What happens if Dracula tries to Hide in Castle Dracula?
What happens if Dracula tries to Hide in Castle Dracula?
He plays the 'Hide' card face up. The Hunters always know if the old count is at home, regardless of the circumstances.
Anyway the getting of 2 blood would give his location away. And if he doesn't need the blood he should move the hell out from the Castle and hide somewhere else.
We have faced the same situation, but the hide card is specifically designed to look and act like a "normal" location card. Hide is played facedown with an encounter on it, so it appears to the Hunters that he was moving.
We may think a situation like he has send a covered wagon with one of his minions fooling the spies while he is hiding at the catacombs, so hunters are not really sure that he is still in the castle or has moved away. Nevertheless it seems there is a conflic of rules. In this situations I always deal in this way: If a rule is designed for the benefice of the player it should be used for the benefice of the played and let him choose.
Nevertheless it is just my opinion.
The problem is you cannot play an encounter token on the Castillo Dracula. The rules are clear about this, so it would make a hide pretty obvious where Dracula is. Sorry guys!