios.
I've read some of the forums comments on TOI and there expansions and the common problem is the same Errors,misprints and just plain items that should of been caught in the playtesting part of development.
I would like FFG to comment on this but i know what they would say . "Alot goes in to a game and we only have so much time to develop, design, make and playtest our games, so if a few thing get past we can always make a couple of errata whenever we get around to it ".
Well i would say more but ijust don't think they will listen.