Wait... what? Shouldn't this be in the Black Crusade forum?
I love "what if" stories on alternate universes where the bad guys are good and the good guys are evil. Thus it came to be that I discovered the Dornian Heresy take of WH40K and I quite enjoyed it. So that got me thinking, can these Chapters fit into Deathwatch? Which led to "If I put them into Deathwatch, would I be a heretic?" which then came to the inevitable conclusion of "If the Imperium allowed them to be re-founded, it wouldn't be heretical at all." And thus I came up with the idea of the Absolusion Founding. Where the 2 Lost Chapters return, marking a prophecy where all of the First Founding Chapters are born again to stand united against blah blah blah you get the picture.
So I researched the chapters history on the various wikis and merged them into their portrayal in the Dornian Heresy (mostly, kinda) to get what you see before you. Please let me know what works and what doesn't. And as always feedback is always welcome!
Emperor's Children: docs.google.com/viewer
Thousand Sons: docs.google.com/viewer
Word Bearers: docs.google.com/viewer
World Eaters: docs.google.com/viewer