
By dugger, in Tide of Iron

Hi Gang well i got FOTB for my birthday and i have enjoyed TOI since it came out, but then the Hardcover Book of Scenario came out and the problems really started.

Scenario after Scenario there were misprints and errors on the maps and well lets just stay that a book which was to be playtested as thoroughly as the credits say well i dont believe it.

Don't get me wrong i love FFG for there games i wouldn't own 16 plus title if i didn't like them it just seems to me that the TOI line has alot of problem with rules and errors and one side scenarios. If there short on playtester im sure there are alot of people on the forum that would volunteer to playtest up coming games and scenarios.

I've read some of the forums comments on TOI and there expansions and the common problem is the same Errors,misprints and just plain items that should of been caught in the playtesting part of development.

I would like FFG to comment on this but i know what they would say . "Alot goes in to a game and we only have so much time to develop, design, make and playtest our games, so if a few thing get past we can always make a couple of errata whenever we get around to it ".

Well i would say more but ijust don't think they will listen.


dugger said:

Well i would say more but ijust don't think they will listen.

Your right about that, I have sent of emails to FFG regarding when an errata would be put out, and have sent I few questions asking about certain rules and scenarios (the emails have have sent asking these questions were sent from as early as 12 months ago to 1 month agao) I have not heard one word back from FFG (I have resorted to using conflict of heroes rules to clarify terrain issues) so i have decided not to bother looking at ordering anymore titles from them but rather the smaller companies that seem to put out products that have had the time and effort put into them.

Honestly if I had handed in an essay to my lecturer at the quality the FotB was released I would have failed (its not even up to grade school quality with all the errors) Yet we are charged for it ($80 AUD)

I still love the ToI system but it is only really going to shine with user scenarios and projects such as the one brumbar is working on.

There are two unofficial FAQs in this thread. one about FoB and one about design series. And yes, there are lots of none-errated errors. Many of them is actually not about playbalance but about writing. It was probably playtested the way the scenarios were supposed to be played, not the way they were written. But what is worse, many of these error are game breaking. One little missprint or missinterpertation of the rules by the designer and the scenario is completly different.

I feel your pain. I remember how angry and frustrated I was when I wanted to play dungeons created by some of the rpg industries best designers for descent, only to find many unplayable. Witht he 10 page FAQ I feel like I wasn't playing the original designer's idea.

Yes. This is irritating as hell. Cuz the basics rules are realy good. But whats worse, is that FFG dont want to listen. ARG!!! By the way, this happens in game after game after game.

I beleive if days of wonder, GMT, Academy games...etc had ToI we would all be much more satisfied with the support and quaility as these companies seem to provide much more of both of these.